Desain dan Metodologi Riset

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van Wyk-Research design and methods

4 Tips Penerbitan Jurnal Internasional

Tentang penulisan article untuk international journals. Empat buah TIPS berikut perlu mendapat perhatian tatkala menyiapkan manuscript:

• Apakah ciri manuscript yang berpeluang tinggi untuk diterbitkan di jurnal internasional bereputasi? Pertanyaan ini adalah salah satu FAQ kepada saya. Jawabannya: “Ciri utamanya ada 2 yakni NOVELTY dan HIGH IMPACT.” The state-of-the-art sangat menentukan! Oleh karena itu, manuscript Anda harus menyatakan secara eksplisit kedua ciri utama tsb. Salah satu saja absen, maka manuscript Anda akan sulit mendapat perhatian Editor dan/atau reviewers.
• Apa yang paling sulit dilakukan tatkala menyiapkan article? Pertanyaan ini pun termasuk FAQ kepada saya. Jawabannya: “Pekerjaan yang sangat sulit adalah to convince the Editor and/or reviewers.” Jangan lupa pula, “be polite with the Editor and/or reviewers when responding their comments/enquiries.”
• Untuk menulis article yang baik, gunakanlah Fog’s Index. Apa pula index ini? Ingin tahu? Sila googling saja. Namun, sebaiknya bacalah buku Gordon Dryden & Jeanette Vos berjudul “The Learning Revolution: To change the way the world learns”, 1999.
• Kalau Anda berkeinginan kuat untuk menjadi world class international scientific journal writer, amalkanlah “10K Hours Formula.” Saya memperoleh rumus ini tahun 1972 dari Pembimbing saya di ITB (Alm) Prof. Dr. Achmad Arifin tatkala menyusun tesis Drs. Pada zaman itu, untuk meraih Drs diperlukan 11 semester, S1 (8 semester), & Sarjana Muda (6 semester). 37 tahun kemudian, tahun 2009, saya membeli bestseller book karangan Malcolm Gladwell berjudul “Outliers…” yang terbit 2008. Isi buku itu adalah tentang world class persons; semuanya adalah para pengamal “10K Hours Formula.” Sejak 1972 hingga saat ini, saya mengamalkan rumus ini.

Mari kita kibarkan Bendera Merah-Putih melalui publikasi internasional!

Selamat berkarya,
Maman A. Djauhari (Pensiun dari ITB 2009)

PS: Bacalah kedua buku tsb diatas; pasti berguna tidak hanya untuk menulis international journal articles, namun juga untuk mencetak generasi muda Indonesia berkelas dunia.

4 Alasan Menggunakan PLS SEM

Mengapa menggunakan PLS SEM? Ada empat alasan:

  1. Non normal data
  2. Small sample size
  3. Formative measure
  4. Focus on prediction

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Joseph F. Hair, Marko Sarstedt, Torsten M. Pieper and Christian M. Ringle. The Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Strategic Management Research: A Review of Past Practices and Recommendations for Future Applications. Long Range Planning 45 (2012) 320-340.


Tips Menghadapi Ujian Disertasi

Preparing For and Surviving Your Viva

Viva merupakan singkatan dari viva voce yang berasal dari bahasa Latin. Artinya adalah “oleh atau bersama dengan suara yang hidup”. Tercatat dalam sejarah bahwa pada tahun 1815 istilah ini dimaknai sebagai ujian yang dilakukan secara lisan.

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Rachel L Hardy

Persiapan Menghadapi Ujian Disertasi

Thesis defence checklist

  • I know my thesis thoroughly
  • I have written a one-page summary of each chapter
  • I have continued to work with my thesis after submission or have begun to prepare a conference paper or publication
  • I am able to explain how my thesis fits into the big picture
  • I have kept up to date with relevant literature
  • I know what the implications of my research are to both theory and practice
  • I have had a mock viva with my main supervisor
  • I have asked my peers to quiz and challenge me about my thesis
  • I have explained my thesis to friends and family who are not familiar with it
  • I have investigated the backgrounds and publications of my examiners
  • I have looked at my institution’s guidelines for vivas
  • I have produced a list of likely questions
  • I have identified areas of my thesis that are likely to be challenged
  • I have marked up my thesis to help me refer to it in the viva
  • I know how I will be informed of the outcome of my viva.

