



For a student, a lecturer must be regarded as second parents for having to educate, nurture, teach, and provide knowledge to them. It is only natural for students to honor the lecturer and vice versa.


Lecturers are only human. They also have weaknesses and strengths in presenting the materials. There are some characters and ideas of lecturers in giving materials. What do you think?


So according to some students of mine, there are two types of lecturers. The first is favorite lecturers and the second is hated ones. This time we are going to discuss what kinds of lecturers that most students like when the lecturers present materials. What do you think?


Now this is the time for you to present your ideas in writing about most Perbanas Institute students’ ideas related good lecturer when they present the materials in class. You must do some stephs.



Read an article about what a good lecturer first. Then you should make a note and put your ideas. You must make a spider web first and then you to write your outline.



Make 10 questions (statements) by using a Likert Questionnaire from a journal article.

Example 1: You can see and revise from http://www.smcm.edu/mat/wp-content/uploads/sites/73/2015/06/Bullock-2015.pdf

This questionnaire should take no more than 10 minutes and there are no foreseeable risks associated with participation. If you have any questions about this research, you can contact me at (240) 863-4775 or msbullock@smcm.edu. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a participant in this study please contact the chair of the institutional review board at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Anna Han, at irb@smcm.edu, or 131 Goodpaster Hall, Department of Psychology, 18952 E. Fisher Rd., St. Mary’s City, MD 20686.


Questionnaires can be returned to the envelope in the teacher work room, and will be collected on _________________. Return of the questionnaire and this sheet will be considered consent to participate in the study. I consent to participation in this study. Please follow the following directions:

  1. Read and answer the question on the attached sheet
  2. Return this packet to the folder in the teacher mailroom by _______________________
  3. By signing below, I consent for my responses to be used in the study entitled “What


Makes a Good Lecturer: Exploring Student and Lecturer Beliefs on Good Teaching”


Thank you and I hope you have great day!


Example 2: Questionnaire evaluating teaching competencies in the university environment. Evaluation of teaching competencies in the university; NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH Vol. 4. No. 1. January 2015 pp. 54-61 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.2015.1.106; Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia, Yolanda Silveira Torregrosa, Noelia Belando Pedreño



Based on your questionnaire result, you will write 5 paragraphs. The content of paragraphs will talk about the result of your questions. Each paragraph consists of 80 – 100 words; not less and not more.

The paragraphs will be stated as

  • Paragraph I – Introduction or Introductory Paragraph
  • Paragraph II, III, and IV – Body Paragraphs (Content Paragraph)
  • Paragraph V – Closing Paragraph or Conclusion



  • Type your essay and send in 3 ways:
  1. Send to Mr. Septo’s Blog – “WHAT DO YOU THINK

A GOOD LECTURER FOR YOU?” by your identity EPP-WED-1030-1230-CLARA-1612000012-ESSAY1

  1. Send to Mr. Septo’s email.
  2. Print and submit on Mr. Septo’s table in the class in the following session.


  1. http://www.smcm.edu/mat/wp-content/uploads/sites/73/2015/06/Bullock-2015.pdf
  2. Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Torregrosa, Y.S., & Pedreño, N.B. (2015). Questionnaire evaluating teaching competencies in the university environment. Evaluation of teaching competencies in the university in New Approaches in Educational Research. Vol. 4. No. 1. January 2015 pp. 54-61 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.2015.1.106

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41 Responses

  1. 1601000013 Vina Anggun Purnama says:


