Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal

SPMI PTS Feb 2016

  1. Peta Masalah dalam Akreditasi Program Studi Berdasarkan Hasil Penilaian Akreditasi Peta Masalah dan Bimtek – Feb 2016
  2. Kebijakan  Nasional Sistem  Penjaminan  Mutu  Pendidikan  Tinggi 1 Kebijakan Nasional SPM Dikti – Februari 2016
  3. Kebijakan  Nasional Sistem  Penjaminan  Mutu  Internal  3 Kebijakan Nasional SPME atau Akreditasi Februari 2016 2 Kebijakan Nasional SPMI – Februari 2016.compressed
  4. Kebijakan  Nasional Sistem  Penjaminan  Mutu  Eksternal  atau  Akreditasi    3 Kebijakan Nasional SPME atau Akreditasi Februari 2016


Skripsi atau tugas akhir adalah kegiatan penelitian  yang dilakukan mahasiswa dimana dalam kegiatan tersebut harus memenuhi kaidah dan metode ilmiah secara sistematis sesuai dengan otonomi keilmuan dan budaya akademik, sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam  Permenristek No. 44 tahun 2015 pasal 46. Bagi Perguruan tinggi  skripsi/ Tugas akhir ini dijadikan salah syarat kelulusan kesarjanaan seorang mahasiswa, walaupun mahasiswa tersebut telah lulus semua mata kuliah dengan IPK diatas 3,5 (tanpa nilai C) misalnya, maka gelar kesarjanaan belum dapat diperoleh jika belum menyelesaikan Skripsi atau Tugas Akhir yang dijuikan di depan Tim atau Dewan Penguji yang ditugaskan oleh Pimpinan Pergurutan Tinggi dimana mahasiswa melaksanakan studinya. Hal ini yang menjadi beban atau momok bagi sebagian mahasiswa.

Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk membuat setiap mahasiswa percaya diri (PD) dalam menyelesaikan Skrispi atau Tugas akhir (TA), PD menjadi modal utama yang dapat memudahkan penyusunan skripsi/ TA, oleh sebab itu penyajiannya dibuat sesederhana dan semudah mungkin dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah dipahami juga tentunya, karena pada dasarnya menulis skripsi/ TA tidaklah sulit seperti apa yang dibayangkan. Nah dimulai dari pertanyaan dari mana mulai dan kapan selesai? Untuk dapat melakukan hal itu apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan atau dibaca?

Pertama tentunya harus dapat menentukan “Topik” penelitian dan selanjutnya dibuat “Judul’ skripsi atau TA. Judul yang dibuat akan sangat terkait dengan data penelitian, apakah data primer atau data sekunder. Sebelum menentukan judul sebaiknya membaca beberapa jurnal, minimal 8 jurnal, 5 jurnal dalam negeri dan 3 jurnal internasional, tentunya sudah membaca atau memahami teori-teori dasar yang terkait dengan judul skripsi/ TA dan yang tidak kalah pentingya adalah membaca panduan penulisan yang diterbitkan Perguruan Tinggi dimana mahasiswa studi, disamping skripsi terdahulu. Hal ini  akan sangat membantu mahasiswa untuk mempercepat menyelesaikan skripsi/ TA-nya.

Secara umum skripsi terbagi menjadi 5 bab, dimana bab I adalah pendahuluan yang berisi latar belakang, rumusan masalah, batasan masalah, tujuan penelitian dan manfaat penelitian; bab II adalah  kajian teori, penelitian terdahulu, kerangka atau konseptual pemikiran/ penulisan dan perumusan hipotesis, bab II ini yang akan dijadikan dasar pembahasan pada bab IV; bab III metode penelitian yang berisi desain penelitian, operasional variabel, populasi dan sampel, jenis dan sumber data, metode pengumpulan data dan teknik analisis data; Bab IV adalah hasil analisis dan pembahasan penelitian, yang meliputi deskripsi objek penelitia, analisis data, interprtasi hasil dan pemabahsan hasil penelitian; Bab V berisi kesimpulan, keterbatasan penelitian dan rekomendasi. Yang perlu diperhatikan antar bab pada skripsi diantaranya Bab I sub bahasan rumusan masalah ini berkaitan dengan sub tujuan penelitian, berhubungan dengan bab II sub kerangka/ konseptual penelitian dan sub hipotesis penelitian, terkait juga dengan bab IV  sub bahasan analisis dan pembahasan hasil penelitian serta terkait dengan bab V sub bahasan kesimpulan.

