Perbedaan antara Kerangka Konseptual dengan Kerangka Teoritis

Muhammad Khalilur Rahman : Are there any demarcation among Research Framework, Conceptual Framework, Theoretical Framework, Structural Model or Measurement Model?


There is ambiguity in both terms (Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Framework), the definition depends on the authors (Reinaldo Requeiro). However, according to Han Ping Fung, conceptual framework is the framework that you are developing after rigorous literature review & wanted to test the hypotheses associated with the framework.  Sometimes, conceptual framework also called research model or research framework by different researchers / scholars or after some refinements / fine-tuning.

Theoretical framework refers to previous theories, frameworks, models that you were reviewing during literature review.  Normally, a researcher will develop his or her conceptual framework underpinned on some theoretical frameworks that s/he has reviewed.  Usually, without theoretical frameworks to support your conceptual framework, you might expose to questioning during article review / thesis viva examination.  Theoretical frameworks are important as they serve as life-saver / base / float in which without them a conceptual framework might sink miserably.

Structural model and measurement model usually being coined when a researcher is performing a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) be it Covariance-based SEM or Variance-based SEM.  Measurement model (sometimes also called outer model) depicts the relationship between all the constructs & their respective indicators (survey questionnaire items) specified by the researcher to test for construct validity (Hair et al., 2010).  Those indicators in the measurement model are used to indicate or measure their respective constructs.  Measurement model is drawn using multivariate statistical tools like SPSS AMOS, SmartPLS etc based on the conceptual framework / research model developed by the researcher.

Structural model (sometimes also called inner model) illustrates how the dependency relationships are connecting all the constructs within a hypothesized model.  Structural model is specified from a validated measurement model (Hair et al., 2010) also using tools like AMOS, SmartPLS etc.

The flow of sequence based on time basis should be:

Theoretical Framework –> Conceptual Framework / Research Framework –> Measurement Model –> Structural Model

In contrast,  David L Morgan stated: “I think you have different sets of things here. First, Research Framework, Conceptual Framework, Theoretical Framework are all basically the same. Then, Structural Model and Measurement Model apply to two different aspects of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), as explained by Fung.”

However, Fung’s opinion is supported by Samuel Abogunloko by saying that Han Ping Fung’s response is quite dependable enough. Theoretical framework is a projection/use of an existing theory to foreground or underpinned a research work. Whereas, a conceptual framework is a model that is developed by a researcher after rigorous literature review of existing theories or studies. So the difference lies in the fact that conceptual framework is “newly” developed by a concerned researcher, but theoretical framework involved the use of an existing theory by other scholar (s).

To put it simply, conceptual framework is the one to be developed by the new researcher and theoretical framework is something which already been developed by other researchers (Muhammad Madi Bin Abdullah).


Example 1


Example 2


  • A conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to be explored.
  • This is founded on the theoretical framework, which lies on a much broader scale of resolution.
  • The theoretical framework dwells on time tested theories that embody the findings of numerous investigations on how phenomena occur.
  • As you start reading the literature, you will soon discover that the problem you wish to investigate has its roots in a number of theories that have been developed from different perspectives.
  • The theoretical framework provides a general representation of relationships between things in a given phenomenon.
  • The conceptual framework, on the other hand, embodies the specific direction by which the research will have to be undertaken.

Subramaniam Sri Ramalu

Memilih Uji Statistik

Pohon keputusan dalam memilih uji statistik.
Decision tree in selecting a statistical test.

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Kopertis Menjadi LLDIKTI

Mulai 9 April 2018 Kopertis diganti dengan LLDIKTI (Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi) yang merupakan satuan kerja di lingkungan Kemristekdikti dengan mempunyai tugas dan fungsi di bidang peningkatan mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya

Adapun fungsinya adalah:
a. pelaksanaan pemetaan mutu pendidikan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya;
b. pelaksanaan fasilitasi peningkatan mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya;
c. pelaksanaan fasilitasi peningkatan mutu pengelolaan perguruan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya;
d. pelaksanaan fasilitasi kesiapan perguruan tinggi dalam penjaminan mutu eksternal di wilayah kerjanya;
e. pelaksanaan evaluasi dan pelaporan pelaksanaan fasilitasi peningkatan mutu perguruan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya;
f. pengelolaan data dan informasi di bidang mutu pendidikan tinggi di wilayah kerjanya; dan
g. pelaksanaan administrasi LLDIKTI.

Permenristekdikti No. 15 Tahun 2018
Lampiran Permenristekdikti No. 15 Tahun 2018

Jumlah Sampel Riset Kualitatif

Bonde, D. (2013). Qualitative interviews: When enough is enough. Retrieved from

Mason, M. (2010). Qualitative Social Sample Size and Saturation in PhD Studies Using Qualitative Interviews. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 11(3), 1–16.


