Penundaan Syarat Q3

SE Dirjen SDID no. 1186/D2.1/KP/2017 tanggal 12 Mei 2017 tentang Pedoman Operasional.


PENYAMAAN PERSEPSI PERMENRISTEKDIKTI NO. 20 TAHUN 2017 tentang Pemberian Tunjangan Profesi Dosen dan Tunjangan Kehormatan Profesor.

Netralitas Aparatur Sipil Negara

PNS dilarang berpihak kepada salah satu calon/terlibat politik praktis/afiliasi parpol. Termasuk me-like, komentar, dsb.

MenPAN & Reformasi Birokrasi RI. 27 Desember 2017. Netralitas ASN dalam Pilkada, Pileg, Pilpres 2018

Etika Kepengarangan (Authorship)

Sistem Skoring untuk Penentuan Hak Kepengarangan Bersama Sebuah Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Sumber: Materi Penlok Manaj Jurnal Ilmiah, Kerjasama Dikti dan Kopertis VII Th 2010
1. Kontribusi intelektual: identifikasi masalah, ide/gagasan pendekatan, perencanaan, dan perancangan
Tidak ada sumbangan secara berarti 0
Dua tiga kali diskusi 5
Beberapa kali diskusi terinci 10
Pertemuan dan pembicaraan berlama-lama 15
Pembahasan mendalam terus-menerus 20
2. Kontribusi fisik/lapangan: penyiapan & penataan peranti, eksperimen/pengamatan, serta pengumpulan-perekaman-&-penyarian data
Tidak pernah terlibat secara berarti 0
Terlibat tidak langsung, hanya dua-tiga kali 5
Keterlibatan langsung, beberapa kali 10
Keterlibatan berkali-kali, tak terhitung 15
Terlibat secara penuh dan terus-menerus 20
3. Kontribusi pengolahan data: pengorganisasian, pemrosesan, analisis, sintesis
Tidak ada sumbangan secara berarti 0
Keterlibatan pendek, dua-tiga kali 5
Beberapa kali terlibat 10
Ikut cukup lama 15
Terlibat terus-menerus dari awal sampai akhir 20
4. Kontribusi kepakaran: konsultasi, nasihat, pandangan, pemikiran, pendapat dari bidang lain (PELIBATAN PIHAK LUAR)
Tidak ada sumbangan secara berarti 0
Nasihat pendek merutin 5
Pandangan cukup bermakna 10
Bantuan pemikiran yang khusus dipersiapkan 15
Pendapat yang mendasari pendekatan dan penyimpulan 20
5. Kontribusi keahlian: penyimpulan, pengikhtisaran, perampatan, pencetusan teori/temuan baru
Tidak ada sumbangan secara berarti 0
Penyimpulan bagian-bagian tertentu 5
Pengikhtisaran sebagian besar hasil 10
Perampatan menyeluruh 15
Pencetusan teori umum 20
6. Kontribusi kesastraan: sumbangan pada draft naskah lengkap pertama
Tidak ada sumbangan secara berarti 0
Membaca dan memperbaiki sumbangan orang lain 5
Membantu menulis draft dua-tiga bagian naskah 10
Ikut menulis draft sebagian besar naskah 15
Menulis draft hampir keseluruhan naskah 20
Skor tertinggi yang bisa dicapai seseorang dari sebuah naskah adalah 100 (karena butir 4 melibatkan pihak luar). Jumlah pengarang yang dapat berbagi hak kepengarangan suatu naskah tidak terbatas, namun seseorang baru berhak ikut menjadi pengarang kegiatan yang sedang ditangani kalau paling sedikit ia berhasil mengumpulkan skor 30.
Pencantuman nama pengarang(-pengarang) dilakukan dengan menggunakan peringkat urutan sesuai dengan jumlah skor yang diraihnya. Kalau dua orang peserta meraih skor yang sama, urutan alfabet nama seyogianya dipakai, dengan catatan bahwa pencetus gagasan mempunyai kelebihan untuk didahulukan.
(Dimodifikasi untuk situasi Indonesia dari tulisan dalam jurnal ilmiah Nature 352:187, 18 Juli 1991)
Tole Sutikno
Sumber asli:  Hunt, R. (1991). Trying an authorship index. Nature, 352(187).
Referensi lain
Etika Peneliti LIPI
Permendagri 15/2014 Juknis Penyusunan Karya Tulis Ilmiah
Komisi Etika LIPI. 2011. Etika Peneliti LIPI

