nov 2017 – foto how to be a good lec
Should you know your students?
Must you understand your students?
Do you know your students’ names?
How do you know your students?
First of all I think as a lecturer, you should know yourself. Who are you? Are you okay with yourself? Do you understand you yourself as a person who stand and transfer your knowledge to your students? I would tell you that I know 85% about me. I do not know 100 %. Why? As a person who believes in God, I know that God plays an important role in my whole life. My life is mysterious. I do understand God knows me better than I do. God is in me, God surrounds me as well as beyond me. HE protects my life and loves me very much. He guides me who I am, as a person and of course as a lecturer. Yup.
Secondly, if God knows me well, I should know my students. They are not my object of teaching. My students are the subjects so I must call them name by name. Is it difficult? Yes. If this semester – odd semester 2017/2018 – I teach 5 classes which consists of 30 students each, then I have to remember, I must know 150 students, and I must understand 150 students’ progress. Do you think it is easy? Do you think it is impossible? In the name of God, I can and must answer NO.
Thirdly, every year there are new students entering the world of university. They enter Perbanas Institute because they want or do not want to choose Perbanas Institute as their university. That means it is time for them to feel a new atmosphere, such as new environment, how to learn new, even new friends. Every student needs to know that the atmosphere of studying or spending his or her life in a university is different from what he or she knows while he or she are still in senior high school. I as a lecturer should teach the materials as well as share my experience how to live and study in university. While teaching I usually tell the life of good students that I know. I also advise my students from how to learn individually to how to find good friends.
Becoming a good lecturer is not easy and becoming a university student is not easy. However life is moving. If you really want to be a good disciple of God you should love others in terms of HIS ways of teaching. Amien.
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