Contoh Justifikasi Skala Likert 5-Point
The Likert-type scale approach remains the main format for the questionnaire. The 5-point Likert scales were used. According to Likert (1932 in Revilla, Saris and Krosnick, 2014), participants are expected to align their exact responses on every item to a 5point scale. As posited by Cox (1980), 5-point scales are suitable for measurement. This approach is the most familiar type of rating scale. Moyer (2001) suggests that the Likert rating scale is very useful in the evaluation of employee performance especially in agree and disagree rating scales (Revilla, Saris and Krosnick, 2014).
However, Dawes (2008) argues on the possibility of consistency when 10-point scale is replaced with 5/7 point scale, as it may yield more information. However, recent studies have found that a 5-point scale yields better quality data (Revilla et al., 2014), which is consistent with previous findings (Jenkins and Taber, 1977; Lissitz and Green, 1975). Therefore, the 5-point scale is used in this study.
Mohamed Mira
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