    Good lecturers are relatively rare in colleges and universities. The primary reason for this is that academics are not selected for their ability to teach, but on the basis of their research and writing skills. A truly good lecturer can entice, enthral and excite. The paradox can be clarified and the sophistry exposed, the big picture painted and the minutiae described. One criterion of a good lecture or seminar is that students are not only encouraged to read more, but that they actually do so. Good lecturer has several types: Lecture with respectivity of students, topic based on need and interest, proper use of body languange.
    Good lecturer present the audience with opportunities for meaning full engagement with the student. Usually a good way to speak of lecturers will make students interested and would definitely pay attention to the lecturer, it will not make students drowsy and bored. Present the material in a clear and logical sequence. Presentation interesting and clear material would normally attract students to always pay attention, usually a presentation or this material are many elements of a figure or table instead of writing a boring, and the submiss ion of the lecturers was not always depend on the percentage of his attention but also to students. The most frequent comment made by students was that highly rated lecturers explained in a way which was clear and helped students to understand. They made difficult work comprehensible without oversimplifying, and used simple language. If technical language was used, it was clearly defined. In lectures, visual media, such as overheads, slides, handouts and blackboard diagrams were used to assist in explanation or clarification where appropriate. Abstract concepts were illustrated with examples, and the distinction between concept and example was made clear. Good lecturer must make the material accesibble, intelligible and meaning full. the good lecturer should understand and comprehend the material he describes, not infrequently also many lecturers who read the slide continues to students but less understood methods of delivery and the material taught.
    Good lecturer should be able to have the skills to interact in the classroom such as asking questions to students so that students understand the material conveyed lecturer, creativitas are things that must also be owned by a lecturer as the submission by taking an example that can be imagined by the students. Lecturers should also be open to students as well as the value, if there are students who complain about grades, professors can explain to these students. The good lecture must also have integrity and be honest with the students, as well as patient and understanding to new students.
    The good lecturer is a lecturer that way of teaching is not boring when in class, know how to make students feel at home in class and comfortable in class so that students forget when the time is up, and also lecturers who have good sense of humor too many enjoy doing and enjoy by students, sometimes there are some lecturer who make students become bored in the classroom but not infrequently also a lot of lecturer who make students feel at home in class, and be learning something is fun .Skills interact with students become dizzy in teaching in the faculty, the good lecturer always make the students interact so there will be feedback between students and lecturer.
    Highly rated lecturers saw their teaching role as vitally important They worked hard at making the most of their class contact time to maximise student learning and interest in the subject , they all emphasised the considerable amount of time they had spent in lecture and resource preparation


    A good lecturer which is a dream of every students. Every students have an assessment of each lecturers. A good lecturer are lecturer who can work professionally. Lecturers has the characteristics of his own in order to be called as a good lecturer. A good lecturer also lecturer who can make students comfortable are taught by lecturer. A good lecturer which can either be seen from the character, how to teach and materials submitted. A good lecturer always pay attention to and preparing the materials submitted, so don’t make students hard to understand the material and thats preferred by students.

    A lot of characters which is owned by a good lecturer. Discipline, a professor of the good ones will appreciate the time of his or her he was always on time in any case. A good lecturer are lecturer who really cares about the students. All right, in the sense of lecturers will give you encouragement and learning more to the students, because lecturer want students to success after being taught. The character of a good lecturer as well as an example, which gives an example not just the way of thinking, but in terms of attitude, acting and behave.

    The teaching fun and not monotonous. The good lecturer of the good ones will make students his active in and outside the classroom. The trick is to discuss relaxing, so that students will feel there is interaction a relaxed but serious with his lecturer. In that way students can receive material easily. A good lecturer also would teach students it in the value of the time that students his accustomed to discipline. A good lecturer is lectureras organizer means teachers should be able to organize the activities of student learning so as to achieve the success of studying the optimal.

    A good lecturer who better to have mastery of material that would be taught her. With a master the material, meaning he can also explain well to students. Knowing the content of his course pretty well so as to emphasize aspects of his most important. We’re the facts and concepts that is more important to the field of study related. Using assistive devices or media to learn effectively. Make a summary to help students learn and recall the material in college so that students to the spirit of learning and lecturer able to prepare materials courses before the lecture began.

    The core of a good lecturer who is lecturer who always make students his comfortable. A good lecturer is always understand the circumstances of students so that lecturer are not make it more difficult for students in learning and doing chores, and a good lecturer who always know what will the students, so that lecturer can provide the materials courses according to which the student want and also would get the respect of each students or the president of campus. And a good lecturer who both will surely appreciate the students it in order to provide the spirit of learning.