Aturan Tentang Gelar

Nama gelar + inisial pohon dalam rumpun ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi atau inisial nama program
D1: Ahli Pratama – A.P.
D2: Ahli Muda – A.M.
D3: Ahli Madya – A.Md.
D4: S.Tr.
S1: S.
Magister: M.
Magister Terapan: M.Tr.
Doktor: Dr.
Doktor Terapan: Dr.Tr.
Spesialis: Sp.


Bagaimana Meningkatkan Sitiran

Image result for increase citations graph

How to Increase citations
Kutipan yang tinggi penting untuk aplikasi hibah penelitian, untuk promosi, pengindeksan jurnal, insentif, dan lain-lain. Utuk meningkatkan sitiran/sitasi ada 23 cara.

  1. Publish, Publish, Publish
  2. Publish a Review Paper
  3. Contribute to Wikipedia
  4. Promote your work
  5. Content is key
  6. Cite, and You will be Cited
  7. Publish Where It Counts
  8. Make it open
  9. Choose your title carefully
  10. Carefully choose your keywords
  11. Use a consistent form of your name on all of your papers
  12. Use a standardized institutional affiliation and address, using no abbreviations
  13. Publish with international authors
  14. Publish papers with a Nobel laureates
  15. Team-authored articles get cited more
  16. Use more references
  17. Publish a longer paper
  18. Papers with a larger number of “tables, figures, sketches” be likely to receive a higher number of citations
  19. Avoid to select a question type of title
  20. Monitor your articles
  21. Publicize yourself – link your latest published article to your email signature
  22. Ask others to cite your papers
  23. Monitor your performance

Sila klik

research communication 

Informasi Scopus & Web of Science

Related image

Scopus merupakan pangkalan data pustaka yang mengandung abstrak dan sitiran (citation) artikel jurnal akademik yang diluncurkan oleh Elsevier tahun 2004 .

Web of Science (WoS, sebelumnya disebut Web of Knowledge) merupakan indeks sitasi yang semula diproduksi oleh Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), sekarang dikelola oleh Clarivate Analytics (sebelumnya oleh  Intellectual Property and Science business of Thomson Reuters). Cakupannya sejak tahun 1900 hingga kini.

                                                     Subject coverage in Scopus                                                     

 Subject coverage in WoS

Scopus vs. Web of Science

Jangkauan Scopus juga lebih luas untuk ilmu sosial dan humaniora.  Scopus tidak menjangkau terbitan karya ilmiah sebelum 1996, yang berarti masa sitirannya lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan WoS. Secara umum Scopus memberikan angka skor yang lebih tinggi daripada WoS, baik di bidang ilmu eksak maupun ilmu sosial dan humaniora.  Banyak yang terindeks di Scopus, tidak terindeks di WoS.  Dengan demikian standar jurnal di WoS biasanya lebih tinggi dari Scopus.

Namun dibandingkan dengan WoS, Scopus memberikan:
– comparable accessibility,
– multidisciplinarity, and
– data set size,
(Woods, et. al, 2016)


Daftar WoS





Daftar Scopus

Scopus – October 2017

Discontinued Scopus – November 2017



Woods, M., Paulus, T., Atkins, D. P., & Macklin, R. (2016). Advancing qualitative research using qualitative data analysis software (QDAS)? Reviewing potential versus practice in published studies using ATLAS. ti and NVivo, 1994–2013. Social Science Computer Review, 34(5), 597-617.


Bagaimana Menulis Proposal PhD?

How to Write Your Introduction

  1. Tell the reader about your problem.
  2. Tell the reader who is suffering from that problem?
  3. How you going to solve that problem?
  4. Tell the reader that you are qualified and equipped with the right methods of solving that problem.
  5. Tell the reader the benefits you offer by solving that problem?
  6. Tell the reader what results you anticipate.
  7. Make sure to tell what is the most important to them. No more, no less and stand for your claim.


