Creative Employee Behavior (Part I)
In today’s fast moving world, an organization has to be competitive to survive. The term competitive implies that the organization should be able to balance all factors that are interconnected, including internal and external factors. Furthermore, employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization. Moreover, managing human resources (employee) is the most important aspect that should be considered by an organization.
Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goal. As a consequence, individual differences at the same time may result on different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior. In fact, it is only positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior.
Besides employee creative behavior, an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential. Employee involvement program gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way. Additionally, the program of employee involvement depends on employee behavior.
The interdependency between employee and organization will lead the organization into certain direction. The direction, then will depends on how the organization and the employee put their shoes in the suitable size. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard. #SruputKopiDulu 😉
Nani Fitriani
walker, cofee lover, outstanding dreamer 🙂
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employee should be creative because employee is the most important aspect that should be considered by an organization. the heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals. organization or company only needed positive behaviour of employees and the one of positive behaviour of employees is crative behaviour
An employee can do to be creative a give a good idea to the company or it can promote a company, and positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the company ability to reach it goals. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior.
in my opinion about employee creativity isemployees can be more creative if the company provides several facilities to spur more creative ideas.
thus increasing the quality of employees
IndonesiaIf you are used to living with a vision of the far future, be able to follow the changes, imagine and create something that was not there before as well as being a person with high ability to integrate and collaborate. Then you are fortunate to have become part of people who are creative. creative person is one who is able to work wholeheartedly not recognize the complaints focus on the goal because that way you will find the idea of creating a more creative ideas.
in may opinion an employee do tobe creative
which can be done by the company, so that employees be creative is to give appreciation to the employee’s performance is good, because the slightest positive things employees do we have to mengapresiasinya.agar employees be encouraged to create new ideas are good, useful to encourage the company’s progress in the future.
Basically there are three types of creative people. Ie those who do creativity, those who show ideas and new things, and they are redesigning ideas and following the old things put into a new perspective. because creative employees is very important to perusaan so perusaan be developed and more advanced.
If you are used to living with a vision of the far future, be able to follow the changes, imagine and create something that was not there before as well as being a person with high ability to integrate and collaborate. Then you are fortunate to have become part of people who are creative. creative person is one who is able to work wholeheartedly not recognize the complaints focus on the goal because that way you will find the idea of creating a more creative ideas.
that can be done so that the employee be creative is to give appreciation to the employee’s performance is good, because the slightest positive things employees do, we must mengapresiasinya.agar employees be encouraged or motivated to create great new ideas, which is useful for pushing the company to depannya.dan employees is one of the valuable corporate assets due to the progress of the company one of which lies in its employees profeaional in bejerja and creative in solving a problem that has to do with the company.
Employees may be unwilling to take risks because they do not know whether the organization supports creativity. This is when you need to guide the organization in the right direction, and show that creativity is highly valued. This has a lot to do with how receptive you are to their ideas, and how you make known your intention to be a more creative company.
creative employee is who have the ability to achieve the goal in the organization. showing their ability in positive way.
It’s simple: Creative people tend to be more motivated because they’ve achieved something. They’ve discovered a better way of doing things or they’ve solved a problem by thinking outside the box. By successfully finding solutions, they’re more motivated to work. And the more motivated they are, the more productive they are. And the more productive they are, the more satisfied and motivated they are. The cycle endlessly recreates itself.
But before you can increase creativity in your employees, you need to figure out why they’re not creative now
employees need to be creative so that the company can compete with other companies so that the company can survive in the fierce competition
Creativity is the mental and social process used to generate ideas, concepts and associations that lead to the exploitation of new ideas.
Or to put it simply: innovation. Through the creative process, employees are tasked with exploring the profitable outcome of an existing or potential endeavor, which typically involves generating and applying alternative options to a company’s products, services and procedures through the use of conscious or unconscious insight. This creative insight is the direct result of the diversity of the team – specifically, individuals who possess different attributes and perspectives.
Providing training in specialized training for employees to be able to work as closely as possible. So as to provide a positive impact for their company and minimize the negative impact for their company, so the company will gain a competitive employee to be able to compete.
The advantages of being creative employee to fasilitate the work and provide an ecample to other employe
employees must be creative because it’s important for performance and behavior support aimed at the development of a company or institution
Employee must be creative because it’s important for performance and behavior support aimed at the development of a company or institution.
profits for companies that have employees who are creative employees with mental creativitas gives positive for a company.
for example: Increase Revenue
Companies clearly benefit if you have a creative spirit for their employees were able to bring benefits to the fullest. This certainly influenced the ability to analyze market needs and provide innovative services that can fulfill it. Thus, the consumer will not hesitate to use the products and services of your company.
Employee should be creative because creativity can produce new ideas for the organization. Creative employee always think outside of the box in every part. They tend to learn something new, share their innovative ideas, and bring solution if there any difficulities, so it helps organization to reach their goals.
the advantage for a company having creative employees is productivity clearly will increase and deliver a lot of positive things in the future because there are many ideas that we will get when we’re discussing and a lot of creative and unique ideas will come up
An employee do to be creative by exploring many things outside the zone. By exploring outside the zone, employee can get many things with different prespective. Different things with different prespective can make the employee thinks differently and employee can be more creative, because employee get many objects to make it more creative. To make creativity, employee should thinks creative too. Employee should open their mind and see outside their zone. Because there are mooore creative things outside or objects that employee has to make them be creative.
if you want to get employees to creative, you need to motivate them with some form of rewards.
Moreover, suggestions have to be taken seriously so that employees are willing to come up with more creative ways of improving the workplace.
Otherwise, everyone will think it’s a waste of time to squeeze out creative juices for suggestions that won’t be implemented anyway.
To kick-start things up, you can set goalsfor your employees to think up of some ways of making work processes more efficient. Perhaps each employee can be tasked to provide one suggestion by the end of each week and you’ll assess which idea is the best. This will be followed with a reward for the employee and equally important, implementation.
The reward can be tangible ones like giving monetary incentives, or intangible ones like recognition from the organizationby announcing the winner to the rest.