Stephen J. Gentles, Cathy Charles, Jenny Ploeg, K. Ann McKibbon. 2015. Sampling in Qualitative Research: Insights from an Overview of the Methods Literature. The Qualitative Report. Vol. 20, No. 11.

Indonesia dan Modal Intelektual


Oleh : Ganefi Suherlin

Konon… ada sebuah desa di pelosok Papua sana yang penghasilan utamanya adalah pisang…

Banyak sekali pisang enak yang dihasilkan dari tanah subur di desa tersebut…

Selain manis, besar-besar dan konon khasiatnya sangat bagus untuk kesehatan…

Itulah mengapa, penduduk di sana banyak yang menggantungkan hidup dari hasil jualan pisang.

Tetapi…, karena daerahnya terpencil, mereka harus menjual pisang tersebut ke kota dan menempuh jarak 30 km-an…

Dengan infrastruktur yang masih belum bagus, mereka harus jalan kaki…, mengarungi sungai…, dengan membawa satu-dua tandan pisang per orang…

Sampai di pasar kota, pisang itu sudah langsung ada penadahnya…
Laris manis…
Uang pun didapat…
Dan…, masyarakat desa itu pun segera pulang ke kampungnya lagi…

Namun sebelum pulang, ada satu tradisi mereka untuk membawa oleh-oleh ke rumah…
_Dan… yg paling dinanti oleh keluarga mereka dirumah sebagai oleh-oleh biasanya adalah…_

_Ya…!!! Jauh-jauh mereka ke kota, jualan pisang…, untuk kemudian membeli oleh-oleh pisang goreng…_
_Uang hasil jualan pisang sebagian dipakai untuk membeli pisang goreng…_

*Ada yg merasa aneh atau lucu dengan kisah tadi…???*

_Sebagian teman-teman saya tertawa mendengar kisah itu…_
_Jauh-jauh ke kota jualan pisang, kok bawanya oleh-oleh pisang juga…???_

*_Kenapa tidak menggoreng sendiri…???_*


_Lucu abis dan Gokil abis dech sekolah dimana tuh……_
_Aneka tanggapan pun muncul saat mengetahui kisah ini…_


_Sesaat kemudian…, Tawa itu berubah jadi hening… Ketika saya mengatakan bahwa:_


*>> Air diambil dari Indonesia…, diolah jadi ‘Aqua’…, dijual lagi ke kita…, dan uangnya diambil oleh Danone…, perusahaan dari luar negeri…!!!*

*>> Sepatu keren dibuat orang Indonesia…, dibawa ke luar negeri dan diberi cap ‘Nike’…, dan dijual lagi ke Indonesia dgn harga berkali lipat…, dan banyak yg bangga memakainya…!!!*

*>> Kopi-kopi terbaik dari tanah Indonesia…, dibeli dan diolah ‘Starbucks’…, dijual kembali dgn harga berkali lipat kepada orang Indonesia…!!!*

*>> Begitu juga minyak mentah atau barang tambang lainnya yang terbaik diambil oleh asing dari tanah Indonesia lalu diolah diluar negeri kemudian hasilnya dijual kembali di Indonesia.*

_Kisah di atas saya dapatkan dari teman-teman yg menginisiasi gerakan *Beli Indonesia*._
_Sebuah gerakan untuk mendukung dan bangga menggunakan produk Indonesia…!!!_

_Jika kita mau memakai dan membeli produk bangsa sendiri…, niscaya 250 juta penduduk Indonesia akan lebih sejahtera…_

*_Kisah Papua, masih mau tertawa?_*

Vincent Gaspersz

Bukan saja di Papua, NTT, dll di Pulau Jawa juga demikian. Kasus di NTT seperti menjual buah kelapa kering lalu membeli minyak goreng merek tertentu juga termasuk dalam hal yang berkaitan dengan rendahnya intellectual capital. Mengapa Indonesia merupakan pemilik lahan terbesar dalam perkebunan kelapa sawit TETAPI Malaysia merupakan negara terbesar dalam pengekspor minyak sawit di dunia? Itu juga masalah rendahnya Intellectual Capital. Sayangnya selama ini dalam kewirausahaan selalu yang dipermasalahkan adalah financial capital PADAHAL yang memberikan nilai tambah terbesar adalah Intellectual Capital. Lalu kesalahan terbesar dari pemahaman yang keliru tentang Intellectual Capital seolah-olah adalah HANYA Human Capital. Bagan terlampir menjelaskan bahwa Market Value akan Rendah jika perkalian nilai financial capital dan intellectual capital rendah. Salam SUCCESS.