Dengan demikian, jika pada bab I rumusan masalahnya ada 7 misalnya, maka tujuan penelitiannya juga 7. Rumusan masalah berbentuk kata tanya, sedangkan tujuan berupa penjelasan dari rumusan masalah. Demikian pula kerangka/ konseptual pemikiran pada bab II terdapat 7 variabel bebas, 6 secara parsial dan 1 secara bersama-sama. Berdasarkan kerangka pemikiran dibuat hipotesis sebanyak 7 hipotesis penelitian. Dan akhirnya bab V sub bahasan kesimpulan berisi 7 aspek yang merupakan hasil analisis dan pembahasan.

Semoga tulisan yang sederhana ini dapat memotivasi dan menghantarkan para mahasiswa untuk lebih semangat dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhirnya. Selamat dan sukses.

Syafaat di Hari Akhir

Sahabat, tidak ada pertolongan lain selain pertolongan Allah di hari akhir kelak, karena itu kiranya semoga kita bisa mendapat pertolongan tersebut. Bersama ini akan disampaikan beberapa hal tentang pertolongan Allah atau yang di Qur’an biasa disebut syafaat.

Ada beberapa cara yang dapat kita upayakan saat kita masih berada di dunia agar kita bisa mendapat syafaat dari Allah di antaranya adalah dengan
1. Memurnikan ibadah kita (lakukan ibadah sesuai dengan petunjuk Allah dan RasulNya)dan tentunya melakukannya harus ikhlas untuk Allah.
2. Memperbanyak sujud (perbanyak sholat Sunnah, misalnya sholat sunnat Rawatib, sholat Dhuha, sholat sunnat fajar sebelum Shubuh).
3. Memperbanyak membaca sholawat (sholawat seperti yang ada di Tahiyat adalah contoh sholawat yang baik, sederhana, cukup, tidak berlebihan)
4. Membaca doa setelah adzan.

Perlu diketahui juga oleh kita bahwa tidak sembarangan seseorang bisa mendapat syafaat.
Syarat adanya syafaat ini/syafaat dapat diberikan adalah apabila
1. Orang atau makhluk yang memberi syafaat itu diridhoi Allah. Mereka itu contohnya seperti malaikat, Rasul SAW, para Nabi, anak kecil muslim yang meninggal dunia (memberi syafaat kepada ortunya), orang orang yang mati syahid.
2. Orang yang diberi syafaat juga diridhoi oleh Allah.
3. Allah mengijinkan syafaat itu terjadi – – QS An Najm (53):26

Akhirnya semoga kita paham bahwa syafaat adalah sesuatu yang mungkin didapatkan, namun harus disertai dengan upaya sehingga kita dapat senantiasa menjaga diri agar kita tidak termasuk ke dalam orang orang yang tidak bisa mendapat syafaat, yaitu mereka adalah
1. Orang yang syirik pada Allah (musyrik), menduakan Allah, berharap selain kepada Allah.
2. Pemimpin yang zholim (tidak menempatkan sesuatu pada tempatnya)/tidak adil.
3. Orang yang sering mengumpat.