Inform the employee about the negative impact her negativity is having on coworkers and the department. Use specific examples that describe behaviors the employee can do something about in the workplace.
the advantages of being ceative employee are the company will appreciate a creative employee for example get promotion job or get bonus. being a creative employee will give value added and can compate with other employee
An employee can do to be creative a give a good idea to the company or it can promote a company.
That can be done so that the employee be creative is to give appreciation to the employee’s performance is good, because the slightest positive things employees do.
Employees need to be creative because life is always faced with the problem that required their creative ideas to tackle and solve the problem. Competition with the other company never stops so it should always be creative in generating ideas to make or repair the product in order to stay ahead.
My opinion about employee’s creativity:
Creativity and innovation are often the reason that businesses flourish in today’s world—setting the bar higher for the next big idea. Creative thinking leads to the implementation of innovative ideas in the workplace.
why employee need to be creative because employee can be maximize what they have to give and they can give their ability to reach organization goals
Employees’ creativity is really needed in an organization. Why? Something can’t be called organization, if there are no employees. To build a great organization, it depends on their employees. Organization is people who cooperate to reach their same goal. In the case to reach their same goal, we can’t say that it would be no struggle. Organization need employees who creative, to solve any problems. Thinking creative about anything they would do, to advance their organization, and to compete with others to be greater.
Employees respond best to positive reinforcement (rewards).Rewards strengthen a behavior when employees see a strong connection between a specific behavior and a certain reward.To get the best results, managers need to clearly identify good performance in behavioral terms and reward those employees who engage in these specific behaviors.
a company is in need of quality human resources. This human resource if not properly treated by the company itself will be bad for the company. many ways that can be done to improve the quality of human resources itself. in my opinion the most important is closer relationship between superiors and employees. a good relationship can increase trust, care, and good morale for employees. can also organize a program to motivate employees. for example family gathering, training in improving the spirit of performance, and scheduling seminars about positive work. maybe the above ways can help influence employees in positive behavior in the company or place of work.
the company compensates employees for performing performance calculations by establishing a fair performance appraisal system. The system generally contains criteria for assessment of each employee, such as from the number of completed jobs, the pace of work, communication with other workers, behavior, knowledge of work, etc. and by creating a harmonious working environment.
Health insurance is often considered by an employee before applying to a particular company. In addition, health insurance can also help companies maintain the productivity of its employees. For example, if your employees are sickly and reluctant to seek treatment because they do not want to spend more money, surely this will hurt the company, right? Unlike if you provide insurance, employees will be more diligent in treatment if you experience pain and productivity of the company is still running. Indeed insurance makes companies spend more money, but this is the right step to improve the welfare of your employees.
Leaders have the task to improve the performance of his team in order to achieve the target work set by stakeholders. In order to achieve maximum performance, many things must be done by each leader. One of them is having to build a synergy of mutual support among employees, so that the entire team can do the job effectively and productively.
Employees can only work with maximal and productive synergies, when all employees work in Harmonious, Conducive and Productive conditions. This is an absolute condition that must be created by every leader first. Although the individual capability of each employee is high, if they work in a company where the working conditions are not harmony, conducive then the motivation and performance will be low, so the productivity of work will also be low. But on the contrary, although the competence of employees is not too high, they work in the right conditions then the performance will be maximized.
1. Give fair incentives or bonuses
Fair incentives or bonuses make the employee think that the company gives employees professional rights. Of course this will affect the increasing morale of employees. If he does more, he will get more. Sounds fair?
2. Gathering and refreshing together.
Companies that care about their employees will spend quality time to just hang out or have a light chat at a coffee break because they talk about works all the time can make employees saturated.
a company would definitely want to have employees who work effectively and efficiently. therefore the company must have a security standard for its employees. I think work accident insurance and accidents outside work is a program that must exist within the company. in addition to guaranteeing employees to stay safe, this program also makes employees will feel calm if one day there is a bad thing that befall the employee.
Besides employee creative behavior, an organization also needs to give feedback and reward progam to increase positive behavior so employee who have willingness will reach the reward and give punishment to avoid negative behavior.
1. Recognize Employees
Recognition from a company/manager is a very important motivator for employees. It encourages positive behavior and helps promote long-term top performance.
2. Encourage Teamwork
Teamwork grows out of a culture of openness and trust between managers and employees. When employees feel they are part of a team within their company, they invest more time and energy into their job.
To create positive behavior from employees, companies can perform various programs in order to achieve company goals such as raising employee salaries, creating a harmonious working environment, providing compensation to employees, job security, etc. And reinforce the rules that apply, if someone made a mistake will be given punishment and do not regard the position.
Each person must have the ability and creativity. If we want to be employees who have different creativity from other employees, then we have to do now is to change our attitude by looking for new ideas more interesting again, and ask for opinions and spirit of others. Be yourself to be creative without the need to follow others. And if you doing a job, do the job properly and as much as possible in accordance with your ability. Believe you have more ability and creativity than others.
organization should maintain their employees by watching what they need. By fullfiling their needs, a positive behavior of the employees will be created and it helps the organization to complete their goals.
1. Be Willing to Discipline or Fire an Employee for Unprofessional Conduct
Nothing sends a stronger message than “coronations and executions.” That is, rewarding and celebrating the right behaviors, and punishing the wrong behaviors. That means not letting a top performer get away with unprofessional conduct, and rewarding the right behaviors even if the result wasn’t what you were seeking.
2. Recognize and Reward Both Results and Behaviors
When a manager says, “all that matters is results, and I don’t care how you get there,” it’s an invitation for unprofessional behavior.
3. Provide Feedback and Coaching
New employees, especially employees new to the workforce, sometimes need someone to take them aside and provide feedback and coaching. An experienced, caring co-worker can also provide this kind of constructive advice.
Employees who do their best to be courteous and friendly to their coworkers, managers and customers make office life much more pleasant than those who seek to cause disturbances or drama. These employees brighten the office and leave their egos and outside problems at the door in the name of being good workers and trying to maintain a good work atmosphere. While no one is perfect and everyone has bad days, these employees manage to rise above the fray.
