Suatu kegiatan  yang mempelajari secara mendalam  tentang suatu kegiatan , usaha atau bisnis yang akan dijalankan , dalam rangka menentukan  layak atau tidak usaha tersebut dijalankan. (Kasmir:261 kewirausahaan).

Mempelajari secara mendalam berarti  meneliti secara sungguh-sungguh pada usaha yang akan dijalankan  terhadap data dan informasi yang ada, kemudian mengukur menghitung  dan menganalisis   hasil penelitian  tersebut dengan metode -metode

  1. Apakah usaha yang dijalankan akan memberikan manfaat .
  2. Biaya yang dikeluarkan apakah sebanding dengan rencana usaha.
  3. usaha yang dijalankan akan memberikan keuntungan finansial  dan finansial
  4. dapat dilihat dari berbagai aspek , pasar dan pemasaran, keuangan, teknis/operasional, manajemen, ekonomi dan sosial serta dampak lingkungan

Tujuan studi kelayakan usaha:

  1. Menghindari risiko kerugian
  2. Memudahkan perencanaan
  3. Memudahkan pelaksanaan pekerjaan
  4. Memudahkan pengawasan
  5. Memudahkan pengendalian

Pihak yang berkepentingan dengan hasil studi kelayakan usaha:

  1. pemilik usaha; untuk mengukur usahanya akan memberikan keuntungan atau tidak.
  2. Lembaga Keuangan; apabila usahanya dibantu oleh  bank atau lembaga keuangan lainnya  dalam hal mengucurkan dana
  3. Pemerintah; berharap usaha yang dijalankan dapat membantu  perekonomian secara umum
  4. Masyarakat luas; tersedia lapangan kerja disekitar usaha dan terbukanya sarana dan prasarana.
  5. Manajemen; dapat menilai  hasil yang telah dicapai sehingga terlihat prestasi kerja pihak manajemen yang menjalankan usaha.

Aspek pasar dan Pemasaran:

  1. Apakah ada konsumen yang potensial untuk membeli produk
  2. Jika ada seberapa besar pasar nyata dan potensi
  3. Bagaimana peta kondisi pesaing
  4. Bsgaimana perilaku konsumen
  5. Strategi apa yang harus dijalankan untuk memenangkan persaingan dan merebut pasar

Cara melakukan  Riset Pasar:

  1. Terjun langsung kelapangan dengan cara observasi, wawancara maupun kuesioner
  2. mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber untuk lebih meyakinkan dalam meneliti pasar meliputi 4P

Banyak usaha yang gagal karena kurang jeli dalam merencanakan bisnis. Usaha yang buru-buru karena desakan yang penting jalan dan ada pemikiran memulai dengan segera. Mengabaikan rencana usaha merupakan kesalahan fatal karena tidak ada gambaran akan usaha kita layak atau tidak untuk dijalankan. Jangan memaksa usaha itu harus jadi tanpa ada tuntunan dalam memulai usaha. Keperluan yang paling berharga disaat membutuhkan modal dari pihak bank atau pihak keuangan lainnya pastinya dibutuhkan data-data tentang kelayakan usaha. Bank atau pemberi modal  menginginkan kepastian untuk membayar kembali.




Promotion is something that cannot be separated in the business. With the promotion, the products that we sell will become more popular in the eyes of potential consumers. Therefore, consumers can read and know our products through advertisements and brochures. Ads and brochures in various places make consumers recognize the products that we offer. But keep in mind, the promotion is not everything in a business, so we have to place the promotion funds as needed. In business, we will find other needs that we must fund. One way of doing promotion is to upload the products that we offer in social media.


By means of promoting products through online or social media, our products will be better known. Sale through online currently is intensively conducted by many companies. This online promotion can be done by individuals selling products, the company itself, or companies paying someone to do the promotion. Promotion through these online can be relatively inexpensive. Besides that, sale through online is very easy to operate.


There are several things that can be done if we are going to do online promotion:

  1. We create a website about the product,
  2. Menu navigation welcomes visitors to get our product because then consumers would be to visit our product web will be much greater,
  3. We may be able to ask the webmaster to increase consumer traffic to our site.

