Penyimpanan Data Berbasis Web

Sempat beberapa hari yang lalu, secara tidak sengaja saya menghapus semua file saya (3000-an files) yang ada di laptop.  Namun saya ingat bahwa saya menggunakan Dropbox untuk menyimpan semua file tersebut sehingga semua file saya juga ada di laptop yang lain dan di komputer di kantor. Sehingga semua file saya dapat terselamatkan dengan baik.  Dropbox juga membuat saya dapat mengubah file di satu tempat dan tersinkronisasi di tempat lainnya.

Apa sih Dropbox itu?

Dropbox adalah salah satu layanan penyimpanan data berbasis web yang dioperasikan oleh Dropbox, Inc (  Dengan menggunakan dropbox maka kita dapat menyimpan file berbentuk apapun  dan dapat dibuka dimanapun dengan menggunakan akses intenet.  Dropbox dapat dibuka di komputer, laptop, tablet, bahkan di smartphone. Untuk menggunakan dropbox dapat secara gratis atau berbayar.
Selain dropbox, kita dapat juga menggunakan layanan penyimpanan data berbasis web lainnya, seperti Goggle Drive,  Windows Live SkyDrive,, FilesAnywhere, CloudMe, CrashPlan, Egnyte, iCloud, Mozy, SpiderOak, SugarSync, TitanFile, Ubuntu One, Wuala dan ZumoDrive.
Mengingat data kita di komputer adalah penting, maka ada baiknya kita menggunakan layanan penyimpanan data berbasis web, sehingga jika suatu saat secara tidak sengaja data di satu tempat hilang, maka masih dapat terselamatkan.

Service excellent

Secara teori layanan prima hanya dapat dipergunakan secara normatif. Salah satu contoh aplikasi layanan prima adalah pelayanan penyediaan kendaraan agar selalu tersedia jika dibutuhkan oleh berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan. Layanan yang terbaik adalah berdasarkan urutan pendaftaran. Tetapi urutan pendaftaran harus dipilah mana yang penting dan mendesak dan perlu dibedakan dengan yang mendesak tetapi tidak penting (urgent and important, urgent not important, important not urgent). Service excellent akan terlihat dengan jelas jika pihak admin penyediaan kendaraan dapat memantau setiap saat setiap rinci dari pergerakan kendaraan. Prinsip layanan prima adalah setiap pelanggan agar dapat dilayani seprima mungkin sampai dengan hal-hal yang rinci. Yang tidak kalah penting adalah check-recheck apakah semua pelanggan sudah terlayani secara optimal. Last but not least adalah pelanggan dimintakan evaluasi atas layanan yang diberikan. Prinsip terakhir Customer is King. When customer do wrong, comes from bad service planing.

Finger Point

Attached bellow is the material for Pengabdian Masyarakat Untuk Guru SMA/K Jabodetabek Institut Perbanas session, entitled with SITI in Class.


Click here to download.

Open Journal Reference

Dearest friend and colleague,

Perbanas Institute Postgraduate Study Program has made the shortcut for open sourced Journal (free and semi-free) in their website. Check on for detail. Thank you.


Penasehat Akademik

Fokus pelayanan bimbingan bagi mahasiswa adalah mencapai trisukses:
1. Kesuksesan akademik: prestasi belajar, pengembangan pribadi, kematangan intelektual. kematangan emosi.
2. Kesuksesan persiapan karier.
3. Kesuksesan sosial-masyarakat.

bimbingan-dan-bantuan-belajar-_gantina-komalasari_ (1)

bimbingan-individual-dan-kelompok komunikasi-konseling

perencanaan-akademik-di-pt-untuk-kopertis-2011docx (1)

perencanaan-akademik-di-pt-untuk-kopertis-2011-versi-doc (1) (1)


Tujuan Pendidikan

Tujuan pendidikan konon dibagi tiga: “Ranah Kognitif (logika), Ranah Afektif (rasa), Ranah Psiko Motorik.  Untuk ranah kognitif mungkin kita bisa melihat dari meningkatnya kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami dan mengevaluasi atas suatu kasus yang kita berikan di kelas.  Ranah psiko motorik dapat kita cermati dari meningkatnya kemahiran mahasiswa dalam menggunakan beragam program statistik (misal, SPSS).  Tapi bagaimana dengan ranah afektif?  Bisakah kita lihat secara gamblang perihal perubahan sikap mahasiswa ke arah yang lebih baik?