6. – Recognizing and rewarding desirable employee behavior is the essential key to motivating employees to work more productively.
Providing positive reinforcement can give an employee a sense of self-worth by making her feel good about her work performance
-Encouraging Good Behavior
Positive reinforcement can increase the chances of a desired behavior reoccurring in the future. Tf workers receive repeated praise or encouragement for good performance, they may be more likely to continue it. For example, a habitually tardy employee who receives praise for arriving at work early may seek to continue the pattern if he continues to receive positive feedback from his supervisor.
Company concept BOT (Build, Operate, and Transfer) : The concept of a company with a mission of building, operating, and transferring or commonly known for masterpieces that when the time comes must be submitted to the buyer or subscriber. A successful BOT concept company is a masterpiece of every employee and company leader. It is the same as a maestro who creates the best artwork. A maestro will work wholeheartedly to create the best artwork, and he will be happy if the last buyer or owner enjoys his artwork happily. Likewise with every employee and leadership attitude and mental maestro. Because, every employee and leader has become the creator of a strong company, superior, productive, effective, low risk, and always performing the maximum. As soon as the company is built up to the buyer, the masterpiece of every leader and employee who creates the company, will be remembered as something that is highly dependent on all parties.
1. Provide trainings to employees, such as skill training, creativity training, and team work training. So they can have a basis to become an employee with positive behavior, and they also can maximize their existing abilities. And the company should also give the employees counseling and motivations to make them much better.
2. Recognize hard work and give reward to employee who does a great job. Recognizing the employee who work hard will encourage them to keep up the great work. It also shows that hard work is acknowledged and appreciated, and encourages other employees to work harder.
3. Give appropriate punishment to employees who break the rules.
In my opinion to create positive behaviors of employees by giving them an appreciation for those who are able to do their job well by giving them a bonus or a raise that makes them the spirit to work better that will benefit the company and create a good working atmosphere is also needed between employees and others that make them comfortable working so they do not feel burdened with their duties and can work together well to achieve the desired goals.
programs that companies can do to create positive behaviors from employees that is by raising employee salaries, providing employment to employees, Provide compensation to employees, Creating a harmonious working environment
Giving them (the employee) promotion to raise the position, health insurance on every employee, create a harmonious working environment, cash bonus to employees who perform well in the company and other benefits for employee to make a good working atmosphere.
1.Provide Feedback and Coaching
New employees, especially employees new to the workforce, sometimes need someone to take them aside and provide feedback and coaching. An experienced, caring co-worker can also provide this kind of constructive advice.
Some employees may need individual training in interpersonal skills, grammar, how to handle conflict, and anger management. Just do not use training if the employee knows how – that’s a performance management issue, not a training issue.
3.Provide a Physical Environment That Encourages Professionalism
When an organization cuts corners on office space, furniture, office décor, cleaning services, and maintenance, it’s pretty hypocritical to have a discussion with an employee about their apperance. If you are expecting five-star behavior and conduct from your employees, start with them a five-star work environment.
companies must have an employee engagement program that demonstrates ability.
employee should be creative because employee is the most important aspect that should be considered by an organization. the heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the company reach its goals.
Positive reinforcement: This well-known approach operates under the theory that rewarding employees for demonstrating desired behaviors will motivate them to continue doing so. In turn, that should boost an organization’s prospects of long-term success. Rewards can run the gamut from praise and recognition to bonuses. Although positive reinforcement can improve employee performance, it’s important for managers to ensure that the reward itself – rather than the desired behavior – does not become the overriding goal.
Discipline: Where positive reinforcement is geared toward promoting sought-after behaviors, discipline seeks to discourage unwanted behavior. If employees are frequently tardy, they are likely to avoid being late again if their paycheck is docked. The key is to know when disciplinary action would be more effective than positive reinforcement. For example, disciplining employees for failing to practice appropriate customer-service skills may be less successful than rewarding them for performing their duties well.
Extinction: This strategy refers to the elimination of procedures and policies that inhibit the ability to communicate effectively or perform work efficiently. Generally, extinction is most relevant in situations involving organizational change. In such cases, employees’ behaviors and habits may need to be disrupted in order to ensure a company’s progress toward its overall goals.
kind of programs that a company can do to create positive behavior of employee is I think a company must provide cash bonus to employees who perform well in the company, giving rewards to satisfactory performance, creating a harmonious work environment, provide compensation to employees, and giving punishment to the employee making the mistake or breaking of the rules in a company.
I think giving employees a voice is necessary, feeling like they are part of the process, that their thoughts and ideas matter, and that they have a voice in their work performance gives employees a sense that they have an impact on their company. Plus, they’re on the front lines and know best about how work should be performed. Actively soliciting employee feedback and incorporating employee thoughts and ideas into how the organization operates is a very effective way to engage employees.
In my opinion, to create employee’s positive behavior with the Measuring Change because,
this organizations can also measure change in a number of different ways. For instance, companies can create surveys that measure the willingness of employees to change certain behaviors or organizational practices. By the same token, the effectiveness of that change can be measured by evaluating the opinions of employees once changes have been implemented. Through a process of constant testing and evaluation, organizations can foster a climate of change by utilizing employee input.
I think to improve the creativity of employees, the company must create a comfortable environment and create an intimate atmosphere among fellow employees. These things can be done by creating a comfortable and beautiful work space and holding casual meetings.
No lasting positive change ever comes without some advance planning. Ronald Kirk Kandt of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory states that organizations need to plan for change by minimizing risk and maximizing return. Companies should conduct research to identify barriers to positive change in the workplace, so they can eliminate potential obstacles from the outset. For instance, McGinnis states that workshops that help employees identify their own biases about other coworkers can eliminate misunderstanding and open up communication.
Most companies and organizations use an evaluation system to ensure that workers are meeting necessary job standards. However, having a yearly evaluation does little to foster ongoing positive change. Instead, having a positive feedback system in place will result in greater motivation and change. Employees who are trained to focus on the positive aspects of their own behavior will think and focus on positive change, rather than what they are doing wrong.