Jus Sawi, Mentimun dan Pir Untuk Diet

Bahan-bahan :

  • Sayur sawi 5 tangkai
  • Mentimun segar 1 buah
  • Pir 1 buah
  • Kacang mede 5 biji
  • Air perasan jeruk lemon 3 sendok makan
  • Madu 1 sendok makan

Cara Membuat Jus Sawi Mix Mentimun Pir :

  1. Pertama-tama potong 5 tangkai sayur sawi sampai menjadi bagian, lalu cuci bersih.
  2. Potong-potong mentimun dan buah pir menjadi beberapa bagian. Sisihkan.
  3. Selanjutnya masukkan potongan sayur sawi, mentimun, buah pir dan 5 biji kacang mete ke dalam blender. Proses sampai halus, kemudian masukkan 3 sendok makan air lemon serta madu, proses lagi sampai tercampur rata.
  4. Tuangkan jus ke dalam gelas, minum segera.

Kandungan antioksidan, vitamin, serat dan mineral yang terdapat dalam sayur sawi sangat bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Sehingga anda tidak membutuhkan banyak air untuk memblender jus ini, karena kandungan mineral dalam sayuran sawi sudah cukup tinggi.


  1. Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road : jalan pelan-pelan di pinggir jalan = MLIPIR
  2. Falling backward and then hit own head : jatuh ke belakang dan kepala terbentur = NGGEBLAG
  3. Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face) : jatuh ke depan = KEJLUNGUP
  4. Smearing one”s body with hotointment or liquid and then massaging it : melumuri tubuh dengan cairan lalu memijit = MBLONYOHI
  5. Riding and old bicycle : mengendarai sepeda tua = NGONTHEL
  6. Got hit a truck that is moving backward : tertabrak truk yang mundur = KUNDURAN TRUK
  7. Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down a volcano : semburan awan panas yang menuruni gunung meletus = WEDHUS GEMBEL
  8. A small, sharp thing embedded inside one’s skin : benda yang kecil dan tajam menusuk ke kulit = SUSUBEN/TLUSUPEN
  9. Thing getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity : keluar dari tempatnya karena gravitasi = MBROJOL
  10. Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one’s head/body : kejatuhan benda pada kepala atau tubuh = KEMBRUKAN
  11. Drinking straight from the bottle without using the glass, where whole bottle tip gets into the mouth : minum langsung dari botol tanpa gelas = NGOKOP
  12. Difficult to open eyes because something is shining very bright : susah membuka mata karena silau = MBLERENG
  13. HAnging on tightly to something in order to be inert : berpegang erat pada sesuatu = GONDHELAN
  14. Falling / tripping accidentally because of a hole : terjatuh ke lubang = KEJEGLONG
  15. Being over active carelessly : menjadi hiperaktif tapi tidak ati2 = PECICILAN
  16. Feeling unwell because of cold temperature : merasa tidak enak badan karena dingin = KATISEN/KADHEMAN
  17. Releasing “wind” from the body thru a coin drawn across the skin’s surface : mengeluarkan angin dari badan melalui gesekan koin ke permukaan kulit = KEROKAN
  18. Finding by accident something good or useful without looking for it : menemukan sesuatu yang berguna secara tidak sengaja = NDILALAH
  19. Expression or gesture due to a sudden appearance (of something) : ekspresi karena kemunculan sesuatu yang tiba2 = MAK JEGAGIK/MAK BEDHUNDUK/UJUG-UJUG
  20. Water come out from your mouth : air keluar dari mulut = NGENCES
  21. Doing something with your finger : melakukan sesuatu dengan jarimu = UTEK-UTEK
  22. A lot of water come out from your skin : keluar air banyak dari kulit = GEMBROBYOS
  23. Have something between your teeth : ada sesuatu di antara gigimu = SELILITAN
  24. Accidentally poke you eyes : tidak sengaja mencolek matamu = KECULEK

Sumber : A.R.A.S

Info Kesehatan…

Prof. Dr. dr Bhenny Karim, SpPD-KR (Guru Besar FK UGM) memberikan info kesehatan :

Untuk Saudara-Saudari yang telah berumur 45 tahun ke atas …

Proses penuaan sudah mulai sejak usia 32 tahun dengan mulainya penurunan fungsi organ-organ (seperti ginjal,lever, anak ginjal, hypophyse, dsbnya).

Penurunan hormone-hormone (seperti testosterone,growth hormone, coenzyme Q10, melatonin dan antioxydan).

Pada wanita usia 45 th mulai penurunan estrogen. Pada pria penurunan hormone progesterone dan testosterone.

