
E-learning merupakan student centered learning, mahasiswa dituntut untuk mempelajari dengan serius mata kuliah yang diajarkan melalui internet, karena pada akhir sesi ada kuis yang harus dijawab. Bahan kuis tersebut berasal dari pengajaran yang telah disampaikan.

Sistem ini bisa disampaikan secara blended, dicampur antara e-learning dengan tatap muka, bisa juga dengan full e-learning. Institut Perbanas dalam tahap ini membolehkan dosen mengajar e-learning secara full, namun UTS dan UAS harus dengan tatap muka di kelas.

Alamat e-learning Institut Perbanas  http://elearning.perbanas.id/


Apa itu e-learning?


ELearning-prof Eko


Dasar hukum e-learning

Permen 24 tahun 2012 PJJ

permen_tahun2013_no.109 PJJ


Panduan e-learning

Buku Panduan Pengembangan KDITT (Draf 17 Januari 2014)

Moodle Course Design Best Practices 2014


Cara menjalankan e-learning

User Manual – Dosen

Mengirimkan Notifikasi ke Mahasiswa (1)

panduan-E-Learning UAI

Membuat Quiz E-Learning

Template Soal Quiz Multiple Choice

User Manual – Mahasiswa


Rabu, 11 Februari 2015 diadakan pelatihan e-learning kepada para dosen serta administrator.

E-learning1 E-learning2

Selamat buat penerima hibah penelitian DIKTI

Pengumuman hibah penelitian Dikti untuk tahun 2015 batch 1 dan bacth 2 dapat dilihat di http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id/. Alhamdulillah dan puji syukur beberapa teman-teman dosen Perbanas Jakarta menerima hibah ini. Selamat buat Bapak Harya Damar Widiputra (Penelitian Strategis Nasional), Ibu Lucia Sri Istiyowati (Penelitian Hibah Bersaing), Bapak Eduardus Suharto (Penelitian Dosen Pemula), dan Bapak Dwi Atmodjo (Penelitian Dosen Pemula).

Sekali lagi selamat buat teman-teman, semoga menularkan semangat meneliti untuk yang lain.



Root CA: Menjaga Rahasia Negara dari Mata Usil

Penulis: IGN Mantra – detikinet, Perbanas Institute.


Jakarta – Pagi itu, di gedung Auditorium BPPT Thamrin, Jakarta, ada tonggak sejarah bagi Indonesia. Pasalnya, di tempat itu diluncurkan Root CA – Root Certificate Authority yang dilakukan oleh Dirjen Aptika Kementerian Kominfo Bambang Heru Tjahyono bersama lembaga pemerintah lainnya.

Root CA adalah wadah dan fasilitas Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption yang disediakan oleh pemerintah — dalam hal ini Direktorat Keamanan Informasi — sebagai penyedia layanan yang dapat digunakan oleh pemerintahan lainnya seperti pemerintah pusat, pemda dan kementerian lainnya yang akan melakukan pengiriman data dan informasi penting baik internal maupun external yang bersifat rahasia/confidential.

Layanan ini bersifat gratis dan sementara hanya dapat digunakan oleh unsur pemerintah. Root CA nantinya akan membawahi CA-CA yang telah ada dan telah digunakan oleh pemerintah, bukan menggantikan tetapi lebih banyak kepada mengatur dan berkoordinasi agar tidak tumpang tindih dalam menggunakan dan melakukan transaksi elektronik.

Lanjut ….
sudah dimuat di detik.com : 09 Desember 2015, penulis : IGN Mantra
sumber URL :

IT Infrastructure Library FOUNDATION V.3 bagian 1


The topics covered are:
• Service Strategy
• Service Design
• Service Transition
• Service Operation
• Continual Service Improvement
• How these topics interrelate

Business and Information Technology
• Information has become a value in itself
• IT aids existing businessses by increasing efficiency and effectiveness
• IT enables new types of business

What is Information Technology (IT) ?
• The meaning of IT changes with context:
– IT as an Organization
– IT as a Component
– IT as a Service
– IT as an Asset

Why is IT IL Successful ?
• Common Framework
– practical approach to service; unites all areas of IT service provision towards delivering value to the business
• Vendor Neutral
– applicable in any IT organization; not based on any technology patform or industry type
• Non Prescriptive
– applicable, useful and relevant to all types of service organizations, service providers, sizes of enterprises, technical environment and public or private sectors
• Best Practice
– represents the experiences and thought leadership of the worlds best in class service providers.