    • Ignatius says:

      In Indonesian, it may be a good writing, in English it must be improved in terms of language and grammar. Thanks.

  3. Bella says:

    A lecturer of good not only performing routine tasks evaluate teaching and students learning outcomes, but must also develop the science which is owned by doing research, writing articles or other scientific work and contributed the science to improve conditions of the community through the activities of devotion community. Third the main task of lecturers that is teaching, particularize or writing scientific work and devotion of the community. Capable of growing inner right ties with students so that we can understand and exploring feelings and their emotions. Able to communicate in accordance with the level of students. Capable of being minded positive. Displaying facial always friendly and still can smile though difficult situation. Can motivate his students through a method of teaching creative and inspirational lady. The ability of animate lecture by giving an example that could invite laugther.
    Explain the material well and good, give attention to the students, to guide students who do not understand to understand or understand developing the thought and the talents of students. It provides time for any student to apply the material they have been taught or is determined. Explains during a lesson in the presentation of the delivery of content or information provide by the syllabus or made in accordance with the presented by the faculty. Explain as part of the fun and reasoning that students want to learn and pay attention to what is in explain and be useful to students as well.
    Students are doing well so what learned be relevant and having meaning and is remembered well, listen to when lecturer is clear, questioning what is already explained, to address with responsive and student from every class is a personal unique and different, the same of every individuals student is in the final goal there is good science and quality education so that it can be useful in their lives a graduate of education. Have a favorite to lessons, pleasure and enjoyment of the inner. How about when our students the knowledge that we have given, how thought kids to be formed so that students then be better people.
    Make students comfortable in lecturer gave the college, understanding, make fair competition in health between friends to motivate their learning, a students should be able to make can a way learning fun for himself, like making records important to the book files used to lectures by using markers or colord pen, because the colors in the letter. Can attract students to read and memorize it. The tasks given in the lecture is fairness but to give a boost in college. A students should have a goal and forceful, so that students will not feel bored and can follow lectures with the spirit.
    That a college professor good it is not easily not only run the routine duty of teaching, writing and devotion to the community but a college professor had to be able to make his students comfortable when learning, can motivate students, can form the character of students better than before him and made the atmosphere in the class to become active not stiff or not making kids to be bored at the material. Caring, suport to students when down or lousy. Develop resources think and aptitude the students. A college professor who good as well to do their jobs is not only used for money or because it has become their obligations, but because he was having much fun, and as he want his job it and can be useful his science for others.

    • Ignatius says:

      You must read the text book before writing. The idea of main sentence is still far from good. Thanks Bella.



    A Good Lecturer

    Lecturer is someone who has a great influence in the creation of a student’s success. Because lecturer is role models of success and failure of students. That is where the role of a lecturer tested. A student also has criteria and assessment about lecturers. There is a well-respected, revered, admired, even hated because of the nature and the way himto explaining the lesson. Then what kind of a good lecturer according to the student? In general, a good lecturer certainly endeared all students. He always makes students comfortable in learning. He was also able to become a figure of inspiration for the students and is able to provide a lot of useful messages to students. A good lecturer has produced many achievements so the students can be motivated for the achievement of the lecturer.

    Motivation is something very important in life. Humans need a motivation to undergo the activity. From the motivation, arises the great spirit to doing something. Motivation is able to transform discontent into something fun. A good lecturer must be able to motivate students. Motivation can be done in various ways. First, the lecturer should make students more confident to show the potential that is in the students’ self. Second, the lecturer always gives inspiring stories to motivate students. Third, the lecturer told the advantages of the lessons he taught. Fourth, the lecturer give a passion for continuous learning tirelessly until a goal can be achieved. Thus, the students will be more enthusiastic in learning.