Sumber:Kajian Reboan Perbanas Institute

LITERASI MEDIA “be smart user with your smartphone”

be smart user with your smartphone

Musim hujan sudah mulai menampakkan dirinya. Ada satu kata yang pasti sangat fenomenal di kalangan warga Jakarta dan sekitarnya yaitu “banjir”. Tapi saya tidak akan membahas mengenai “banjir” ini, tapi fenomena aksi media termasuk media sosial dalam menyingkapi “banjir” ini. Sebelum masuk ke banjir, mari kita amati dulu kondisi persungaian di Jakarta ini. Kalau kita perhatikan kondisi sungai di Jakarta sudah mulai dibenahi. Tapi apakah Anda cukup sering menerima atau membaca info-info terkini soal ini? Saya yakin, tidak. Info-info seperti itu akan jarang bahkan tidak akan kita dapati di media-media mainstream baik tv, koran cetak maupun online, karena mungkin tidak laku untuk dijual.

Hasilnya akan berbeda kalau hujan turun 5 menit saja, secara serentak dan terus menerus media-media ini akan menayangkan info dengan tagline dan foto yang bombastis, dari mulai ‘genangan’, ‘banjir besar’, ‘terendam’, dll sampai sanggup membuat ibu saya SMS untuk menanyakan ‘mba Anna gpp kah, moga-moga gak kena banjir’. Sms ini menunjukkan betapa besarnya pengaruh media untuk menggiring opini masyarakat. Giliran saya yang kaget baca sms, memang ada apa di Jakarta bu?

Lalu tanggung jawab siapakah Literasi media ini? Pemerintah pasti, karena yang berwenang menyusun regulasi. Dosen, guru, orang tua pun juga perlu banyak belajar, memilah info mana yang layak untuk dijadikan referensi, karena mereka akan menjadi orang-orang terdekat bagi generasi muda dan anak-anak. Hanya melihat foto dan membaca judul saja tidak cukup, mari telusuri dulu sumbernya, sebelum suatu informasi/foto tersebut dibagikan. Apalagi dengan kemudahan teknologi “mobile” dan maraknya penggunaan media sosial, informasi/foto akan sangat mudah untuk dibagikan. Be smart user with your smartphone.

Foto ini mungkin menjadi salah satu contoh yang bisa kita lihat betapa literasi media-media yang wara wiri itu tidak bisa begitu saja kita percayai. Cuma kok ya saya kasihan juga sama si ibu ini yaa.., kemana pun pindah, kotanya kok ya kebanjiran…:D

Literasi Media

Marilah menjadi pengguna yang cerdas untuk ponsel cerdas kita.

Degup jantung selama presentasi



Trust Yourself You Can Do It

How do you think you can motivate other persons to have the willingness to learn English or other foreign languages? Well, I could never have imagined that there were such ways to keep motivating my students. I just learned from the experience that sometimes I was successful enough, but sometimes it’s still difficult to do. No matter what, just give it a shot 🙂


Once, I taught this student, many years ago I think, well I don’t remember, but I do still remember how he was very angry and disappointed because at that time he thought that English was very difficult for him. Even though he already tried to learn it, he still failed and he complained me, why he was accepted as the student at that school where he belonged to at that time if actually his English score was not good enough to fulfill the requirement to enroll the school which finally demanded him a lot to master English. For a second I was stunned, trying to figure out what I should answer him, because I could see that he was very afraid of this demand (finishing his English class with minimum score meanwhile he thought it was very difficult for him to learn it). I was in junior year working as a teacher at that time and I eventually just told him, “Well, you are already here now. You have the opportunity to learn English with me and I promise you that English will be very important and useful for you, especially for your future. You just need to be patient, don’t be afraid, trust me you can do it and of course, don’t forget to pray.”
I couldn’t do a lot at that time, that’s all that I could do and I realized that the presence of me as my student’s facilitator in the class is not only about transferring my knowledge but also motivating them, reminding them to keep their spirit high, and being there for them when they have their problems.

Years after that, even a couple months ago, I still met him on the social media, and he admitted that he finally realized how English’s very useful for him now and he’s very grateful for our meeting in the past. I also thank him for being patient enough to struggle with English and trusting for all I said.

It’s a happy ending story at the end.