Group Thinking
In some workplace settings, such as the healthcare industry, collective knowledge is important. Sheila K. McGinnis makes this argument and adds that it’s also important for professional healthcare workers to be united by a common purpose. In many instances the margin for error is minimal. Workers united by a common identity and purpose must be reminded of this shared identity on a regular basis. Other industries can learn from this example as well. Workers who share a common identity and purpose will be more likely to unite and implement positive change.
Measuring Change
Organizations can also measure change in a number of different ways. For instance, companies can create surveys that measure the willingness of employees to change certain behaviors or organizational practices. By the same token, the effectiveness of that change can be measured by evaluating the opinions of employees once changes have been implemented. Through a process of constant testing and evaluation, organizations can foster a climate of change by utilizing employee input.
in my opinion, a good program to build a positive attitude towards the company is to implement basic education that aims to provide education and attitude education, which is able to make the employees think creatively in carrying out its duties in a company
Provide training to employees. training programs will help the process of maximizing the performance of employees in responsible for the job and position. Create and choose relationships with employees. A good relationship is a symbol of the harmony of working relationships between managers and training. To create a good relationship, managers are required to understand what employees need and want. Giving rewards to employees who show maximum work performance is very important in influencing employee morale. Awards can be monetary / financial, such as incentives, bonuses, profit sharing, and material rewards; can also be non-monetary / non-financial awards, such as praise, special assignments, more responsibilities, special discussions, and so on.
I think a company must give basic training to its employees in order to have behavior positively in the work and if necessary to add to the spirit of working with the additional allowances for them.
1. Develop a code of ethics: The preliminary step to promote ethical behavior among employees is by establishing a code of ethics. The code of ethics provides the direction and guidelines for employees’ ethical behavior. It also helps employees understand the organization’s ethical expectations and rules.
Through a code of ethics training, the workforce gets a clear idea of the management’s expectation with respect to employee code of conduct and enhances communication by promoting an ethical culture within the organization.
2. Make managers role models: In ethical training, designating managers as role models is another way of promoting ethical behavior. For this purpose, managers need to be chosen with care and due consideration.
3. Disciplinary actions for unethical behavior: If any employee of the organization resorts to any malpractice or unethical behavior after completing the ethical training, it’s better to impose sanctions on them which will help employees understand the implications of inappropriate behavior.
Therefore, the management needs to lay down disciplinary actions that will be taken against employees found guilty of violating the rules. If the management promotes ‘sales at all costs’, employees might resort to any means to achieve their targets. However, if the management is serious about the means as much as the ends, they should ensure it is conveyed in no uncertain terms to their employees.
4. Rewards for ethical behavior: After the completion of the ethical training program, an employee can be rewarded for positive behavior, so that the employee will not only continue to adhere to the ethical practices but also be an inspiration to his colleagues.
1. Make work important. For maximum work performance, a job manager is a very important job for employees. Work that is not important will create laziness for the employees in the process. This is because employees assume there is no working system will not be a nuisance and will continue to run. On the other hand, high value jobs will open up their thinking of the performance required in the company’s work system.
2. Choosing the right people. Is it really important to focus on selecting employees for a particular position. If this process is not properly addressed, it will clearly have a serious impact on the overall work system. The potential requirements that exist within each employee must be determined, so are the parameters in the pen process. The most difficult thing is to match between the types of office positions and the work that will occupy them. The manager of the company wants to re-check the potential standards and criteria required for the job title.
3. clarify clarification of what to expect. Sometimes, employees feel frustrated because they do not understand clearly what the supervisor is expecting. In this question, employees tend to do what they think is right, without thinking about what is actually expected. It would be better if the employees believe the standard of work accuracy so that employees can work optimally against the task given. Supervisors will be satisfied with the performance of employees and employees who feel they can do their job well.
4. get around the training of employees. Although the position and employees are appropriate and appropriate, the training program will help the process of maximizing the performance of employees in responsible for the job and position. Training programs include teaching on knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Sometimes, supervisors provide training directly to employees; and it is possible for the supervisor to ask the other person as his training instructor. The training instructor’s criteria include several things:
5. Knowledge and skills in working.
The desire to teach
Language communicating
A positive attitude towards the work organization and job title to be studied
Knowledge of methods and teaching
Time to teach
And evaluation of the assessment. Employees who have tried to perform their best performance in the work will want to know the assessment of their performance, and this is the responsibility of managers to do. This requires an assessment of the employee’s performance and communicates the assessment process. This can be done through formal or non-formal means.
6. Helping employees improve self-quality. An assessment should be able. The assessment can be meticulously accessed employee performance as an individual. When the assessment process is completed, managers and employees are required to have a harmonious outlook on the results of the assessment, so that the implementation program can be implemented.
7. Create and choose relationships. A good relationship is a symbol of harmony between the manager and the training. To create a good relationship, managers are required to understand what is needed and to ask employees. There are several ways to build a good relationship. First, managers should not hesitate to give credit to the performance of their employees and provide bonuses if they have to. Another way is to pay attention to the things that are personal in the employees, such as hobbies, families, problems, and things that can touch the hearts of employees. This process can show the seriousness of managers in establishing a good relationship with the long term.
8. Giving rewards to satisfactory performance. Awards for employees who show maximum work performance are very important in influencing employee morale. Awards can be monetary / financial, such as incentives, bonuses, profit sharing, and material rewards; can earn non-monetary / nonfinancial awards, such as praise, special assignments, more responsibilities, special discussions, and so on.
I think employes make a planning and always controlling to worker and employes make achievment for the best worker
If business is an activity of creativity, then the people inside are also required to be creative. How can a company produce new innovations if the people in it are not creative. So, whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you must be creative if you want to survive in this competitive world.
Because creativity is rapidly shifting from a “nice to have” to a “must have” quality for all generation, so employee must become more creative for us to remain competitive in the global economy.
Creative employees have many ideas and innovations to complete life. Creativity can affect performance or influence on the organization or company
because with employees who think creatively will find something new / innovation and make a good ideas to the company so the company will reach their goals
1. New ideas are not only needed to produce new products. New ideas are also needed for problem solving or solving a problem.
