Paradigma Penelitian

Research paradigm: Positivism, Post Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical Theory, Post Modernism

Franco, S. (2016). A doctoral seminar in qualitative research methods : Lessons learned. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 323–339.

Bahasa Gosip dan Bahasa Literature Review ;)

Writing a Literature Review is just like gossip.

“Weh aku dengar daripada Rabiatul yang Ezani ni ada 4 awek.”

According to Rabiatul (20xx), Ezani has four girlfriends.
“Itu la pasal, Siti, Maria and Alex pun kata benda yang sama.”

This can be supported by Siti (20xx), Maria (20xx) and Alex (20xx).
“Nak dibuatkan cerite, Hannah ada kate yang Ezani kahwin salah satu, tapi dok skandal lagi dengan yang lagi tiga tu!”

In placing more emphasis, Hannah (20xx) claimed that Ezani is actually married but is still very close to the other three women.
“Yup, ramai gak ada cerita pasal tu. Faris kata bende same, Fikri kata bende same, Laila kata bende same. Wehhh geng si Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah pun sebut bende same wehh!”

This claim can also be supported by similar research done by Faris (20xx), Fikri (20xx), Laila (20xx) and Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah (20xx).
“Eh betul! Rendy dengan geng lagi la, deorang nampak kutt Ezani lepak dengan skandal dia kat Pavi!”

Furthermore, in an observation-based study by Rendy et al. (20xx), the findings have shown that Ezani was seen with another woman in Pavi.
“Betul la apa ex Ezani dulu, si Lacy, pernah cakap 5 tahun lepas; Ezani takkan berubah langsung. Once a player, always a player.”

These studies have found the similar results where Ezani is not a loyal man, as eloquently quoted by Lacy (20xx),
“Once a player, always a player.”
“Tapi kan, aku dengar dari membe baik Ezani, Aiman, yang Ezani bukan macam tu. Dia loyal kat bini dia je.”

However, these claims can be contended by Aiman (20xx) who indicated that Ezani is in actuality loyal to his wife.
“Aku tau pandangan ni tak seberapa, dan ramai orang takleh gtau bende yang same gak tapi, aku ada tanya and ada yang memang kata Ezani tu baik – ko gi la tanya Aizat, Hakim, Kimi.”

Although scarce, this assertion by Aiman (20xx) can be reinforced by similar allegations by Aizat (20xx), Hakim (20xx) and Kimi (20xx).
“Aku ada gi jumpe yang lagi 3 tu, yang orang kata ‘skandal’ Ezani – Nida, Fatin dan Amani. Aku jumpe deorang lately gak ahh. Deorang kata yang Ezani dengan deorang takde pape. Yang jumpe Ezani pun sebab nak settle business je”

In recent studies, Nida, Fatin and Amani (2017) have reasserted that Ezani is indeed loyal to his wife and that he is only on business terms with the other women.
Now lets combine the sentences:

According to Rabiatul (20xx), Ezani has four girlfriends. This can be supported by Siti (20xx), Maria (20xx) and Alex (20xx). In placing more emphasis, Hannah (20xx) claimed that Ezani is actually married but is still very close to the other three women. This claim can also be supported by similar research done by Faris (20xx), Fikri (20xx), Laila (20xx) and Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah (20xx). Furthermore, in an observation-based study by Rendy et al. (20xx), the findings have shown that Ezani was seen with another woman in Pavi. These studies have found the similar results where Ezani is not a loyal man, as eloquently quoted by Lacy (20xx),
“Once a player, always a player.”

However, these claims can be contended by Aiman (20xx) who indicated that Ezani is in actuality loyal to his wife. Although scarce, this assertion by Aiman (20xx) can be reinforced by similar allegations by Aizat (20xx), Hakim (20xx) and Kimi (20xx). In recent studies, Nida, Fatin and Amani (2017) have reasserted that Ezani is indeed loyal to his wife and that he is only on business terms with the other women.


Note: the names are all purely fictional and these tips are in writing the LR at Bachelor Level


Zachariah Aidin Druckman

Jenis-jenis Pengambilan Sampel pada Riset Kualitatif

Coyne, I. T. (1997). Sampling in qualitative research. Purposeful and theoretical sampling; merging or clear boundaries?. Journal of advanced nursing, 26(3), 623-630.

Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Publications.

Patton, M. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and research methods (pp. 169-186). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Tracy, S. J. (2013). Qualitative research methods. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. 1994. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

  1. Homogeneous samples (Holloway and Wheeler, 1996; Patton, 2002; Robson, 2002) chosen to give a detailed picture of a particular phenomenon – for example, individuals who belong to the same subculture or have the same characteristics. This allows for detailed investigation of social processes in a specified context.
  2. Heterogeneous samples (Holloway and Wheeler, 1996; Robson, 2002) or maximum variation sampling (Patton, 2002) where there is a deliberate strategy to include phenomena which vary widely from each other. The aim is to identify central themes which cut across the variety of cases or people.
  3. Extreme case or deviant sampling (Patton, 2002; Robson, 2002). Cases are chosen because they are unusual or special and therefore potentially enlightening. The logic is that learning about phenomena is heightened by looking at exceptions or extremes (for example, ethnomethodologists sometimes use deviant sampling to expose implicit assumptions and norms).
  4. Intensity sampling (Patton, 2002) which employs similar logic to extreme or deviant case sampling but focuses on cases which strongly represent the phenomena of interest rather than unusual cases.
  5. Typical case sampling (Patton, 2002). Cases which characterize positions that are ‘normal’ or ‘average’ are selected to provide detailed profiling. This requires prior knowledge about overall patterns of response so that what is ‘typical’ is known (for example, participants might be selected from their responses to a survey).
  6. Stratified purposive sampling (Patton, 2002), a hybrid approach in which the aim is to select groups that display variation on a particular phenomena but each of which is fairly homogeneous, so that subgroups can be compared.
  7. Critical case sampling (Patton, 2002) in which cases are chosen on the basis that they demonstrate a phenomenon or position ‘dramatically’ or are pivotal in the delivery of a process or operation. The logic is that these cases will be ‘critical’ to any understanding offered by the research. Patton sees this approach as particularly valuable in evaluative research because it helps to draw attention to particular features of a process and can thus heighten the impact of the research.

Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013). Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. Sage.


Kualitas Publikasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Momentum Pertumbuhan Publikasi

  1. Peningkatan jumlah artikel ilmiah internasional Indonesia lebih cepat dari pada peningkatan jumlah lektor kepala dan profesor.
  2. Pada bulan Agustus 2017 untuk pertamakalinya dalam 20 tahun Indonesia mengungguli Thailand. (05 Jan 2018: 18.865, 14.1915).
  3. Jurnal Nasional bereputasi tinggi Internasional meningkat dari 0 (thn 2014) menjadi 36 (thn 2017).
  4. Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks di Directory of Open Access Journal meningkat tajam dari 76 (thn 2014) menjadi 1255 (5 April 2018), No. 2 di dunia.
  5. Jurnal Nasional Terakrediatasi meningkat dari 75 (2014) menjadi 283 (Nov 2017) menjadi 333 (Desember 2017).
  6. 1682 jurnal elektronik telah dipilah (digrading) ke dalam kategori Sinta 1- Sinta 6.
  7. Momentum ini harus dijaga; pengelola jurnal sangat besar perannya.

Sadjuga, Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi. 13 April 2018. Meningkatkan Kualitas Publikasi Ilmiah Direktur Pengelolaan Kekayaan Intelektual. Atmajaya Yogyakarta.

Menulis Artikel dari Tinjauan Literatur


Claessens, 2007. A Review of Time Management Literature

Jom Hafal Al-Qur’an

UTUSAN ONLINE. 11 April 2018.  270 sertai seminar al-Quran di UUM



Positivism & Interpretivism

Ontologi, epistemologi dan metodologi

Villiers, Rikus Ruben de, and Jacobus Paulus Fouché. “Philosophical paradigms and other underpinnings of the qualitative and quantitative research methods: An accounting education perspective.” Journal of Social Sciences 43, no. 2 (2015): 125-142.


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2018 Srategi Sampling Secara Kuantitatif