Smile! ^_^

Picture Source:


Is this a simple question? No, I don’t think so. For me, this is a difficult question. Why? There will be lots of answers for the question and I – Mr. Septo, an English lecturer in Perbanas Institute – want to ask your help. I need your contribution to answer the title above or I would clarify the question again into “Does Mr. Septo recognize his students in his class?”
If you are my students in this semester OR if you are my students from previous semesters, would you like to help me by writing a paragraph only or maybe more to give your opinion about me? You will be a helpful and kind person because you will share your ideas about me, my teaching approach, or my style to know my students.
Ok. Thanks for you who have shared and contributed the idea. God bless you always.

baps foto dg jas daleman batik
Ignatius Septo Pramesworo
NIDN: 0321096301
NID: 88516


Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 2.38.12 PMPembelajaran 24/7, pembelajaran 24 jam sehari selama 7 hari dalam seminggu atau bisa juga kita sebut belajar terus menerus (long life learning). Bagaiamana caranya?

Teknologi! Dengan teknologi Pembelajaran 24/7 dapat terwujud. Di sekolah siswa belajar kurang lebih 7- 8 jam sehari. Pada saat itu juga mereka dapat berkomunikasi dengan pengajar mereka, berdiskusi, bertanya dan lain sebagainya yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreatifitas dengan bimbingan pengajar. Lalu bagaimana komunikasi yang dapat dilakukan jika siswa memerlukan bimbingan di luar jam belajar /sekolah?

Sistem Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) atau kita sering juga mendengar istilah e-learning, adalah salah satu solusi untuk pembelajaran 24/7. Dengan e-learnning seseorang dapat belajar kapan saja dan dimana saja, tidak hanya untuk siswa tetapi juga pengajar.

Salah satu tools/alat untuk pembelajaran 24/7 tersebut adalah Edmodi. Apa itu Edmodo? Edmodo ada sejak tahun 2008, didirikan oleh Nic Borg, Jeff O’Hara, Crystal Hutter, saat ini telah memiliki anggota sebanyak 62.071.678 (4 Februari 2016). Edmodo adalah sebuah website edukasi yang mengambil ide dari jejaring sosial (social network) dirancang sehingga sesuai untuk kelas. (‘Edmodo | Connect With Students and Parents in Your Paperless Classroom’, n.d.). “ Web 2.0, especially social networks, can be more beneficial for other areas such as education than entertainment only. It can be used to support both distance teaching and to fulfil physical classroom learning. Applications of social networks in education generate a wide range of benefits such as new collaboration styles, enhancing modern classroom experiences, resource sharing in various formats, etc”. (Thongmak, 2013)

Edmodo membuat siswa dan pengajar dapat saling terhubung untuk berbagi ide, masalah dant tips-tips. Pengajar dapat memberikan tugas dan langsung memberikan nilai serta kometar atau review terhadap tugas siswa. Siswa dapat mendapatkan bantuan dari seluruh kelas. Edmodo bisa dikatakan sebagai lingkungan yang aman karena tidak ada “bullying” atau konten yang tidak sesuai, karena pengajar dapat melihat semua pada Edmodo.

Selain pengajar dan siswa, orang tua dan organisasi (sekolah) juga dapat bergabung dalam dalam komunitas pembelajaran


Pengajar Siswa
Mengunggah materi Submit Tugas
Menjawab pertanyaan siswa Mengikuti Quiz
Memberikan tautan-tautan (links) materi belajar Berpartisipasi pada : Forum diskusi dan Poling
Memberikan nilai secara langsung Meminta pertolongan/bertanya kepada pengajar
Terhubung dengan orang tua


Edmodo VS Facebook


Edmodo                                           Facebook

Sosial networking                          Sosial networking

Simpel                                               Simpel

Handles Events                                Handles Events

Diawasi pengajar                             Tidak diawasi oleh guru

Privat                                                 Publik

Berorientasi pendidikan               Not Regulated


Alasan menggunakan Edmodo

  • aman, menggunakan platform social learning untuk pengajar, siswa, orang tua, dan sekolah.
  • Menyediakan fasilitas bagi pengajar dan siswa untuk mengirim bahan (MS Word, PDF, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher, drafting programs, PhotoShop, image files, music files), berbagi link dan video, dan akses pekerjaan rumah dan pemberitahuan sekolah dengan cara yang aman dan mudah.
  • Pengajar dan siswa dapat menyimpan dan berbagi segala bentuk konten digital – blog, link, gambar, video, dokumen, presentasi, dLL
  • Melengkapi pengajaran dan meningkatkan komunikasi dengan murid di luar kelas.
  • Edmodo secara konsisten memperbaharui site nya menjadi lebih powerful dan lebih mudah
  • Edmodo dijalankan di kelas, sekolah, rayon, wilayah.