Penuaan adalah suatu penyakit yang berlangsung kronis yang sebenernya tidak dapat dicegah. diobati dan dikembalikan jadi muda kembali. Penuaan akibat titah dari gen. Penyakit penuaan yaitu :

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Metabolik Syndrome dengan akibat penyakit Cardiovasculer (seperti stroke, penyakit jantung coroner dan Hipertensi Renal)
  3. Cancer (seperti payudara, usus, prostat, ovarium)
  4. Alzeimer (pikun)
  5. SD (sexsual Dysfunction)

Apa yang harus dilakukan ???

  1. Bergerak — jalan kaki 3 s/d 5 km/hari dapat mencegah Osteoporosis dan hipertensi
  2. Senam Olah Napas — seperti pranayama, Orhiba, cikung, yoga dsb 2 x / minggu. Paru-paru perlu latihan Deep breathing/maximal breathing. untuk meningkatkan aliran darah di alveoli, menguras CO2.
  3. Kurangi Karbohidrat — cukup protein, buah dan sayur
  4. Jaga Berat Badan — lingkaran perut tak boleh lebih 80 cm untuk wanita dan 90 cm untuk pria , BMI tak boleh lebih 30 kg/m2.
  5. Tekanan darah tak boleh lebih 140/90 — cek tensi tiap minggu.
  6. Kadar gula darah puasa tak boleh lebih 110, trigliserida 150, HDL harus lebih 50. Jadi cek darah tiap 6 bulan.
  7. Tradmill setiap hari.
  8. Wanita mamografi dan Pap Smear setiap 3 tahun — deteksi dini kanker serviks dan payudara.
  9. Istirahat cukup — tidur 6 jam mulai jam 10 malam, lampu mati (merangsang growth hormone). Jangan makan 3 jam sebelum tidur (mencegah GERD, mencegah sesak). Bantal pendek (meningkatkan oksigenasi otak), miring ke kanan (mengurangi beban jantung), lambung tidak tertekan menghindar reflux).
  10. Kurangi stress — kerja di luar kapasitas/kemampuan perbanyak doa dan meditasi, perbaiki kualitas ibadah, hiburan ngobrol santai, dan banyak membaca, silaturahmi atau berkumpul dengan teman2 , tidak boleh marah2 atau emosi maupun terlalu bersedih.

Semoga Bermanfaaf dan dapat diterapkan ….





Last night I frankly could not sleep. I was confused because tomorrow is the day of the announcement of the students’ scores by online. So as a lecturer of English courses at PERBANAS Institute Jakarta, frankly I’m upset and sad. Out of four classes that I taught last semester, there were 7 students who did not pass in my courses. In that Odd Semester I was teaching a class Diploma in Accounting Taxation – English for Professional Purposes – 3 credits, 1 class in Diploma Finance Banking, that is English for Economics – 2 credits, a class in SI Accounting – 2 credits namely English for Economics, and SI Management, that is English for Professional Purposes – 2 credits. I was confused because I had tried to add the students score fairly. It was hard for me to know that 80% of the students’ English were under the English standard in Perbanas Institute. However, I had to be relieved 70% of them performed their homework. In addition, unfortunately there are still 7 students who do not pass.

There are several reasons that I could identify why the students did not perform well, such as:

  1. The students were absent for more than three times,
  2. The students often did not listen to the lecturer well,
  3. The students never asked if they did not understand,
  4. The students did the homework but they did not understand what they did,
  5. The students often used their cell phones secretly in the classroom (although it was not allowed),
  6. The student seems to give their attention in fact they did not focus on the explanation,
  7. The students did not make use of the consultation time,
  8. The students did not want to review their last lesson.

Finally I decided to give C- or D because I think I had performed tough for this Odd Semester 2016/2017. I surrendered to the circumstances, at last I slept.


Pendekatan system  diperlukan dalam  tim kerja  

Seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Cooper (2005)  sesungguhnya tidak hanya dibutuhkan oleh para manajer tetapi juga dipahami oleh para karyawan secara keseluruhan. Dahulu pengetahuan pendekatan system dan teknik yang berkaitan satu dan lainnya serta   digunakan sebagian besar oleh manajer yang sudah belajar mengenai pengetahuan . Sedangkan lainnya beranggapan lebih mengandalkan intuisi saja.