By thinking creatively, preventing the same problem from happening again in the future.
2. Creative thinking can also be done to conduct an evaluation. This evaluation can be done for all matters relating to work and regulations that apply in the company.
Because creative employees can produce new ideas that can make changes for organizations and organizations also need to support employees in their creativity.
Because employees need to develop their work competencies, know new skills, learn new innovations related to their work, improve discipline, increase productivity, and improve work ethic.
Because employees are one of the important aspects in making a company forward. Large corporate companies can develop well because of employee’s creative ideas and their hard work.
Because employees in creative organizations understand that innovation is a collection of several people who along the way they think and implement, think of organizations to be creative.
Maybe because they are creative and innovative, so they are needed in a company. employees really have to have broad thoughts, and if they want to express their opinions, just talk to their superiors. and maybe also to encourage the company to be more advanced
Because creativity is important nowadays, it can develop theirself to become better and better. the employees can create an idea that is usefull for the company to become better and better.
Because in an organization, creativity is very necessary to advance an organization, and to achieve the goals of the organization
why the environment in which creativity is developed is important; a workplace full of creative thinkers will provide innovative solutions and develop better ways of doing things.
Building creativity in the workplace can be a challenging task for leaders, especially with the hustle and bustle of every day in an ordinary workplace environment filled with workloads and deadlines that leave little room for creativity.
An employee needs to be creative to maximize the organizations ability to reach its goals.
Being creative in the workplace goes far beyond making the prettiest spreadsheet or the most colorful PowerPoint presentation. Instead, there are two main ways that creativity is absolutely needed in the workplace: creative thinking and creative problem solving.
goal setting is a way to take a step back from everyday tasks and evaluate if everything that you do is actually worth doing, does it create value for the organization and does it help to reach the organization’s long term goals
Being creative at work generally means taking risks, which might make you hesitate. Fear of the unknown is a powerful thing, especially when it means you might fail.
Creativity in the workplace is absolutely important. If you can apply creative thinking to your everyday work life, you’ll find that not only will the day stop feeling like drudgery, but you’ll be unlocking more meaningful results. And this doesn’t just go for employees, but for managers as well–in fact, managers have the ability to be the conductors of creativity in their staff.
By thinking differently, creative employees help organizations find new opportunities to grow. As creative employees do not believe in simply doing what they are asked to do, they show more commitment and proactivity in exploring other opportunities. In doing so, they exceed expectations and take up jobs with greater passion. For most companies today, the biggest challenge is to identify the right opportunities and leverage them for good returns. Creative employees can be a great asset to address this challenge and explore potential areas of growth.
creative thinking is something very important. because it can produce the latest innovation for an organization.
creative is needed by employees because creatively, employees can, produce work results that are better than the results of previous work
New ideas are not only needed to produce new products. New ideas are also needed for problem solving or solving a problem. For this reason, all those involved should do a creative thinking process, so they can find ways to solve the problem more optimally, so that the problem does not happen again.
1. Creativity Brings New Solutions For Difficult Problems
2. Creative People Find New Opportunities
3. Creative Thinkers Ask Questions Before The Customers Do
4. Creative Employees Have A Broader Outlook And Approach
5. Creativity Ushers Enthusiasm To Learn
employees must be creative because in all fields of work there is a need for innovation. To be able to produce innovation, it takes employees who are able to think creatively.
Creative thinking means thinking to find something new, which has never been done before. So, creative thinking is not only for artists, who really need creativity for their peace. Creative thinking is for everyone, so that they and their surrounding environment grow. Which will produce innovation
Creative employee behavior is the ability of an employee to produce a new ideas and innovative new things for the development of a company for the future, because that creative employees are needed for the progress of the company.
An employee should be more Creative because employee is the most important aspect for the organization, and if organization have a lot of creative employee, the organization can compete with other company.
Company need creative employee for maximizing their ability to reach its goals
in my opinion, a good program to build a positive attitude towards the company is to implement basic education that aims to provide education and attitude education, which is able to make the employees think creatively in carrying out its duties in a company.
my opinion about what creative employees are are those who have new ideas and innovations for the progress of the company.
companies certainly really need the nature of creative employees as reference materials for the company’s future progress, this is also a positive part of an employee who contributes to the company.
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
I think creative employee behavior is important to an organization because their can make your organization bigger. Company must have a creative behavior employee becauss that they can make your company bigger an better than before. To motivate a company must give some special treatment for them.
1. The main idea of paragraph 1 is that an organization must be competitive to survive.
2. The most important factor is found in employees who are considered capable of influencing dynamic organizations
3. It means that every organization must be able to balance all interrelated factors, including external and internal factors.
4. Work and Behavior
5. Heterogeneous employees are very influential in achieving the goals of an organization, such as individual differences at the same time can lead to different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior.
6. Because it is based on trust between an organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize their own potential and what they can do for their organization freely and in more creative ways.
7. Organizations that involve their employees to get to their full potential.
8. the word “They” refers to employees who work in an organization.
9. That is, all elements in an organization must carry out their roles in an appropriate manner.
10. Commitment and willingness to work hard.
1. Employees who have ideas to advance an organization, by maximizing their full potential.
2. Because with creative behavior, an organization can maximize its ability to achieve a goal.
3. In my opinion there are 4 main factors that can support the creation of creative employee behavior, namely: Trust from the leader, Feedback from the organization, Support from colleagues, Service rewards from the organization.
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
What is agreed creatively is to create new ideas or ideas that can produce new ideas and can be used by the community. in my opinion an employee who has new ideas can be called a creative employee for example if he works in a company that produces an item if he is a creative employee then he will find new innovations for products that are worthy of competing for the progress of the company where he works.
Why do companies need creative employees? because a company or an organization certainly wants to always have good changes by getting new innovations from creative employees to advance the company or organization.
What can a company do to motivate employees to be creative? the most important thing is the company must test the ability of all employees and then make training in accordance with the ability of employees to be trained and creativity can also be obtained from a sense of comfort and kinship of an employee at the company so that employees are always trying to provide new innovation innovations for the company .