Tahapan Pembelajaran 24/7 

Bersambung ….






Edmodo | Connect With Students and Parents in Your Paperless Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved 4 February 2016, from

Holland, C., Muilenburg, L., Holland, C., & Muilenburg, L. (2011). Supporting Student Collaboration: Edmodo in the Classroom (Vol. 2011, pp. 3232–3236). Presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Retrieved from

Thongmak, M. (2013). Social Network System in Classroom: Antecedents of Edmodo© Adoption. Journal of E-Learning and Higher Education.


“Quote for Today”


Rejeki itu tidak bisa ditiru

Walau jalanmu sama,

walau pekerjaan sama,

hasil yang diterima akan bisa berbeda,rw2

yang satu berbentuk harta,

yang lain berbentuk ketenteraman,

rupa-rupa karunia karena semua adalah KaruniaNya,

Yang Maha Kuasa sudah mencukupkan semua

petuah orangtua: “Jalanilah apa yang ada di depan mata.”

Ketenteraman bisa menjadi milik siapa saja, yang bisa mensyukuri rakhmat pemberian Dia.

(disadur bebas dari Falsafah Serat Ronggo Warsito)



On Friday, January 29, 2016, from 08.00 to 11:30 some English lecturers went to SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. This trip has a goal to to fulfill one of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which has to be taken by each leacturer in each semester. The lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute performed community service in the form of implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao District, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. The objectives of mentoring the grammar clinic and performing TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti are to organize the provision of material in a simple grammar and to perform TOEFL-Like.

Community service activities related to the contribution of the knowledge possessed by the lecturers are to give enlightenment to the community, especially for students of SMK Taruna Sakti in reviewing and practice grammar relating to the construction problem of TOEFL-Like, so that they can find out and know about the types of TOEFL and TOEFL-Like.


Description of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta

Symbol of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta

SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta is one of vocational schools conveniently located near in Purwakarta, West Java. It is intensely engaged in the field of vocational secondary education and has a mental-spiritual coaching and skills development program in accordance with the needs of the business / industrial world which are in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.

SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta at this time, led by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd – Principal – has the vision forward and supported by qualified teaching staff. One of the great efforts of SMK Taruna Sakti is producing an instructor of engineering of business and industry, even among existing proven certifications, for example: BNSP / LSP-TO PT by Hyundai Motor Indonesia.

Being a formal educational institution that generates youth employment candidates who are reliable and independent and have IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.

1. Provide education which is in accordance with Engineering Curriculum Education Unit.
2. Provide education with IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
3. Provide education with the aid of multimedia.
4. Develop the ability to have English proficiency.
5. To supervise the quality of schools.
6. Engage industrial engineering with several agencies.
7. Implement the work program industry with some industrial establishments in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.

Facilities and infrastructure:
1. Have its own building
2. Have practice space and adequate equipment
3. Have sport field

Implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for Students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
This training aims to help the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in its efforts to improve the mastery of English for their students. In addition, this event also aims to provide opportunities for the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta for training in a simple language that is designed and oriented towards the mastery of English to take the TOEFL-Like.

