Skala Pengukuran Spiritualitas

Fisher (2010)
(1) Personal; (2) Environmental; (3) Communal; and (4) Transcendental
2. Dimensions of Spirituality: A Framework for Adult Educators
Fenwick and Lange (1998)
(1) life and death; (2) soul and self; (3) cosmology; (4) knowledge; (5) the Bway^; (6) focus; (7) practices of spirituality and the role of others; and (8) responses.
3. Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES) Underwood et al. (2002)
(1) Strength and Comfort; (2) Perceived Divine Love; (3) Inspiration or Discernment
4. Developing and Validating a Questionnaire to Measure Spirituality: A Psychometric Process
Parsian and Dunning (2009)
(1) Importance of spiritual beliefs; (2) Self-awareness; (3) Environmental awareness; (4) Relationships; (5) Spiritual needs; (6) Spiritual experiences
5. Spirituality Assessment Scale (SAS)
Beazley (1998)
(1) Living the faith relationship; (2) Prayer or meditation; (3) Honesty; (4) Humility; (5) Service towards others
6. Spirituality Assessment Scale (SAS)
Howden (1992)
(1) Unifying Connectedness; (2) Purpose & Meaning in Life; (3) Innerness & Transcendence (non-religious orientation)
Spirituality Measurement Scale (SMS)
1 Self Engagement (ENG)
1.1 Meditation
1.2 Yoga
1.3 Reading books about self development
1.4 Spiritual singing
1.5 Chanting Mantras
1.6 Attending spiritual workshops/activities/events
2 Service towards others (STO)
2.1 I give my time to help others.
2.2 I sacrifice my personal ego needs to do what best serves’ others.
2.3 I give my material resources to help others.
2.4 I am generally humble to others.
2.5 Compassion comes naturally to me.
- Self Efficacy (SE)
3.1 I have a meaningful life.
3.2 I have confidence in my actions.
3.3 Most of the time, I have a positive approach.
3.4 If I could live my life again, I would change nothing.
3.5 I am a self-content person.
3.6 The progression of my life is as expected.
3.7 So far, I have got everything I deserve.
3.8 I am satisfied with my life, as a whole.
- Transcendence (T)
4.1 Creates an atmosphere Of positivity.
4.2 Promotes peaceful living.
4.3 Helps in reducing depression.
4.4 Relates to a person’s search for finding greater meaning in one’s existence.
4.5 Is what keeps people anchored to happiness.
4.6 A holistic approach that embraces all, under one super natural being.
4.7 A belief, that we all derive the supreme power from one common source.
4.8 Helps in realizing one’s higher purpose in life.
4.9 Bowing before his will without any doubt.
4.10 Spirit of keep going and not giving up.
4.11 Promotes togetherness among all beings.
4.12 Helps in having clarity in life.
4.13 Enhances healthy lifestyle.
4.14 Working together to resolve conflicts in a positive way.
4.15 Utilizing the power of the rational mind for the benefit of the society.
4.16 Being connected with divinity.
4.17 Spreads the message of unity in diversity.
4.18 A feeling of oneness with all living beings.
4.19 The awareness of my spirit.
- Self Awareness (SA)
5.1 I have awareness of my career.
5.2 I have awareness of my aspirations.
5.3 I am aware about my desires.
5.4 I am aware about my daily needs.
5.5 I have awareness of my body.
5.6 I have awareness of my family.
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