Vitae community

Kalimat yang Menunjukkan Research Gap

  1. So far, however, there has been little discussion about……
  2. However, far too little attention has been paid to……
  3. Most studies in X have only been carried out in a small number of areas.
  4. The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y.
  5. In addition, no research has been found that surveyed…….
  6. So far this method has only been applied to……
  7. Several studies have produced estimates of X (Smith, 2002; Jones, 2003), but there is still insufficient data for…..
  8. However, there have been no controlled studies which compare differences in……
  9. The experimental data are rather controversial, and there is no general agreement about……
  10. Few researchers have addressed the problem / issue / question of …
  11. Previous work has only focused on / been limited to / failed to address …
  12. A basic / common / fundamental / crucial / major issue of …
  13. The central / core problem of
  14. A challenging / An intriguing / An important / A neglected area in the field of …
  15. Current solutions to X are inconsistent / inadequate / incorrect / ineffective / inefficient / over-simplistic / unsatisfactory
  16. Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be ill-defined / unfounded / not well grounded / unsupported / questionable / disputable / debatable
  17. The characteristics of X are not well understood / are misunderstood / have not been dealt with in depth.
  18. It is not yet known / has not yet been established whether X can do Y.
  19. X is still poorly / not widely understood.
  20. X is often impractical / not feasible / costly …
  21. Techniques to solve X are computationally demanding / subject to high overheads / time consuming / impractical / frequently unfeasible.
  22. A major defect / difficulty / drawback / disadvantage / flaw of X is …
  23. One of the main issues in our knowledge of / what we know about X is a lack of …
  24. This particular / specific area of X has been overlooked / has been neglected / remains unclear …
  25. Despite this interest, no one to the best of our knowledge / as far as we know has studied …
  26. Although this approach is interesting, it suffers from / fails to take into account / does not allow for …
  27. In spite of / Despite its shortcomings, this method has been widely applied to …
  28. However, there is still a need for / has been little discussion on …
  29. Moreover, other solutions / research programs / approaches have failed to provide …
  30. Most studies have only focused / tended to focus on …
  31. To date / Until now this methodology has only been applied to …
  32. There is still some / much / considerable controversy surrounding …
  33. There has been some disagreement concerning / regarding / with regard to whether
  34. There is little / no general agreement on …
  35. The community has raised some issues / concerns about …
  36. Concerns have arisen / been raised which question / call into question the validity of …
  37. In the light of recent events in x, there is now some / much / considerable concern about …
  38. What is not yet clear is the impact of X on ….
  39. No previous study has investigated X.
  40. There has been little quantitative analysis of ….
  41. The neurobiological basis of this X is poorly understood.
  42. Until recently, there has been no reliable evidence that ….
  43. In addition, no research has been found that surveyed ….
  44. Little is known about X and it is not clear what factors ….
  45. This indicates a need to understand the various perceptions of X that exist among ….
  46. So far this method has only been applied to ….
  47. However, the evidence for this relationship is inconclusive ….
  48. However, much uncertainty still exists about the relation between ….
  49. However, there have been no controlled studies which compare differences in ….
  50. In contrast, very little is known about X in non-mammalian vertebrates and in ….

Sani, Azlina Murad. Academic writing essentials: A guide for postgraduate students. UUM Press, 2016. p. 124

Wallwork, A. (2016). English for writing research papers. Springer.

Engineering Postgraduate Students Committee. 2010. Writing Phrasebank.

Morley, J. (2014). Academic phrasebank. Manchester: University of Manchester.[online] Available at: http://www. phrasebank. manchester. ac. uk/[Accessed 19.9. 2014].

Diberhentikan dari Scopus Januari 2018

Daftar jurnal yang diberhentikan dari Scopus tanggal 24 Januari 2018
Discontinued Scopus List 24 Jan 2018

Rujukan Menulis Review Paper

Bagaimana menulis critical review article?
Ada beberapa panduan

PLS untuk Pemula

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Michael Haenlein & Andreas M. Kaplan. A Beginner’s Guide to Partial Least Squares Analysis. Understanding Statistics, 3(4), 283–297.


SEM untuk Pemula

Memahami dasar, proses dan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

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Schumacker, Randall E., and Richard G. Lomax. 2010. A beginner’s guide to structural equation modeling. 3rd edition. New York:  Taylor and Francis Group.