Saat ini struktur organisasi perusahaan atau lembaga sudah semakin datar dengan tanggung jawab yang lebih ditekankan pada lapis bawah, berarti kemampuan pendekatan system semakin diperlukan bagi lapisan bawah. Sehingga dirasakan kompleksitas permasalahan yang dihadapi semakin tinggi Pendekatan system berbeda dengan pendekatan analistis yang cendrung melihat suatu masalah terpisah-pisah fokus pada masalah. Pendekatan   system mencoba melihat secara menyeluruh dan memperhatikan semua faktor yang terkait dengannya solusi yang lebih baik bersifat jangka panjang dan dengan lebih sedikit berdampak sampingnya. .

Ciri-ciri dari system antara lain dapat dilihat sikap dan perilakunya  seperti dalam menghargai orang lain,  perlunya koordinasi, kerjasama antar tim, mempertimbangkan berbagai pendapat yang beragam, demokratis, memandang permasalahan dalam perspektif yang luas dan peka terhadap perkembangan lingkungan.

Penerapan system  dikepanitian  wisuda tahun 2016 pada bulan Mei dan Desember. Kegiatan berjalan dengan tertib dan lancar. Kegiatan ini setiap tahun dilaksanakan berarti sesuatu yang biasa dan rutin.

Tanpa kami sadari di tim  melakukan ciri-ciri system yang dikemukakan sebelumnya. Semua berjalan dukungan dari tim  yang solid dan memahami arti koordinasi. Tak lupa kami selalu berdoa semua aktivitas kami hanya Allah SWT yang memberikan petunjuk dan mempelancar kegiatan  pada Mei dan Desember tahun 2016. Dengan mengucapkan syukur Alhamdulilah  bersyukur Ya Allah berikan  kepada kami kekuatan iman dan kesabaran, Aamiin YRA

BINGUNG memilih agen pemasaran internal atau eksternal ???

Whether your wholesale business has been in operation for years or you’re just beginning to get your products off the ground and onto shelves, you may be in the midst of making the choice between building an internal sales force or selling through independent sales reps.

While internal sales reps are on a company’s payroll regardless of how many sales they make, independent sales reps, also called “manufacturer’s reps,” will sell your line (and likely many others) while working solely on commission. These sales reps may be independent agents, or part of a larger rep firm.

In talking with wholesalers across a wide range of industries, it’s become clear that there are a number of key points to consider when choosing between these two sales structures. If you’re deciding whether to switch from independent to internal sales reps (or vice versa), or wondering which type of sales force will help you get a new product line onto retail shelves more quickly, here’s a quick guide to help you make the choice.

Independent Sales Reps vs. Internal Reps: The Pros and Cons

An Independent Sales Force


  • The risks are minimal, as reps work on commission and don’t get paid if they don’t make sales.
  • If you don’t have sufficient territory coverage, independent reps may have established contacts that can help you enter new geographic markets.
  • Independent reps can help you get more feet on the ground quickly.


  • Independent sales reps often sell many different lines and brands. Your products may not get as much attention, especially if your brand isn’t well-known.
  • If your products require some technical knowledge, training can be costly and difficult to coordinate.
  • A brand’s relationship with independent reps can be precarious, as they can decide to drop your line whenever they see fit. In the words of one wholesaler, “independent reps are here today, gone tomorrow.”

An Internal Sales Force


  • Internal sales reps are your employees, and therefore exclusive representatives of your brand. You know they’ll be focused on your products, not distracted by others.
  • With their in-depth knowledge of your target market, brand story, etc., internal reps can provide a richer, more strategic selling experience.


  • An internal sales force can take longer to scale.
  • Internal reps are on your payroll. You may end up investing time and resources into a sales rep that doesn’t end up meeting quota.

Key Considerations

Thus, with those pros and cons in mind, let’s take a look at some of the key questions that will influence your decision.

What is your budget?

If you have an aggressive go-to-market strategy, but don’t yet have the time or money to hire, train, and begin scaling your own internal sales team, working with independent sales reps may be your best option.

Where are you already selling and/or looking to sell?

You may decide to hire an internal sales team for larger, more saturated territories (where talent is plentiful and sales volume is higher), while also hiring independent reps for smaller territories where it’s more difficult for you to break into the market.

How strong is your competitive position?

Is your brand new or established? Where do you stand among your competitors? This can affect your decision of whether to go with independent or internal sales reps in a few different ways.

If you’re a relatively new brand, independent reps can be an effective way to leverage an independent rep’s existing relationships and spread into new territories more quickly. As mentioned in the previous point, this can also be a cost-effective strategy.