    Learning atmosphere can determine the outcome of the learning process. Relaxed classroom atmosphere can make students more comfortable in learning. Learning in the classroom is one thing boring. We can go outside to study. For example, we go to the library or student center. Active classroom atmosphere able to foster students confidence in the opinion. Studying in groups can also make it easier to understand the material, simplify the task. Lecturer gives the material slowly and clearly so the students can easily afford to accept. Held a few games on the sidelines of learning is also able to make the learning environment more comfortable and exciting. Moreover, good learning method such as video, can turn the learning process. Discussions between the lecturer and the students are urgently needed so the students can be better understand the material that has been given in the previous class.

    Characters in lecturer’s self can become a role model for students. Discipline, decisive, careful, precise time is a good character to be possessed by a good lecturer. The lecturer was able to give a good habit to be imitated by the students. From a good habits, it is hoped students could be inspired to emulate the good character. Characters in a person can indeed be created by self, but of habits that we often see, the habit will be replicated. Imitated or not such good character, depending with the students’ self. If we have a good character, then everything in life will be good too. However shape the character is not easy, it requires time and process.

    As a conclusion, be a good lecturer is not easy. There should be cooperation between the lecturer and the students. The lecturer just an ordinary people who still have to learn to understand the students and vice versa. We must respect each other. Because the lecturer is our parents at campus. However, one of the lecturers who can be categorized good, can motivate the students to achieve the desired goals and make students comfortable in learning and can form a good character in students’ self. A good lecturer providing learning that makes the students challenged to achieve it. A good lecturer treats the student like a child, without distinction of each other and always appreciate the potential that exists in the students’ self.



    Lecturer are teaching students at universities, colleges,high schools and equivalent levels. Lecturers have the main task is to transform, develop and spread knowledge of technology and the arts through education, research and community service. A good lecturer it was presenting a lecture with interesting and easily understandable way. Explain any questions from the students so that the students to be more understad. A good lecturer must master the course material held, have sufficient knowledge of a broad and deep field of science is taught. A good lecturer should plan well activities college. it’s a good lecturer makes learning it becomes an enjoyable experience.
    A good lecturer knows how to teach in order to make students easy to understand lessons. Explanations are easy to understand and teach using humor to help maintain the attention of students is one way to make the students do not get bored in learning. Convey information in a way that is clear and understandable to students. A good lecturer who has extensive knowledge and deep enough in the field of science is taught will be easier to teach the course material. Communication between lecturer and students also support the good aspects of learning.
    A good lecturer should be disciplined, punctual and to respond favorably to the students in order to give a good example for students. Lecturers are disciplined usually feared by the students because most students want to learn to relax. A good lecturer should be timely in teaching because if the lecturer who teaches the class late entry will lead to learning that is not equally effective. A good lecturer could interact well with students so that there is good communication and provide great enthusiasm to the students in the delivery of the material provided lecturers. A good lecturer must to accept criticism and suggestions from students to become better. a good lecturer it Empathize when they fail or down and come to feel joy when they succeed
    I think it’s such a fun learning lecturer who could make the class active and not boring. Active class can make students a passion for learning, so students are not depressed and enjoyed the lecture. There are many ways to be as exciting as associate class lectures with student world, and use humor to help maintain students’ attention. Humor can remove barriers and dilute the atmosphere tense and serious. Ability turn on the lecture by giving examples of cases that can invite laughter will facilitate students to remember and understand the material. Humorous lecturer would usually popular among students. Enjoyable learning can make students quickly grasp a given learning compared to learning tense. If the lecturer gives learning that is not strained, students will respond to the learning well.
    Be a good lecturer was not only good at teaching but also has a high spirit educator. Equipping students with the teaching of scientific knowledge and shaping the character of the ability to educate students. Thus was born the students reliable scientific field but also have good character for her future. Lecturers can motivate their students through creative teaching methods and inspirational. Use a unique approach to college to be a pleasant and students can find new ideas. Lecturers is a good example or role model for students. Lecturers can change the lives of students by helping them realize their potential, help in order to grow, to help find the talent, skills and abilities.