How to Write Your Problem Statement

  1. What is the problem? What?
  2. Where is the problem? Where?
  3. How to solve the problem? How?
  4. Why you want to solve the problem? Why?
  5. Is the problem current?
  6. Will the problem continue in the future if it is not solved?
  7. Who is suffering by that problem?
  8. Will this problem prove or disprove the existing knowledge?


How to Write Your Research Questions

  1. Choose a topic that interests you and your readers.
  2. Make an investigation on your topic by going through scholarly journals and see what questions are raised by your peers.
  3. Take note of what questions are not raised so that you elevate it.
  4. Your research questions should not be answered by simple facts; it must require critical analysis and field tested research. It must be provoking and requires significant examination.
  5. Your research questions should be neither very broad nor very narrow. If too narrow, you will have difficulty in finding relevant information.
  6. Do not forget to show your research questions to your supervisors before going into details of it.


How to Write Your Literature Review

  1. Does the literature review discuss about authenticity of his problem statement?
  2. Does the literature review significantly support the severity of his problem statement?
  3. Does the researcher agree or disagree with existing knowledge, and why?
  4. Is his/her final judgment or conclusion is sound, logical and persuasive?
  5. Does the researcher find literatures that prove or disprove his problem statement?


How to Write Your Methodology

  1. Choose your methodology based on the type of research you are conducting.
  2. Institute a clear and concise affiliation between your study and your methodology.
  3. Ask yourself whether this methodology answers your research questions?
  4. Provide meaningful reason for choosing your methodology such as literature review.
  5. Divide your method into research design, population, sample, instrument, validity, reliability, results and implementation phases.
  6. Most importantly, are you comfortable with it?


Faryadi, Qais. “How to Write Your PhD Proposal: A Step-By-Step Guide.” American International Journal of Contemporary Research 2, no. 4 (2012): 111–115.

Line Spacing for Reference List According to APA Style

How many line spacing for reference list according to APA Style?
What’s the difference between reference list and bibliography?

OYA-UUM. 2015. Thesis Guideline
APA. 2010. Publication Manual APA 6th

Apa perbedaan antara daftar pustaka/referensi denga bibliografi?

Indeks Maqasid Perbankan Syariah


Membuat Paragraf

A strong paragraph contains three distinct components:

  1. Topic sentence. The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph.
  2. Body. The body is composed of the supporting sentences that develop the main point.
  3. Conclusion. The conclusion is the final sentence that summarizes the main point.


1. Topic Sentence 

Five characteristics define a good topic sentence:

  • A good topic sentence provides an accurate indication of what will follow in the rest of the paragraph.

Weak example. People rarely give firefighters the credit they deserve for such a physically and emotionally demanding job. (The paragraph is about a specific incident that involved firefighters; therefore, this topic sentence is too general.)

Stronger example. During the October riots, Unit 3B went beyond the call of duty. (This topic sentence is more specific and indicates that the paragraph will contain information about a particular incident involving Unit 3B.)

  • A good topic sentence contains both a topic and a controlling idea or opinion.

Weak example. In this paper, I am going to discuss the rising suicide rate among young professionals. (This topic sentence provides a main idea, but it does not present a controlling idea, or thesis.)

Stronger example. The rising suicide rate among young professionals is a cause for immediate concern. (This topic sentence presents the writer’s opinion on the subject of rising suicide rates among young professionals.)

  • A good topic sentence is clear and easy to follow.

Weak example. In general, writing an essay, thesis, or other academic or nonacademic document is considerably easier and of much higher quality if you first construct an outline, of which there are many different types. (This topic sentence includes a main idea and a controlling thesis, but both are buried beneath the confusing sentence structure and unnecessary vocabulary. These obstacles make it difficult for the reader to follow.)

Stronger example. Most forms of writing can be improved by first creating an outline. (This topic sentence cuts out unnecessary verbiage and simplifies the previous statement, making it easier for the reader to follow.)