Stakeholders in service management
• there are also many stakeholders external to the service provider organization, for example:
– customers, those who buy goods or services
– users, those who use the service on a day to day basis
– suppliers, third parties reponsible for supplying goods or services that are required to deliver IT sevices

Organizing IT Service Management- Process Diagram

Process Characteristics
• Measurable
• Specific result
• delivers to customers
• reponds to a specific event

Organization Structure
• Function
• Role

RACI Model

• Raci model will be beneficial in enabling decisions to be made with pace and confidence .
• Raci is an acronym for the four main roles of :
– responsible : the person or people responsible for getting the job done
– accountable : only one person can be accountable for each task
– consulted : the people who are consulted and whose opinions are sought
– informed : the people that are kept up to date on progress





• The systematic and comprehensive recording of financial transactions pertaining to a business. Accounting also refers to the process of summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions. The financial statements that summarize a large company’s operations, financial position and cash flows over a particular period are a concise summary of hundreds of thousands of financial transactions it may have entered into over this period. Accounting is one of the key functions for almost any business; it may be handled by a bookkeeper and accountant at small firms or by sizable finance departments with dozens of employees at larger companies.

• Accounting, or accountancy, is the measurement, processing and communication of financial information about economic entities.[1][2] Accounting, which has been called the “language of business”,[3] measures the results of an organization’s economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users including investors, creditors, management, and regulators.[4] Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms accounting and financial reporting are often used as synonyms.

• The bookkeeping methods involved in making a financial record of business transactions and in the preparation of statements concerning the assets, liabilities, and operating results of a business.

• The person in charge of accounting is known as an accountant, and this individual is typically required to follow a set of rules and regulations, such as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

• The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business. Accounting allows a company to analyze the financial performance of the business, and look at statistics such as net profit.

• Practice and body of knowledge concerned primarily with
1. Methods for recording transactions,
2. Keeping financial records,
3. Performing internal audits,
4. Reporting and analyzing financial information to the management, and
5. Advising on taxation matters.
Referensi :

Read more: http://www.investorwords.com/48/accounting.html#ixzz3Qa6vXFP3

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/accounting.html

How Green is Your Computer?

How green is your computer doesn’t mean that your computer color is green (sure it is not my fav color :D), but concerned about our behaviour using ICT. The concept of Green ICT has been applied since the 1990’s with the Energy Star label for electronic items that have passed the test as energy-efficient appliances. Although many studies that provide concepts and approaches for adopting Green ICT within the company, still it is necessary to create a framework, which provides concrete steps to implement Green ICT in the organization. This short article will discuss the background of the emergence of the concept of Green ICT, as well as the motivation of what drives organizations to adopt Green ICT in their companies. I’ll share to you this idea to build awareness about Green ICT, and also simple examples that can be implemented in our daily activity.

Challenge the use of ICT systems would not only in terms of cost, but also the impact on the environment. The increase of electricity cost and company awareness to manage the environment better, be part of the reason for the company to find strategies to reduce the cost of electrical energy consumption in their ICT systems, as well as make the system become more friendly to the environment (Hodges and White, 2008). The fact that the ICT system has a direct adverse impact on the environment can not be avoided, but on the other hand, ICT systems have become part of a modern society that certainly can not be granted or terminated. The adverse impact is increasing the carbon emissions from the use of ICT equipment. So that it appears a variety of ideas for innovation and development of various elements of ICT systems that have minimal impact on the environment. Various ways and this approach are then known as the Green ICT (Banerjee et al, 2013).

The main impact of ICT systems is arising from the use of ICT systems, and from ICT equipment garbage that has not been used anymore (Alena & Libor, 2012). The impact of the use of ICT is the carbon footprint generated from electricity consumption. So that one of the main goals of Green ICT is to provide solutions for companies in reducing the cost of electricity consumption, and also help reduce carbon emissions that adversely affect the environment (Murugesan et al, 2013). Currently, the carbon emissions from ICT infrastructure and systems still accounts for about 2-3% of the causes of greenhouse gas emissions as a whole (Gardner, 2007 in Banerjee et al, 2013, Suryawanshi & Narkhede, 2013). However, if not controlled, the carbon footprint will be able to increase with the increased adoption of ICT in all aspects of life, especially in developing countries. Even the technological innovation of ICT such as cloud computing and data center also has the potential to contribute this risk increases in carbon emissions (Murugesan et al, 2013). Increasing the number and size of the data center and cloud computing development is triggered by a variety of business processes and applications that can be accessed using the Internet media. Besides appearing latest servers that use multiple processors, so that accounts for more power. The heat generated by these processors, demanding cooling system work harder, so it will add electrical energy consumption significantly. The second impact of ICT systems is the problem of waste disposal of ICT equipment that is not reused. Electronic components and chemicals from the equipment will pollute the environment and are not easy to be recycled. Neither the impact of carbon emissions and waste problems is what makes the concept of Green ICT is very significant to immediately apply (Alena & Libor, 2012).