    • Ignatius says:

      Assah, using google translate is not forbidden, but you should check the translation before you send your work to me. Thanks.



    A Good Lecturer

    A good lecturer is easily contacted, enthusiastic, compassionate, humorous, caring and non-judgmental. A good lecturer also planned his lecture very well, always on time and openly willing to accept feedback from the students and responds by developing expertise. Being able to create an atmosphere or a supportive learning environment, foster confidence and using a friendly approach to make the students feel more comfortable in class or during his lecture. Another characteristics of a good lecturer are discipline and dissertive.
    Good lecturing is a process of continuous improvement, so always strive for best practice with your presentation style. To keep the students’ attention, being animated but not theatrical is other thing a good lecturer should have and also, avoid fidgeting and keep body language strong. The variations of intonation when presenting lectures can engage the students. Use humour can also maintain the students’ attentions. The lecturer should also ask students in a break half-way through the lecture to know whether they understand the materials or not.
    The main characteristics of a good lecturer are making his lecture as simple as possible for the students so that they can understand it clearly, presenting the material in a clear and logical sequence to make the material understandable. Another things that a good lecturer should have are ability to communicate clearly to students and conveying information clearly to the students, as well as providing regular feedback in a way that encourages students to learn in order to be better.
    A good lecturer should also gives an enjoyable lecture to make the atmosphere in class more fun and make it less tense. What students want is having a lecturer who can make them focus in class. By using visual aids, such as projecter and laptop, lecture material can be more interesting and effective. Organisation is a key to a successful lecturing. To be a good lecturer, they should prepare good and easy materials for the students.
    To be a good lecturer, he should remember all of his students’ names to build relationships with them when asking questions or engaging in interactive sessions. Respecting the learning styles of the students will make them feel more special. As a good lecturer, take every opportunity to praise the students to show some appreciations to the students. As a good lecturer, he should motivate the students to increase their learning process and to help them achieving their goals. Giving advice can also motivate the students. By praising the students can make them more diligent in studying and it can be a motivation for them.

    • Ignatius says:

      You should understand that pronoun is important. The idea of using google translation is ok but you must check your language before you submit your work. Thanks




    Lecturer by KBBI, namely by college faculty. In this case, the lecturers are educators who are required to submit material both in the development of the character, or the subject matter presented. Lecturers also in that it has the ability to make students feel enthusiastic about the material and feel attracted to the material to be delivered. For it takes a good method to make students get to know faculty members both in interaction. The good professor known as “good lecturer” very influential to success in teaching. In this case, there are three types so that a teacher can be regarded as “good lecterur”.
    “The aim of teaching is simple: it is to make student learning possible…To teach is to make an assumption about what and how the student learns; therefore, to teach well implies learning about students’ learning” (Ramsden, 1992).
    The first thing is character, character owned by a good professor is a sense of responsibility towards his job. In addition, as a lecturer should be pointed out mebuat students a sense of discipline and responsibility for their work. Sense of caring is needed so students feel cared for and can have great motivation to learn. Lecturers also have to apply good sense of integrity, so that the carriage owned looks good. Students tend to like professors who do not make the stress students. With a relaxed demeanor more students can absorb the subject matter presented.

    Secondly, lecturers can give a sense of fun to the courses delivered by lecturers. Lecturers can invite students to conduct comparative studies that recognize the broader things eat it. In addition, delivery of material that is not boring can make students to be comfortable and easy to absorb the material presented. The methods taught can also be given so that the lecture material more interesting. Pleasant motivation can also be used as a way for students to be enthusiastic.

    Third, lecturers can deliver material by practicing what is explained. Lecturers have the ability to communicate clearly to the students so that the students understand very well what was said by the lecturer. Not too burdensome students with tasks beyond the ability of the students so that the task is not done properly. Lecturers also need to know the properties of each of its students, so that lecturers also know how he must be taught.