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means factor that have relation to other factor, which is the most important to do in an ofganization
4. Work
5. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. Creative behavior is not enough, employees must involve to get their full potential so it will be easier for employees to maximaze what they able to
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
I think its good for an organization because it can advance organization at the next level, as i was saying it can be advance organization, build a program that involve employees so that employees can demonstrate their ability in a postive way.
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
your workplace always gives you the opportunity to express ideas or questions related to work, then you will also be more motivated to think creatively. But, if the company where you work does not provide an opportunity for employees to express opinions, ideas, or aspirations, then the employees will tend to be apathetic people. People who are apathetic, of course it will be difficult to think creatively.because they are more likely to be optimistic. This optimistic attitude will stimulate someone to think creatively.
1. An organization has to be competitive survive
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization
3. The meaning of interconnected in paragraph 1 is interrelated factors complement each other in order to become competitive organization
4. Work and Behavior
5. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goal. As a consequence , individual differences at the same time may result on different behavior, such as positive and negative.
6. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way. Additionally, the program of employee involvement depends on employee behavior. The interdependency between employee and organization will lead the organization into certain direction. The direction, then will depends on how the organization and the employee put their shoes in the suitable size. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
1. I think this is very good for developing an organization by increasing employee creative behavior and employees can maximize what they have and they can do for their organization freely in a more creative way.
2. Because creative behavior can maximize the ability of organization to achieve goals
3. The company can manage human resources ( employee ) well. For example involving employees to get their full show their abilities positively so that employees can have creative behavior.
1. An organization must be able to manage human resources (employees) is the most important aspect that must be considered by an organization.
2. Employee is the most important factor
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can greatly help it in supporting the organizations that have achieved it
6. Because this program is based on trust between the organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they can do
7. an organization’s employee engagement program provides opportunities for employees to demonstrate their abilities positively
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
Some large companies that can last up to several years are companies that are able to overcome the times. To be able to survive in the midst of changing times that occur requires the ability to think creatively.
In a company, an employee is generally required to be not only intelligent, but also innovative. So that employee creativity is often one of the important points that companies want to see
Listening and Appreciating Employee Ideas, Maintaining Good Social Relationships, Giving Appreciation in the form of Bonuses, Incentives, and Promotions
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
point A
1. managing human resources (employee) is the most important aspect that should be considered by an organization.
2. employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization.
3. It means all factors in an organization connect with each other
4. Work on their duty in onganization
5. It can be influential in supporting the organization reach its goal
6. Employee involvement program gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. The interdependency between employee and organization will lead the organization into certain direction.
8. It refers to organization and the employee
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. The directions and commitment as well as willingness to work hard
point B
The quality of the employee will improve if each individual have a creative behavior, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way. and it will give a good impact to the company because if the employee do a great job it will give a company a great result too. The manager must has a good comunication with the employee and let the employee do their job with their own way which is based on the procedure
1. An organization must be competitive to survive related to internal and external factors
2. Employees are considered as important factors that influence a dynamic organization so it must be selective in managing human resources
3. The meaning is that the management of internal and external factors is an important point in the success of an organization. Then, gives freedom of opinion and puts out creativity in work
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization to achieve its goals. As a result, individual differences at the same time can lead to different behaviors, such as positive and negative behaviors
6. Employees will more easily develop creativity and carry out their ideas to create a superior organization
7. In addition to the creative behavior of employees, organizations also need to involve employees to get their full potential for organizational development
8. the word “their” shows employees
9. All elements in the organization must follow existing regulations and carry out their obligations in accordance with the predetermined role
10. What is needed is commitment from all elements in the organization, high discipline, and hard work
B. In my opinion the creative behavior of employees is an important point in organizational development. If the company limits the exploration of employee creativity, it is likely that the company will be difficult to develop. How to motivate employees by protecting the welfare of employees and giving gifts to the best employees
1. an organization has to be competitive to survive
2. the employees is considered as the important factor tham influences the dinamic organizationn
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can greatly help it in supporting the organizations that have achieved it
6. because by involving creative employees in a company will have a major impact in running a company, which can increase revenue and production
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
an employee needs to be creative to maximize the organizations ability to reach its goals. creative employees can be a great assets to address this challenge and explore potential areas of growth. to provide support to employees, companies must always appreciate the work done by employees by providing support for the ideas they convey
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can greatly help it in supporting the organizations that have achieved it.
6. Employee involvement program gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way.
7. an organization’s employee engagement program provides opportunities for employees to demonstrate their abilities positively.
8. Employees.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
“My opinion about the behavior of creative employees is those who have new ideas and innovations for the progress of the company so that they can grow even more in the future.”
” Because employees are usually demanded not only to be smart, but also to be innovative and creative for their company’s progress going forward. so the company makes sure its work runs smoothly with the creativity of its employees and also thinks more to make sure all the tasks for which it is responsible are completed in an extraordinary way. ”
“Usually the way companies motivate their employees to behave creatively is by listening to and valuing ideas given by employees to the company and also by maintaining good social relations between employees and the company.”
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization.
3. Implies that the organization should be able to balance including internal and external factors.
4. Have a good skill , Work and Positive behavior
5. Result on different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior. only positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals
6. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
1. Creative employe behavior is a good people, because they can not only complete their job at hand . but they can think outside the box and suggest better solutions. they can help a company grow in the right direction.
2. By hiring creative people, can be a great asset to address challenge. In creative jobs one can bring forth his ideas and innovations which are good for the company and helps them in finding new ways of tackling problems.
3. Give achievement such as extra money, certificates, or attractive prizes. Employees who feel appreciated are more loyal, more likely to stay with company, and often more productive and creative.
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can greatly help it in supporting the organizations that have achieved it.
6. Employee involvement program gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way.
7. an organization’s employee engagement program provides opportunities for employees to demonstrate their abilities positively.
8. Employees.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
“My opinion about the behavior of creative employees is those who have new ideas and innovations for the progress of the company so that they can grow even more in the future.”