Dewasa ini sudah harus menjadi panggilan kita semua bahwa di saat setiap ngajar, menyisihkan 8 menit untuk selalu menyampaikan pesan moral yang baik dan benar untuk mahasiswa.  Spirit tsb (moral)sebenarnya merupakan salah satu manifestasi roh kompetensi, yakni attitude.  Sayang Jakarta ini betul-betul metropolitan, yang membuat saya di saat sejauh mata memandang terkadang senyum sendirian…Kenapa? Pasalnya, di kelas terucap kata-kata baik nan bijak, namun begitu di saat mengemudi mobil  kala mudik or berangkat ke Perbanas, ada saja umpatan otomatis yang keluar dari bibir dekil saya.  Berdasarkan databased saya, paling sering umpatan yang mencuat kutujukan pada sopir metromini,,dan tadi pagi kuarahkan ke MM 72 (Blok M – Lebakbulus). “Sialan luu, miskinlah seumur hidup !”  anakku (SMA kelas 3) sontak nyelethuk, “nggak usah sampe gitu ngumpatnya paa”.  Sarannya cukup bilang “Dasar…”.  Kita harus memaklumi sopir paa, mereka memang bego, kalo pintar kan tentu mereka nggak jadi sopir!”

Dalam hatiku: “sialan anakku ini, pagi-pagi sok ngasih santapan rohani!”  Tapi jika kuhayati sungguhan, ternyata betul banget saran sulungku itu.  Saya harus konsisten dengan pekerjaan saya, kalau menghendaki mampu merubah tutur kata or budi pekerti anak didik supaya jadi luhur nan mulia, maka sayapun harus bisa merubah kebiasaan diri yang tidak terpuji.  Jangan hanya gara-gara ngumpat itu bebas pajak, maka umpatan itu diobral begitu saja, tentu kita semua ingat bahwa yang sifatnya obral itu terkesan murahan. Padahal sejatinya, umpatan itu selain murahan juga kampungan.

The IoT (Internet of Things) in Banking

The IoT (Internet of Things) in Banking

The term Internet of Things or widely known as the IoT has been introduced and mentioned so many times in different medias across the globe for the last couple of years. It was first presented by the Massachusets Institute of Technology and up to this day the vision has really come to light. Yet, some of us may not yet understand the concept or objective of the term itself.

The easiest explanation to describe the main concept of IoT is actually the ability to connect all things, that include devices, systems, and services that goes so they would operate together, sharing data, information and services enabling the automation in any fields for human being. Another way to describe IoT is the condition in which all electronic devices are connected to each other and they are accessible through the Internet. This is the same as saying that we can control our washing machine or refrigerator at home using our smart phone or smart watch.


Image taken from:

The IoT concept itself is anything but new since it has been discussed since 1982 at the Carnegie Melon University, which was known as the concept of network of smart devices. Nevertheless, the realization of the concept was first took place in the year 1999 along with the growth of Internet. As Gartner predicts that by the year 2020 there will be nearly 26 billion devices connected to each other, the IoT concept now starting to take it’s real shape instead of just being a dream.

Consumer is actually the core of the IoT revolution. As we know, the Internet and technology have become part of today society daily life style and activities. People love to get engage using various types of channel and also share their thoughts through social media. These people who to many industries are customers expect prompt service and responses to their queries and complaints, and when they don’t get it they turn to the crowd for recommendations. Along with the increase of these activities, data that will be available from the Internet will definitely grow significantly. Accordingly, consumer expectation for high quality services from the businesses they choose would drastically boosting.

Banks already have an privileged amount of data on customers and when we layer on top the additional information the IoT will give, banks should be able to analyze and use that to anticipate its customers’ needs and, unprompted, deliver relevant solutions, services, advice and insights.

Mark Dangerfield oversees the implementation of a lot of Westpac New Zealand’s digital innovations and he sees possibilities for both consumers and businesses and the way they connect with their bank. “Through IoT, we’re no longer constrained to just the tasks of banking, we can now consider all aspects of our customer’s lives and develop solutions that can help them,” he said.

In an enlightening paper, management specialist Accenture forecasts this example as the new reality in less than five years:

Yumi Sato needed to take her car to the mechanic. Her car flashed an alert on its dashboard while she was on her way home from work. She wondered how she’d pay for the expensive motor repairs.

Arriving home, Yumi pulled out her phone and opened her bank app. At a glance, she could see the budget would be tight. Her bank continuously pulled data from her smart fridge, electric meter, water tank and other appliances, her smartphone’s digital wallet — and even her car — to provide a real-time snapshot of her spending, saving and budget activity.

As she looked over the figures, an alert from her bank popped up on-screen. The bank knew her car needed repairs — and here it was with two mechanics’ quotes and available appointment times. As though reading her mind, the bank also provided Yumi with suggestions on how to finance the repair: she could find the funds by reducing her vacation savings for six months, or raise her credit card limit by the amount of the repair. The bank had factored in the latest reduction in her auto insurance, based on the car’s recent data about her driving habits.

Yumi decided she could stay a bit closer to home for this year’s vacation, checked her calendar and booked the repair. Instantly, the screen updated her vacation fund goal.

Recent findings in the United States by the reputable Pew Research Centre also show that many believe the IoT will transform our lives within a decade aided by wearable technology monitoring our activity and health.