Planning, preparation, and execution of this activity lasted for approximately two weeks, from Tuesday, January 12, 2016 to Friday, January 29, 2016. The time required is related to the allocation of time taken by the Perbanas Institute including English Language Laboratory Unit (ULBI) Perbanas Institute led by Miss Adelina, SS., M. Hum and lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute for
1. planning and preparing teaching materials and providing TOEFL-Like materials;
2. approaching the Principal of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta, Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd;
3. setting up the necessary equipment in order to perform TOEFL-Like, such as: printing TOEFL-Like materials, preparing a tape recorder, and cassette TOEFL-Like;
4. having meetings among lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute to organize Grammar Clinic teaching materials; and
5. coordinating with the department in Perbanas Institute to organize transport from Jakarta to Purwakarta and in vice versa.

In addition, Perbanas Institute lecturers have to adjust the timing of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like with the time provided by the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in giving coaching and mentoring activities so it is expected to not interfere with teaching and learning process (PBM) in the school. Participants of Grammar Clinic coaching and TOEFL-Like mentoring amounted to 119 (one hundred and nineteen) consisting of students from different departments. They are Broadcasting Engineering, Mechanical Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Engineering, and Accounting. For the purposes of Grammar Clinic coaching & TOEFL-Like mentoring, the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are divided into 5 different classrooms.


On Friday, January 29, 2016, from 08.00 to 11:30 some English lecturers went to SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. This trip has a goal to to fulfill one of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which has to be taken by each leacturer in each semester. The lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute performed community service in the form of implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao District, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. The objectives of mentoring the grammar clinic and performing TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti are to organize the provision of material in a simple grammar and to perform TOEFL-Like.

Community service activities related to the contribution of the knowledge possessed by the lecturers are to give enlightenment to the community, especially for students of SMK Taruna Sakti in reviewing and practice grammar relating to the construction problem of TOEFL-Like, so that they can find out and know about the types of TOEFL and TOEFL-Like.

Description of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
Symbol of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta

SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta is one of vocational schools conveniently located near in Purwakarta, West Java. It is intensely engaged in the field of vocational secondary education and has a mental-spiritual coaching and skills development program in accordance with the needs of the business / industrial world which are in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.

SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta at this time, led by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd – Principal – has the vision forward and supported by qualified teaching staff. One of the great efforts of SMK Taruna Sakti is producing an instructor of engineering of business and industry, even among existing proven certifications, for example: BNSP / LSP-TO PT by Hyundai Motor Indonesia.

Being a formal educational institution that generates youth employment candidates who are reliable and independent and have IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.

1. Provide education which is in accordance with Engineering Curriculum Education Unit.
2. Provide education with IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
3. Provide education with the aid of multimedia.
4. Develop the ability to have English proficiency.
5. To supervise the quality of schools.
6. Engage industrial engineering with several agencies.
7. Implement the work program industry with some industrial establishments in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.

Facilities and infrastructure:
1. Have its own building
2. Have practice space and adequate equipment
3. Have sport field

Implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for Students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
This training aims to help the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in its efforts to improve the mastery of English for their students. In addition, this event also aims to provide opportunities for the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta for training in a simple language that is designed and oriented towards the mastery of English to take the TOEFL-Like.

Planning, preparation, and execution of this activity lasted for approximately two weeks, from Tuesday, January 12, 2016 to Friday, January 29, 2016. The time required is related to the allocation of time taken by the Perbanas Institute including English Language Laboratory Unit (ULBI) Perbanas Institute led by Miss Adelina, SS., M. Hum and lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute for
1. planning and preparing teaching materials and providing TOEFL-Like materials;
2. approaching the Principal of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta, Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd;
3. setting up the necessary equipment in order to perform TOEFL-Like, such as: printing TOEFL-Like materials, preparing a tape recorder, and cassette TOEFL-Like;
4. having meetings among lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute to organize Grammar Clinic teaching materials; and
5. coordinating with the department in Perbanas Institute to organize transport from Jakarta to Purwakarta and in vice versa.