Here are the simple stephs using Green ICT in our daily activity.
Recycle and Reuse
Each company has a regular schedule to perform the replacement of ICT components (hardware or software). Replacement is done periodically, or wait until the condition of these components can not be reused, or can no longer meet the needs of the company. But sometimes the replacement is done too quickly, especially for software, because the speed out the latest software version. To overcome this, then during the process of updating the system (hardware and software) can be considered to not do a whole replacement. Eg by maintaining hardware can still function properly, and the software still has the support of the vendor.

Disposal of ICT System
At the end of the ICT equipment will be disposed of when physically been damaged or have been unable to function. Thus need to be considered garbage disposal due to ICT systems (electronic waste or e-waste). In order not to pollute the environment then the garbage can be sent to the e-waste management company.

Printing and Consumables
The printer is the amount of equipment that is widely used in the enterprise, uses the electric power inefficient, because when idle, the printer still uses power. In addition, the printer also uses paper and ink, which in the manufacture of paper and ink have an impact on the environment. And waste paper and ink to give a bad impact on the environment too. There needs to be setting the number of the printer (printer sharing mechanism), paper consumption wisely, and distribution of data in softcopy can reduce this risk.

I hope this short article about Green ICT can build our awareness to use ICT more wisely. GBU.

Alena, Buchalcevova and Gala Libor. Green Ict Adoption Survey Focused On Ict Lifecycle From The Consumer’s Perspective (SMEs). Journal Of Competitiveness Vol. 4, Issue 4, Pp. 109-122, December 2012 ISSN 1804-171x (Print), Issn 1804-1728 (On-Line), Doi: 10.7441/Joc.2012.04.08
Banerjee, Snehasish, Et Al. “Motivations To Adopt Green Ict: A Tale Of Two Organizations.” International Journal Of Green Computing (Ijgc) 4.2 (2013): 1-11.
Brennan, David and Graeme Philipson. “What Is Green It? Why Now?”. Commsday Melbourne Congress, 14 October 2009
Chen, A.J.W, Boudreau, M., and Watson, R.T. Information Systems And Ecological Sustainability. Journal Of Systems And Information Technology 10(3), 186-201. 2008.
Hodges, Richard, and W. White. “Go Green In Ict.” Green Tech News .2008.
Molla, Alemayehu, and Ahmad Abareshi. “Green It Adoption: A Motivational Perspective.” Pacis. 2011.
Murugesan, San dkk. “Foresting Green It”. IEEE Computer Society, IT Pro Edisi January/Pebruari 2013.
Murugesan, San. “Harnessing Green It: Principles And Practices”. Ieee Computer Society, It Pro Edisi January/Pebruari 2013.
Shelly, Gary B. Dan Misty E. Vermaat. “Discovering Computing 2010: Living In A Digital World”. Cengage Learning, 2010.
Philipson, Graeme. “A Green ICT Framework: Understanding And Measuring Green ICT”. Connection Research, 2010
Suryawanshi, Kavita, and Dr. Sameer Narkhede. Evolution Of Green ICT Implementation In Education Sector: A Study Of Developed And Developing Country. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013), Pp. 91-98
Visser, Joost. “What Can Be Green About Software”. Workshop Green Software Architecture – Green It Amsterdam And Sig, 2011


Mungkin sebagian orang sudah mengetahui apa itu  SPAM, nah bagi yang belum mengetahui apa dan bagaimana  penanggulangan SPAM…… informasi berikut ini mungkin dapat membantu memberi pemahaman mengenai SPAM.

SPAM atau yang biasa disebut juga dengan junk mail, adalah email yang tidak diinginkan oleh pengguna fasilitas komputer dalam bentuk surat elektronik (email), Instant Messaging, Usenet, newsgroup, blog, dll. SPAM tidak diinginkan oleh pengguna komputer karena SPAM biasanya berisi iklan dari perusahaan yang mengakibatkan ketidaknyamanan bagi para pengguna web. Biasanya, SPAM akan dirasa mengganggu apabila jumlah email atau lainnya dikirim dalam jumlah yang banyak / besar.