Vector design for wearable technology

Image taken from:

For banks in particular, wearable technology is seen as providing an immediate opportunity. Wearables could allow new forms of security and authentication (fingerprints, heart beats, DNA) while it also has potential for messaging. Alerting someone of an account being compromised or seeking confirmation of a large withdrawal is bound to get picked up a lot quicker by a customer through a vibration on a wrist device then waiting for someone to respond to a text or email.

In conclusion, the IoT is happening, and when we relate it to the banking industry it is definitely proceeding as well. However, the million dollars question is: are our local banks ready to adopt and make use of the technology and compete with overseas banks in the 2015 AEC era?






IT Leaders Want To Hire Chief Data Officers This Year

sumber, URL:

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 61% CIO (Chief Information Officer) organisasi besar menginginkan untuk merekrut CDO (Chief Data Officer) dalam 12 bulan ke depan. (PELUANG dan TANTANGAN).Business intelligence

Kebutuhan para ahli IT saat ini bernuansa global, sangat dimungkin IT Leaders, CIO dan saat ini CDO akan menduduki posisi penting di perusahaan besar baik Nasional maupun Internasional. Sangat diharapkan pendidikan IT di kampus dapat mengadopsi permintaan tenaga IT yang besar, tidak hanya keahlian teknis tetapi juga keahlian manajerial nantinya di perusahaan tersebut. Maka seyogyanya para pendidik IT juga memberikan contoh-contoh dan pengalaman kerja saat mereka ada di Project, Data Analitic merupakan pekerjaan besar dan membutuhkan keahlian analisis data yang tinggi untuk meghasilkan informasi yang baik, benar, akurat, aman dan cepat.

Akuntansi Manajemen

Anggoro Dwi Putra (1111000036)



Teaching or lecturing well is not possible without adequate preparation. Indeed, there are several teachers or lecturers, who are able to wake up, to wash my face, and instantly to be able to teach it well. However, it seems not much teachers or lecturers look like it. There are some lecturers who come to the class without any preparations. Yes, they know the materials that they teach. For some lecturers, the materials will always be the same from time to time, on the other hand other are motivated to dig out new teaching materials and methods. Preparation well before teaching is a form of a lecturer to respect himself and his students. Although teaching for only 100 minutes in a class, it is possible for some lecturers to prepare themselves for more than two hours, or even two days.

Why does a lecturer need more than two hour preparation? Although one of the tasks of teaching faculty, it does not mean that a lecturer knows all that will be lectured or taught for a long time. Science continues to evolve. Some even develops very fast. To participate in this development, and provide relevant for students, the lecturer must always learn. In wikipedia, human learning may occur as part of education, personal development, schooling, or training. It may be goal-oriented and may be aided by motivation. The study of how learning occurs is part of educational psychology, neuropsychology, learning theory, and pedagogy. Learning may occur as a result of habituation or classical conditioning, seen in many animal species, or as a result of more complex activities such as play, seen only in relatively intelligent animals. Therefore, it could be stated that learning needs motivation so that it can be a habit for the learner. A lecturer, it goes without saying, has to learn and provide himself with his teaching materials before he stands in front of his class. In fact, without having and mastering teaching materials properly, the quality of learning in the classroom does not seem to be the maximum.

It is strange if there is a lecturer teaching a course not relating his materials with the nowadays condition. The transparency of the material in class becomes more with the ideas of information technology development. Lecturers can be stated failed and old-fashioned if he does not use the nowadays materials. Preparation of a lecturer in teaching can be done in many ways. First, most of lecturers usually read textbooks that record the development of the latest science to be taught. Books are often not sufficiently advanced, sometimes a lecturer needs to be equipped with a scientific journal. A lecturer should prepare teaching materials that can be absorbed by the student. This material may include textbooks, hands-out, slide presentations, or journal / parts books / magazines scientific / other relevant materials. This material will greatly assist students in understanding the course content.

Moreover, a lecturer should prepare scenarios in the classroom. This scenario is not to be written, but how time is used in the classroom, how students are involved in the process, and how the teaching materials supplied, must have been unthinkable. But if a lecturer wants to write, it will be very good and help to transfer knowledge to his students. This becomes very important, if a lecturer says that he applies a student-centered learning.

The use of easily understood language also needs to be considered. A lecturer should remember that not all students come to the class with the same maturity level. There are lots of examples about leveling in education, they are level of knowledge, level of abilities, etc. In Perbanas Institute situation, for instance, an English lecturer usually teaches in a class that consists of 40 students. They have different levels of English ability. Perbanas Institute, likes other levels of education in Indonesia, does not want to put its students according to the students English language abilities. Therefore, an English language lecturer must work harder, for example, he must be able to deliver the materials by using simple language, even some other lecturers use Indonesian language in order to make the students understand the materials taught. Here, it can be stated that a class is unique and the teaching methods used cannot be the same from one class to another class. The materials can be the same but the way how a lecturer to deliver the materials in a class is an art. That’s why some says teaching is an art.