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Vincent Gaspersz

Masalah dan Pertanyaan Penelitian

Examples writing RQs and ROs. Contoh penulisan pertanyaan riset dan masalah riset.

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Proofreading by a UK PhD

Thavamaran Kanesan

Contoh Riset Kualitatif Sederhana

Partisipan                                            : 11 mahasiswa Muslimah Universitas Melbourne
Pertanyaan semi terstruktur   : 10 butir
Pertanyaan tertutup                     : 6 butir
Metode                                                 : Wawancara semi terstruktur 60-90 menit
Analisis data                                      : Thematic analysis technique
Saturation                                           : 10 orang
Scopus                                                  : Q2

Meldrum, Rebecca M., Pranee Liamputtong, and Dennis Wollersheim. “Sexual health knowledge and needs: young Muslim women in Melbourne, Australia.” International Journal of Health Services 46, no. 1 (2016): 124-140.

Indonesian state universities welcome foreigners as permanent lecturers

Indonesian state universities welcome foreigners as permanent lecturers
Moses Ompusunggu, Bambang Muryanto and Apriadi Gunawan – The Jakarta Post – Jakarta/Yogyakarta/Medan | Mon, April 16, 2018 | 07:26 pm

Indonesian state universities welcome foreigners as permanent lecturers The presence of foreign academics as lecturers can be a catalyst in boosting the country’s academic achievements. (Shutterstock/-)

Indonesian state universities are welcoming the latest policy of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s administration allowing foreign academics to serve as permanent lecturers in the country’s universities.

The administration announced last week that it was opening opportunities for foreign academics to become permanent lecturers at Indonesian universities in an attempt to increase the country’s quality of higher education and meet international standards.

The move followed a recent presidential regulation (Perpres) signed by Jokowi on the recruitment of foreign workers, which aims to ease the visa process of foreign workers the country needs most, including those who work in the education sector.

Based on the Perpres, the Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry is preparing a supporting regulation to ease the bureaucracy for foreign lecturers to live and work in Indonesia, including the possibility of issuing a new type of visa for them.

The new policy is the latest move by Jokowi to implement a sturdy foreign academic culture in Indonesia’s higher education system, after announcing in February that foreign universities would be allowed to operate in Indonesia.

Read also: Government aims to attract foreign lecturers

The country is home to more than 4,500 universities and other higher education institutions like polytechnics, but around 77 percent are still of substandard quality, according to the latest government survey.

The presence of foreign academics as lecturers could be a catalyst in boosting the country’s academic achievements, said Panut Mulyono, the rector of Yogyakarta-based Gadjah Mada University (UGM), ranked Indonesia’s best university, according to a 2017 government survey.

Indonesian universities could also have bigger opportunities to augment their network by, for instance, teaming up with foreign academics to conduct research projects “funded by international network of the foreign academics,” Panut said on Monday.

“The results could then be published in international scientific journals.”

Joni Hermana, rector of the state-run Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS), said the university had long awaited such a policy.

“This will encourage our lecturers to improve their qualifications,” Joni said last week, adding that ITS currently employed around 30 foreign lecturers on a temporary basis.

Foreign academics who will be prioritized in the policy are those qualified in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as these majors are considered the most relevant in Indonesia’s goal of “inspiring industrial innovation for the wider purpose of development,” the ministry said last week.

“We actually do have an adequate numbers of lecturers in the prioritized majors,” said the ministry’s human resources qualifications director, Mukhlas Ansori. “But we intend to attract lecturers whose qualifications exceed current benchmarks in our universities.”

However, Panut said that UGM had requested the administration to allocate foreign academics to the university’s social science departments, where more research needed to be conducted.

Several social science department heads agreed with Panut, asserting that the presence of permanent foreign lecturers may boost Indonesian universities’ global rankings.

Only three Indonesian universities were included in the 2017 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Best 500 Universities of the World list, namely the University of Indonesia (UI), ranked 277th; the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), in 331rd place; and UGM at 401st position.

“If foreign academics joined Indonesian universities, it would boost the quality of our campuses,” said Budi Agustono, head of North Sumatra University’s (USU) cultural studies department in Medan, the province’s capital.

However, some observers raised concerns over the policy, pointing out that employing foreign lecturers was not a guarantee in improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia.

“Employing foreign lecturers, whether temporarily or permanently, will not improve the quality [of education] as long as local lecturers are not treated equally,” said Hamid Hasan, a higher education expert at the Indonesia University of Education (UPI).

He said the underlying problem in Indonesia’s higher education system was that lecturers did not enjoy the same facilities and level of support foreign governments give their teachers.