” Because employees are usually demanded not only to be smart, but also to be innovative and creative for their company’s progress going forward. so the company makes sure its work runs smoothly with the creativity of its employees and also thinks more to make sure all the tasks for which it is responsible are completed in an extraordinary way. ”
“Usually the way companies motivate their employees to behave creatively is by listening to and valuing ideas given by employees to the company and also by maintaining good social relations between employees and the company.”
1. In today’s fast moving world, an organization has to be competitive to survive
2. it is only positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals
3. organization should be able to balance all factors that are interconnected
4. managing human resources (employee)
5. may result on different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior.
6. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. Besides employee creative behavior, an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. Employees
9.It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
what do you think about Creative Employee Behavior : it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely.
Why does a company need creative employee behavior : Employee creativity can be channeled through new innovations in carrying out existing work processes. So this will later encourage the work done can be completed more effectively and efficiently.
What can a company do to motivate employees to have creative behavior : Good communication and interaction between you and employees will foster a better relationship
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means factor that have relation to other factor, which is the most important to do in an ofganization
4. Work
5.The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals
6. It will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. Employee.
9.9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
Within a company, an employee is generally required to be not only intelligent, but also innovative. So that employee creativity is often one of the important points that companies want to see. An employee who has a high enough dedication to his company, will generally be more creative in making sure his work runs smoothly. In fact, if necessary, think more to ensure that all tasks for which he is responsible are completed in an extraordinary way. Therefore, employee creativity is quite important. Without creative patterns, it will be difficult to find interesting new ideas, which are basically returned to the employees themselves.
1. An organization has to be comperative to survive.
2. Human resources or employee is the most important aspect that should be considered in organization.
3. Interconnected in the organization that is the organization must be able to balance all the factors including internal and external factors.
4. Work
5. With heterogeneous or diverse types of employed can support an organization to achieve its goals. Becaouse there are have two behavior that are positive and negatove.
6. Because we also need input from employee and employee can provide their abilities with the maximum and creative.
7. An organization also need to involved its employee to get their follest potential.
8. That refer to employe.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
It is very important to have creative employee behavior because in this modern era, if a company only stays with the same product for years, the company will go bankrupt or be left behind by other companies.
Because it can help companies create innovative ideas in the modern era like now for the development of the company.
By respecting the ideas of his employees and giving rewards in the form of bonuses in his salary or other prizes.
1. an organization has to be competitive to survive
2. employees
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected.
4. work
5. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. programs that are based between organizations and employees
8. employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
in my opinion the behavior of creative employees is the willingness of every employees given to the company for the advancement of the company, the company also really needs creative employees because the company must create new ideas and new innovations, to motivate employees to behave creatively is by giving trust to employees by company leaders.
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
I think creative is needed by employees because creatively, employees can, produce work results that are better than the results of previous work
How can a company produce new innovations if the people in it are not creative. And giving rewards to satisfactory performance, awards for employees who show maximum work performance are very important in influencing employee morale.
Task A
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization.
3. Implies that the organization should be able to balance including internal and external factors.
4. Have a good skill , Work and Positive behavior.
5. Result on different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior. only positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
6. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. Employees.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
Task B
my point of view towards creative employees is significant for developing a company or an organization, those who discover a new innovations for products which are in demand in the market can add profits for a company.
in generally, a company or an organization always recruit the competent and creative employees to receiving new idea to solve a problem, develope and gain their goals.
most of a company motivates their employees by giving them rewards with praises or gifts and their well-being, for example such as restaurants mc donalds they give their best employees with praise by putting awards on the wall near the cashier sign that they appreciate their work hard or maybe give an extra wages.
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is the most important factor. Because that influence dinamyc organozation.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Although the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
programs that companies can do to create positive behaviors from employees that is by raising employee salaries, providing employment to employees, Provide compensation to employees, Creating a harmonious working environment
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external
4. work, because is becoming everyone’s central stage
5. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals. will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way. organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. employee
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
in my opinion the creative behavior of employees must be improved and developed, considering that at this time the government is implementing a creative economy in which companies are required to provide fresh ideas for the nation’s economy.
because without the creative employees of the company will not be able to compete with other companies because they do not have new ideas to develop their company. moreover the government is currently inviting all people to work hard in the creative economy industry.
By giving bonuses or gifts to employees who can provide creative ideas for the survival of the company
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees is the most important factor
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
B. In may opinion, about what creative employees are those who have new ideas and innovations for the progress of the company. In order for the employees to achieve their goals and get their full potential, and education that aims to provide education and attitude education, which is able to make the employees think creatively in carrying out duties in an company
1.The main idea on the first paragraph is an organization should be competitive to survive
2.employee itself
3.means relate
4.The work
5.can be support the organization to reach its goals
6.employee can provide with their abilities with maximum and creative
7.the main idea on 3rd paragraph is that an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. employee means on the right place and the right way
i think nowadays it’s so important for every individuals or employees to have creative behavior in this such of modern era. technology, culture, and everything nowadays needs creative minds, and behavior to be accepted. that’s why company really need it.
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
This study also determined which among the dimensions of organizational climate could be the best predictor of employees’ creative behavior. The research design was a quantitative approach, and a survey method was used to collect data. The structured questionnaire as a research instrument was distributed among Malaysian SMEs, performing in different economic sectors.
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work on their duty in organization
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
bagian B
-its also good if a company is trying to support the creativity step possessed by its employees by providing appropriate facilities. so that only happens in the shadows, but the ideas that emerge can be applied well and succeed if possible.
-one from of company support for employees can be through appreciation of the efforts that have been made bt these emplooyees. so that this indirectly triggerst the enthusiasm of the employees to countinur working and innovating
1. an organization has to be competitive to survive
2. employee is the most important factor
3. organization must balancing all factors including internal and external factors
4. the jobs that are provided by companies (organizations) create numerous consequences for individual as employees in this entire world, work is becoming everyone’s central stage. It is only have positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals
5. the result of employees heterogenous is individual differences which is positive and negative behavior. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior.