In addition, Perbanas Institute lecturers have to adjust the timing of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like with the time provided by the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in giving coaching and mentoring activities so it is expected to not interfere with teaching and learning process (PBM) in the school. Participants of Grammar Clinic coaching and TOEFL-Like mentoring amounted to 119 (one hundred and nineteen) consisting of students from different departments. They are Broadcasting Engineering, Mechanical Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Engineering, and Accounting. For the purposes of Grammar Clinic coaching & TOEFL-Like mentoring, the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are divided into 5 different classrooms.
Overall activity takes place smoothly thanks to good cooperation between the school and the ULBI team and English lecturers of Perbanas Institute. SMK Taruna Sakti Party Purwakarta commanded by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd has an active role in providing support to a variety of forms. Similarly, participants who enthusiastically followed the coaching process and TOEFL-Like from the beginning to the end. The success of this program can also be seen on the achievement of pre-defined indicators of success.

In an effort to improve the quality of human resources in education, mastery of foreign languages, particularly English, is a very important thing. This is based on various considerations. By imposing a vision that one of them is to put forward the procurement of ability to speak English, a school has committed to enter into a realm of management that is no longer based on the standards and demands of local quality and require human resources who are able to understand the ins and outs of the information required in the domain so that it can support their performance in realizing the commitment of the institution. Therefore, the efforts to improve English proficiency for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are evidence of the seriousness of a school to realize the commitments already proclaimed in the school’s vision.

Coaching Grammar Clinic and mentoring TOEFL-Like is an effort that can be done to improve the mastery of English for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta. The training materials provided include basic skills that are useful to support the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing is simple. Steps to be taken by SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta to improve the ability of English for students can be continued by organizing extracurricular programs, consultations and discussions with the relevant parties at the school. This can be followed by an ongoing collaboration with lecturers of English, led by Ms. Adelina, SS., M. Hum. from ULBI PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. Eventually, the school will get more benefits from next collaborations. Instead, the Perbanas Institute lecturers Jakarta can also fulfill their role in applying knowledge through community service.
Given the magnitude of the benefits that can be derived from PKM activity like this, English lecturers PERBANAS Institute Jakarta consider schools (SMA and SMK) can perform similar activities, or with a variety of forms and methods, by involving P3M PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta should maintain cooperation with the ULBI Perbanas Institute Jakarta that has been nurtured well so far. P3M and ULBI should also maintain and increase its commitment in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, particularly the Community Service (PKM).
Overall activity takes place smoothly thanks to good cooperation between the school and the ULBI team and English lecturers of Perbanas Institute. SMK Taruna Sakti Party Purwakarta commanded by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd has an active role in providing support to a variety of forms. Similarly, participants who enthusiastically followed the coaching process and TOEFL-Like from the beginning to the end. The success of this program can also be seen on the achievement of pre-defined indicators of success.

In an effort to improve the quality of human resources in education, mastery of foreign languages, particularly English, is a very important thing. This is based on various considerations. By imposing a vision that one of them is to put forward the procurement of ability to speak English, a school has committed to enter into a realm of management that is no longer based on the standards and demands of local quality and require human resources who are able to understand the ins and outs of the information required in the domain so that it can support their performance in realizing the commitment of the institution. Therefore, the efforts to improve English proficiency for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are evidence of the seriousness of a school to realize the commitments already proclaimed in the school’s vision.

Coaching Grammar Clinic and mentoring TOEFL-Like is an effort that can be done to improve the mastery of English for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta. The training materials provided include basic skills that are useful to support the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing is simple. Steps to be taken by SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta to improve the ability of English for students can be continued by organizing extracurricular programs, consultations and discussions with the relevant parties at the school. This can be followed by an ongoing collaboration with lecturers of English, led by Ms. Adelina, SS., M. Hum. from ULBI PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. Eventually, the school will get more benefits from next collaborations. Instead, the Perbanas Institute lecturers Jakarta can also fulfill their role in applying knowledge through community service.
Given the magnitude of the benefits that can be derived from PKM activity like this, English lecturers PERBANAS Institute Jakarta consider schools (SMA and SMK) can perform similar activities, or with a variety of forms and methods, by involving P3M PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta should maintain cooperation with the ULBI Perbanas Institute Jakarta that has been nurtured well so far. P3M and ULBI should also maintain and increase its commitment in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, particularly the Community Service (PKM).