Spam ini biasanya datang bertubi-tubi tanpa diminta dan sering kali tidak dikehendaki oleh penerimanya. Beberapa contoh lain dari spam ini bisa berupa pos-el berisi iklan, surat masa singkat (SMS) pada telepon genggam, berita yang masuk dalam suatu forum kelompok warta berisi promosi barang yang tidak terkait dengan kegiatan kelompok warta tersebut, spamdexing yang menguasai suatu mesin pencari (search engine) untuk mencari popularitas bagi suatu URL tertentu, ataupun bisa berupa berita yang tak berguna dan masuk dalam suatu blog, buku tamu situs web, dan lain-lain.

Dampak buruk dari adanya SPAM antara lain :

  1. Terbuangnya waktu, untuk menghapus berita-berita yang tidak kita inginkan
  2. Harddisk menjadi penuh, harddisk penuh mengakibatkan mail server tidak dapat menerima email lainnya.
  3. Menghabiskan Pulsa Telepon / Bandwidth, dengan terkirimnya email yang tidak kita inginkan dalam jumlah besar, akan menghabiskan bandwidth (yang menggunakan Dial Up ke ISP) dan mengganggu layanan lainnya yang lebih penting
  4. Virus dan Trojan, Kemungkinan adanya Virus atau Trojan yang menyusup didalam SPAM

Cara Kerja SPAM

Para Penyebar SPAM biasanya juga menggunakan mail server orang lain, juga alamat e-mail yang bukan menunjukkan identitas pemiliknya dalam artian alamat e-mail tersebut memang benar ada tapi si pengirimnya bukan yang punya. Mengirim e-mail menggunakan alamat e-mail seperti diatas, sangat dimungkinkan karena protokol SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) yang digunakan dalam pertukaran e-mail tidak pernah memverifikasi alamat e-mail dengan alamat IP-nya. Artinya, orang bebas mengirim e-mail dari manapun (dari alamat IP apapun) dengan menggunakan alamat e-mail siapapun.

Penanggulangan SPAM

Pada dasarnya SPAM tidak dapat kita hapus, tetapi ada beberapa cara yang dapat mengatasi masuknya SPAM. Sampai saat ini,belum ada satupun cara untuk menghilangkan SPAM, yang ada adalah mengurangi SPAM. Cara yang banyak digunakan saat ini adalah mengotomatisasikan proses pemilahan antara e-mail SPAM dan yang bukan SPAM dengan menerapkan teknologi filter.

Adapun hal-hal lain yang dapat membantu mengurangi SPAM adalah :

  1. Jika mungkin, gunakan e-mail lain (selain e-mail untuk bisnis) sewaktu berkorespondensi untuk hal-hal di luar bisnis, misalnya mailing list. Banyak penyebar SPAM yang menggunakan alamat dari mailing list untuk melancarkan aksinya.
  2. Aktifkan anti-virus dan personal Firewall pada PC. Kebanyakan SPAM pada saat ini yang mengandung virus atau Trojan yang dapat menggangu sistem pada PC dan jaringan. Biasanya, program Trojan tadi digunakan untuk menyebarkan e-mail SPAM ke alamat lain yang tercantum pada address book.
  3. Aktifkan anti-relay atau non aktifkan relay sistem pada server e-mail. Cara ini untuk memastikan bahwa e-mail server kita tidak dijadikan sasaran untuk tempat transit e-mail SPAM. Untuk mengetahui apakah mail server kita menerima relay dapat dicek melalui www.abuse.net/relay
  4. Gunakan fitur dalam program e-mail yang dapat mengelompokkan e-mail. Program e-mail seperti Microsoft Outlook dan Mozilla Thunderbird dapat mengelompokkan e-mail seperti mengelompokkan e-mail dari internal, dari rekanan dan sebagainya. Dengan pengelompokan ini, walau tidak mengurangi SPAM sama sekali, kita dapat melakukan prioritas dalam membaca e-mail, dan e-mail yang penting tersebut tidak tercampur baur dengan SPAM e-mail.
  5. Terakhir dan yang PALING PENTING untuk Anda lakukan adalah Jangan lupa untuk selalu membaca setiap Kebijakan Privasi (Privacy Policy) dan Ketentuan Penggunaan (Term and Condition) pada setiap situs web yang Anda datangi.


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