The new policy also demonstrates how the state has fallen short in harnessing local resources, some private university lecturers have said.

“We still have plenty of quality local lecturers. Why do we have to import foreign lecturers?” asked Arifin Saleh, a lecturer of social science and politics at the privately run Muhammadiyah North Sumatra University (UMSU).

Wahyoe Boediwardhana contributed to this report from Surabaya.
Topics :

foreign-workers, foreign-lecturers, Universitas-Gajah-Mada, Universitas-Indonesia, higher-education, Jokowi, Indonesia

Paradigma Penelitian

Research paradigm: Positivism, Post Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical Theory, Post Modernism

Franco, S. (2016). A doctoral seminar in qualitative research methods : Lessons learned. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 323–339.

Bahasa Gosip dan Bahasa Literature Review ;)

Writing a Literature Review is just like gossip.

“Weh aku dengar daripada Rabiatul yang Ezani ni ada 4 awek.”

According to Rabiatul (20xx), Ezani has four girlfriends.
“Itu la pasal, Siti, Maria and Alex pun kata benda yang sama.”

This can be supported by Siti (20xx), Maria (20xx) and Alex (20xx).
“Nak dibuatkan cerite, Hannah ada kate yang Ezani kahwin salah satu, tapi dok skandal lagi dengan yang lagi tiga tu!”

In placing more emphasis, Hannah (20xx) claimed that Ezani is actually married but is still very close to the other three women.
“Yup, ramai gak ada cerita pasal tu. Faris kata bende same, Fikri kata bende same, Laila kata bende same. Wehhh geng si Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah pun sebut bende same wehh!”

This claim can also be supported by similar research done by Faris (20xx), Fikri (20xx), Laila (20xx) and Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah (20xx).
“Eh betul! Rendy dengan geng lagi la, deorang nampak kutt Ezani lepak dengan skandal dia kat Pavi!”

Furthermore, in an observation-based study by Rendy et al. (20xx), the findings have shown that Ezani was seen with another woman in Pavi.
“Betul la apa ex Ezani dulu, si Lacy, pernah cakap 5 tahun lepas; Ezani takkan berubah langsung. Once a player, always a player.”

These studies have found the similar results where Ezani is not a loyal man, as eloquently quoted by Lacy (20xx),
“Once a player, always a player.”
“Tapi kan, aku dengar dari membe baik Ezani, Aiman, yang Ezani bukan macam tu. Dia loyal kat bini dia je.”

However, these claims can be contended by Aiman (20xx) who indicated that Ezani is in actuality loyal to his wife.
“Aku tau pandangan ni tak seberapa, dan ramai orang takleh gtau bende yang same gak tapi, aku ada tanya and ada yang memang kata Ezani tu baik – ko gi la tanya Aizat, Hakim, Kimi.”

Although scarce, this assertion by Aiman (20xx) can be reinforced by similar allegations by Aizat (20xx), Hakim (20xx) and Kimi (20xx).
“Aku ada gi jumpe yang lagi 3 tu, yang orang kata ‘skandal’ Ezani – Nida, Fatin dan Amani. Aku jumpe deorang lately gak ahh. Deorang kata yang Ezani dengan deorang takde pape. Yang jumpe Ezani pun sebab nak settle business je”

In recent studies, Nida, Fatin and Amani (2017) have reasserted that Ezani is indeed loyal to his wife and that he is only on business terms with the other women.
Now lets combine the sentences:

According to Rabiatul (20xx), Ezani has four girlfriends. This can be supported by Siti (20xx), Maria (20xx) and Alex (20xx). In placing more emphasis, Hannah (20xx) claimed that Ezani is actually married but is still very close to the other three women. This claim can also be supported by similar research done by Faris (20xx), Fikri (20xx), Laila (20xx) and Rendy, Victor, Brandon and Jannah (20xx). Furthermore, in an observation-based study by Rendy et al. (20xx), the findings have shown that Ezani was seen with another woman in Pavi. These studies have found the similar results where Ezani is not a loyal man, as eloquently quoted by Lacy (20xx),
“Once a player, always a player.”

However, these claims can be contended by Aiman (20xx) who indicated that Ezani is in actuality loyal to his wife. Although scarce, this assertion by Aiman (20xx) can be reinforced by similar allegations by Aizat (20xx), Hakim (20xx) and Kimi (20xx). In recent studies, Nida, Fatin and Amani (2017) have reasserted that Ezani is indeed loyal to his wife and that he is only on business terms with the other women.


Note: the names are all purely fictional and these tips are in writing the LR at Bachelor Level


Zachariah Aidin Druckman