6. it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential
8. employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard
in my opinion about the behavior of creative employees is very important for this era because they have some ideas and innovations for the company for a better company in the future, the
company need a creative employee behavior is for makes the work of the employees more optimal and fun ,to motivate employees is giving appreciate gifts to the best employees every end of the year
1. All organizations have to be competitive to survive
2. Employee.
3. Joined or related.
4. Work.
5. Different behaviors.
6. To give opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way.
Employee involvement program.
8. Employees.
9. All elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. Work hard, apraisal, motivation, trust.
I think creative behavior is based on the trust between organizations and their employees. This creative behavior will help an organization to reach its goals easier. A company have to motivate the employees by giving them training and apraisal. A company must also trust its employees and give appreciation for their hard work so that they are confident in showing what they can do.
1. the main idea on the first paragraph is An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee itself
3. It means relate
4. the work
5. it can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goals. will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way. organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. employee
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way. needs commitment
i think nowadays it’s so important for every individuals or employees to have creative behavior, because everything right now in this such of modern era,every kind of business or works need creative minds and behavior to be accepted. that’s why company need it.
1. An organization has to be competitive to survive.
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization.
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. Result on different behaviors, such as positive and negative behavior. One of positive behavior of employees is creative behavior. only positive behaviors of employees are needed in maximizing the organization ability to reach its goals.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
I think this is very good for developing an organization by increasing employee creative behavior and employees can maximize what they have and they can do for their organization freely in a more creative way.
1. In an organization managing human resources (employees) is an important factor
2. The most important factor in building a dynamic organization is employees
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors
4. Work and behaviour
5. Heterogeneous employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization to achieve its goals. As a result, individual differences at the same time can lead to different behaviors, such as positive and negative behaviors.
6. Because it provides opportunities for employees to show their abilities positively. Because this program is based on trust between the organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they can do for their organizations freely and in more creative ways.
7. In addition to employee creative behavior, organizations also need to involve their employees to get to their full potential.
8. Employees
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. Required commitment and willingness to work hard.
1. In my opinion about creative employees is to develop creative employees who make ideas that he has for the company to help develop the company for the better.
2. A company needs an employee who has a high creative behavior because in the establishment of a company so that it can compete with other companies it needs creative ideas and the latest innovations to build a company to be more developed and more advanced in the future
3. Company leaders are expected to have the ability to be able to be a role model for employees. If employees already have their role models, surely they have the desire to be able to emulate the success of their leaders. Not only as a role model a leader must also have the soul to protect the employees. A clear form of attention, support and giving rewards to employees is one that can make employees employed have good work motivation. If the company provides the best for employees, then employees will work optimally.
1. An organization has to be competitive survive.
2. Employee is considered as the important factor that influence dynamic organization.
3. The meaning is organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work and Behavior.
5. The heterogeneous of employees in an organization can be very influential in supporting the organization reach its goal. As a consequence , individual differences at the same time may result on different behavior, such as positive and negative.
6. Since this program is based on the trust between organization and employees, it will be easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they are able to do for their organization freely and in a more creative way.
7. An organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential.
8. It refers to organization and the employees.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
1) The company engages employees to show their abilities positively so that employees can have creative behavior.
2) Employees who have creative behavior can advance the organization by maximizing their full potential to achieve goals.
3) In my opinion there are four main factors that can support the creation of creative employee behavior, namely trust from the leader, Feedback from the organization, Support from colleagues, Service rewards from the organization of these four factors companies can have creative and innovative employees to advance their company.
1. An organization has to be comperative to survive.
2. Human resources or employee is the most important aspect that should be considered in organization.
3. Interconnected in the organization that is the organization must be able to balance all the factors including internal and external factors.
4. Work
5. With heterogeneous or diverse types of employed can support an organization to achieve its goals. Becaouse there are have two behavior that are positive and negatove.
6. Because we also need input from employee and employee can provide their abilities with the maximum and creative.
7. An organization also need to involved its employee to get their follest potential.
8. That refer to employe.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
It is very important to have creative employee behavior because in this modern era, if a company only stays with the same product for years, the company will go bankrupt or be left behind by other companies.
Because it can help companies create innovative ideas in the modern era like now for the development of the company.
By respecting the ideas of his employees and giving rewards in the form of bonuses in his salary or other prizes.
1. an organization must be competitive to survive
2. the most important factor in a dynamic organization is employees
3. The meaning of interrelation in paragraph 1 is that both internal and external factors must be balanced or related to be a competitive organization
4. work hard , attitude, spirit
5. Heterogeneous employees support the organization in achieving its goals. Individual differences at the same time can influence different behaviors, such as positive and negative behaviors. One positive employee behavior is creative behavior.
6. Because of the organization’s trust in employees, it will make it easier for employees to maximize what they have and what they can do for their organizations freely and in more creative ways.
7. an organization needs to involve its employees to get their fullest potential
8. organization and employees
9. all elements must carry out their duties in an appropriate manner
10. the willingness, effort, and enthusiasm to work optimally are needed by all elements in an organization to carry out its duties and obligations properly
1. creative employee behavior for example employees are able to explore the positive abilities they have, involving the abilities that employees have in an organization.
2. a company that needs creative employees with the aim of advancing the company with ideas needed by the employee.
3. several factors that create creativity in the organizational environment, work environment, bonuses earned after work.
1. An organization must be able to balance all the factors, but the most important than all the factors is managing human resouces
2. Employees (Human Resources)
3. It means organization must balancing all factors which are interconnected. Including external factors and internal factors.
4. Work
5. The result is you can get 2 behavior the one is positive behavior and negative behavior.
6. Gives opportunity for employees to demonstrate their ability in a positive way
7. an organization also needs to involve its employees to get their fullest.
8. That refer to the employee.
9. It means that all elements in an organization must perform their roles in a suitable way.
10. It takes commitment as well as willingness to work hard.
B)profits for companies that have employees who are creative employees with mental creativitas gives positive for a company.
for example: Increase Revenue
Companies clearly benefit if you have a creative spirit for their employees were able to bring benefits to the fullest. This certainly influenced the ability to analyze market needs and provide innovative services that can fulfill it. Thus, the consumer will not hesitate to use the products and services of your company.