On the other hand, new or lesser known brands can be often overlooked by independent reps who have other more popular lines that are guaranteed to sell. Your brand equity can be a huge factor in how much time and effort reps will put into learning more about your products and pitching them to retailers. Remember: these reps work solely on commission. They may be carrying competing products, and they will sell what makes them money. For this reason, newer brands sometimes choose to cultivate their own internal sales teams.

How much do you care about your brand experience?

To a retailer, a sales rep can be the face of a brand. Indeed, some wholesalers refer to their sales reps as “brand ambassadors.” If you’re concerned with making sure that these representatives provide the best possible customer experience and a focused brand experience, you may not get that from an independent rep.

Are your products highly technical?

If selling your products involves a significant level of product knowledge, you may want to consider an internal sales team. Because independent sales reps often represent many different brands, sometimes across a wide variety of categories, they may not have the bandwidth for any additional product training.

How will you manage your sales force?

What’s your management style? Do you prefer your sales reps to take notes on customer interactions, track order history, play a bigger role in merchandising, etc.? Do you want to have a close, hands on relationship with the people selling your products? Internal sales reps might be your best bet.

If, on the other hand, you’re comfortable placing some distance between your company and the deal-making and selling happening on the front lines, you might work well with independent reps.

Is it your ultimate goal to have an internal sales force?

It’s sometimes the case that companies will decide to hire independent reps in the beginning, but plan on transitioning to an internal rep force after their brand is more established.

It’s important to remember, however, that B2B sales is all about relationships. If your brand’s relationship with a retailer was first created through an independent rep, it can be difficult to replace those reps with an internal sales force that has little or no connection with those existing customers. You may even end up competing directly with those reps who used to sell your products. This can be a disorienting––not to mention confusing––experience for your retailers.

Regardless of whether you decide to go with an exclusively internal sales team, an independent rep group, or a mixture of the two, we hope that this helped you figure out which model would work best for your business. Other key considerations or experiences to share? Let us know in the comments.


Summary of differences

Indpendent sales force:

  • Fast-paced
  • Work across a variety of brands simultaneously – need to have strong multitasking skills
  • Service focused – the clients are top priority
  • Relationship management
  • Time management to deal with competing priorities
  • Negotiating budgets
  • Pitches and presentations
  • Must be up-to-date with the latest trends and developments to ensure expertise

Internal sales force:

  • One brand to focus on
  • Planning and development is crucial
  • Can be political and bureaucratic
  • Need good influencing skills to work with internal stakeholders
  • Develop highly specialised skills in one or two areas
  • Can be siloed as a result of specialised centres of excellence
  • Manage multiple agencies on campaigns and projects
  • Need good commercial skills to sell-in ideas to internal stakeholders
  • Can suffer from the HiPPO problem!

Source: Sarah Leung (2015), edited

Peringkat Perguruan Tinggi dengan Mahasiswa Terbanyak 2015

Puspawarna Pendidikan Tinggi Indonesia 2011-2015

Edhi Juwono – Dilakukannya vs Dilakukan olehnya

Sering kali kita mendengar kata seperti “dilakukannya” di dalam sebuah kalimat seperti, “Pengembangan aset telah dilakukannya.”

Apakah sudah tepat penggunaan kata “dilakukannya” di dalam kalimat itu? Salah satu cara yang paling mudah untuk mengetahui apakah kata “dilakukannya” sudah tepat adalah dengan mengubah urutan kata sebagai bagian dari upaya memberikan tekanan pada kata tertentu. Misalnya kita akan memberikan tekanan pada siapa yang melakukan pengembangan aset, kalimatnya akan berubah menjadi, ” Nya telah dilakukan pengembangan aset” (?). Kalimat tersebut jelas tidak berterima. Oleh karena itu, pasti ada yang salah di dalam penggunaan kata “dilakukannya”. Alih-alih kata “dilakukannya”, adalah frasa “dilakukan olehnya” sehingga jika kita memberikan tekanan kepada siapa yang melakukan, kalimatnya menjadi, “Olehnya telah dilakukan pengembangan aset”

Dengan demikian, yang harus dicermati di dalam pengalimatan adalah menambahkan kata “oleh” di belakang verba atau kata kerja pasif. Jadi, frasa verbal kalimat aktif “melakukannya”  akan berubah menjadi verba berbentuk frasa atau gabungan kata verbal”dilakukan olehnya” di dalam kalimat pasif.