  • A good topic sentence does not include supporting details.

Weak example. Salaries should be capped in baseball for many reasons, most importantly so we don’t allow the same team to win year after year. (This topic sentence includes a supporting detail that should be included later in the paragraph to back up the main point.)

Stronger example. Introducing a salary cap would improve the game of baseball for many reasons. (This topic sentence omits the additional supporting detail so that it can be expanded upon later in the paragraph.)

  • A good topic sentence engages the reader by using interesting vocabulary.

Weak example. The military deserves better equipment. (This topic sentence includes a main idea and a controlling thesis, but the language is bland and unexciting.)

Stronger example. The appalling lack of resources provided to the military is outrageous and requires our immediate attention. (This topic sentence reiterates the same idea and controlling thesis, but adjectives such as appalling and immediate better engage the reader. These words also indicate the writer’s tone.)


  • Most academic essays contain the topic sentence at the beginning of the first paragraph.
  • The supporting sentences can be placed before the topic sentence and the concluding sentence is the same as the topic sentence. This technique is frequently used in persuasive writing.
  • Placing a topic sentence in the middle of a paragraph is often used in creative writing.
  • Some well-organized paragraphs do not contain a topic sentence at all. Instead of being directly stated, the main idea is implied in the content of the paragraph. This technique is often used in descriptive or narrative writing. Implied topic sentences work well if the writer has a firm idea of what he or she intends to say in the paragraph and sticks to it.


2. Supporting Sentence 

Most paragraphs contain three to six supporting sentences depending on the audience and purpose for writing. A supporting sentence usually offers one of the following:

  • Reason

    Sentence: The refusal of the baby boom generation to retire is contributing to the current lack of available jobs.

  • Fact

    Sentence: Many families now rely on older relatives to support them financially.

  • Statistic

    Sentence: Nearly 10 percent of adults are currently unemployed in the United States.

  • Quotation

    Sentence: “We will not allow this situation to continue,” stated Senator Johns.

  • Example

    Sentence: Last year, Bill was asked to retire at the age of fifty-five.


3. Concluding Sentence 

An effective concluding sentence draws together all the ideas you have raised in your paragraph. It reminds readers of the main point—the topic sentence—without restating it in exactly the same words. Using the hamburger example, the top bun (the topic sentence) and the bottom bun (the concluding sentence) are very similar. They frame the “meat” or body of the paragraph.

  • Restate the main idea.

Example: Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States.

  • Summarize the key points in the paragraph.

Example: A lack of healthy choices, poor parenting, and an addiction to video games are among the many factors contributing to childhood obesity.

  • Draw a conclusion based on the information in the paragraph.

Example: These statistics indicate that unless we take action, childhood obesity rates will continue to rise.

  • Make a prediction, suggestion, or recommendation about the information in the paragraph.

Example: Based on this research, more than 60 percent of children in the United States will be morbidly obese by the year 2030 unless we take evasive action.

  • Offer an additional observation about the controlling idea.

Example: Childhood obesity is an entirely preventable tragedy.

What to include in concluding sentence

  • Your conclusion wraps up your essay in a tidy package and brings it home for your reader
  • Your topic sentence should summarize what you said in your thesis statement
  • This suggests to your reader that you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish
  • Do not simply restate your thesis statement, as that would be redundant
  • Rephrase the thesis statement with fresh and deeper understanding
  • Your conclusion is no place to bring up new ideas
  • Your supporting sentences should summarize what you have already said in the body of your essay
  • If a brilliant idea tries to sneak into the final paragraph, you must pluck it out and let it have its own paragraph in the body, or leave it out completely
  • Your topic for each body paragraph should be summarized in the conclusion
  • Wrap up the main points
  • Your closing sentence should help the reader feel a sense of closure
  • Your closing sentence is your last word on the subject; it is your “clincher”
  • Demonstrate the importance of your ideas
  • Propel your reader to a new view of the subject
  • End on a positive note
  • Your closing sentence should make your readers glad they read your paper


6.2 Effective Means for Writing a Paragraph