    To be a good professor should have advantages, such as a strong character, can provide motivation, and good teaching. If a teacher has a character like that is for sure students will love and always remember the professors.

  8. DEA ZURYATINA says:

    In my opinion, a good lecturer is not only teach, but he also educate students not only on the terms of lessons, but also in terms of the character of the students. The ability to teach well the same thing with acting, must be learned and must continue to be developed through practice. The good lecturing too well planned so as to give a lecture well. There is a wide range of perspectives so that a teacher can be regarded as “A GOOD LECTURER”. But in this article I will discuss three types of “a good lecturer” in the view of the students around me.
    The first is the character. A good character is certainly preferred by all students, the true character of the lecturer will be role models for the students. There are different kinds of characters preferred by various students. No one likes a lecturer timely, disciplined, and some like a lecturer who shows that he cares about the students. By asking to be small things such as “Where are you from?” Some people tend to be pleased with such a character. Others, such as giving motivational, spirit and make students more motivated to learn, for example, give advice and so on. For myself I prefer lecturers who always said to think and act positively, because it would greatly affect the student.
    The second was good explaning materials. Of all the students want lecturer who can explains his lessons well to her students, because it will be easier for students to understand the lesson itself. When a lecturer can become clear the material well it will benefit both parties because students do not need remedial and lecturers do not need to give remedial. There are various ways in order to become a good lecturer explaning materials. I think the main thing is lecturer told what will be learned, what is the point and how to work it. By providing such an understanding would be easy for the students weeks to memorize the formula and apply it.
    The last is give an enjoyable. After an good character explaning materials met the next is give an enjoyable. It will create enjoyable. By providing a sense of fun to the students, the students can enjoy the atmosphere and absorb the materials provided by the lecturers so as to create the atmosphere of communicative interaction. By constructing it all, expected good communication between faculty and students resulting in the disclosure of the learning process. Lecturer fun can provide great enthusiasm to the material submitted by faculty and there was a good understanding by students so that students can follow the flow of good in the process of delivery of material. Not only that, pleasant lecturers can also build self-confidence of students in the opinion. Thus, the process of interaction not only requires students to understand but to give a sense of responsibility for students to understand the material received. As a student, faculty ought not only to convey the material but also provide teaching character and it makes students are interactive.
    so, it is a good lecturer in the opinion of the students around me. If all three can be fulfilled, the lecturer can be considered a good lecturer. lecturer who have the above criteria can understand the students well and have good communication with students. A lecturer is predicated lecterur well is expected to produce a good students and a good character. so, a lecturer who created the third point above the majority of students were well received and tend to be favored. In addition, the lecturer “good lecterur” tend to have innovative ways in the delivery of the material so that the material can be well-received by the students.

    • Ignatius says:

      The essay consists only 4 paragraphs, you must write 5 paragraphs. Study hard and revise. Thanks.

  9. annisah octaviani says:



    What do you think about a good lecturer? In my opinion a good lecturer is someone who prepares and sets up and environment in which the students can fail – WITHOUT any danger. So that in the end students are able to learn from failing. Also a good lecturer is someone who discovers the individual skills of a student and sparked them off to use those skills for what they want to do. A good lecturer is always good in all things especially in teaching. I knew how to learned with a lecturer’s way when I study in University. While at university, I was struck by my nearly all lecturers saying that they didn’t want students to parrot what they heard in lecturers. Students should think for themselves and have their own ideas. It didn’t take long to recognise that so many good lecturers in around you. Thus, I will write down what possessed a good lecturer. Generally a good lecturer make presentations in a good way speak and talk active.
    Character. A good lecturer has special characteristic. The characteristic of a good lecturer always has a dicipline personality which is also will be taught to the students. A good lecturer usually teaches how to discipline with the right way such as not to speak when the lecturer was explaining, don’t cheating, sit up straight and many more. A good lecturer is also always on time. Lecturers who came late usually the students also will came late. Therefore, a good lecturer always on time so that their students did not do the same way, a good lecturer is an example for students. A good lecturer always respect to the students in religion, social status, race,and so do students. The students also have to rescpect with the lecturer in every way. A good lecturer doesn’t insult students intentionally or not. Lecturers who insulted the students will make students hurt and feeling down because students will feel unappreciated but a good lecturer never do that. The lecturer always taught his students to be a better person with character building. Is not easy to built the students character because not all students want to listen to lecturers. Therefore, a good lecturer always give examples of how to be a good character.
    Good in explaining the materials. When a good lecturer giving the materials to the students, the lecturer presents the audience with opportunites for meaningful engagment with the subject material and with their lecturer like the question and answer session, give an example to the students and practices. After giving materials a good lecturer open question and answer session so, students who did not know about the materials can ask to their lecturer. A good lecturer will answer the students question well and obviously. A simple practice after giving materials is also important for students to know what the lecturer explained. Therefore, some students will understands about the materials. A good lecturer spoke clearly when he or she giving material, confidence and no doubt. Because of that students will be confident with the materials. Good lecturers know more than just their subject material. They know the context in which that content sits and how the material relates to other things.
    Give an enjoyable. Every a good lecturer always makes students felt comfortable when in the class room, not a few sleepy students when learning takes place or some students want to get out of the classroom just to relieve boredom. That’s why a good lecturer give an enjoyable to students so that students don’t feel bored while in class. Good lecturers do that in several ways such as makes the class active. Usually, give some games that relate to the materials will be makes the class more active because students will be able to think in a relaxed. Good lecturers be able to make the material being interesting such as telling stories from popular history or culture or from the lecturer’s own life are a kind of cognitive stucture that help students to relate to the course and see the course content in a different way. A good lecturer who has a good sense of humor is also important in the teaching process because the students really like the lecturers who could make learning process to be relaxed. By giving some jokes, students would feel if learning is not always have to be seriously and it would built a chemistry between students and the lecturer.
    No doubt many lecturers are inspiring, but being inspired and being taught are not the same thing, and just having one’s thoughts provoked doesn’t mean that one has interacted with the lecturer in any real way. I am inspired by all of Perbanas Institute lecturers, they all have a good way of teaching. Giving to all their students good examples, good way in teaching and provide value to match the capacities their students. All of them is good lecturers. Basically, all the lecturers are good teachers but a good lecturer has something special that’s not necessarily the other lecturers can do. Everything that I write it’s just my opinion everybody has different opinion about a good lecturer. Conclusions, we all know that every lecturers in the world want to his or her students to be clever and applying all that he or she gave.

    • Ignatius says:

      Your idea is good. However you need more practice to write. Every paragraph needs main sentence. Every paragraph must be supported by good language. Thanks

  10. Refdi Aliffian says:


    Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology, and the arts through education, research, and community service. Lecturers have the task of teaching and guiding students to have competence relevant expertise and have responsibility for the development of science through research should be conducted continuously. Therefore, all lecturers should are trying to be considered as a good lecturer. A good lecture has some special qualities. He or she is very dutiful,responsible,attentive,timely and intellegent. A good lecturer makes a lessons attractive and easy to a students. He or she service is very important because they plays an active role to build up the nation. A good lecturer teaches a students morals and helps in building up their future by proper teachings. A good lecturer should make the students eager to come to the college to follow its course. A good lecturer must respect the students, making them feel comfortable in the classroom. So with that,they will be popular with a students because of good character and its interesting. What make a good lecturer?
    The first, based on good explaining the materials, a good lecturer should be able to explain the material clearly so that students come to understand what is being described by the lecturer. In addition, by explaining the material well, students can enthusiastically to the lesson so that students will be eligible to attend classes on college. In the teaching college should also be able to motivate students through creative teaching methods and inspiring. Lecturers can use a unique approach to the student so that the student can be a fun and discover new ideas. Good lecturer must also have presentation skills because students there are visual, auditory and kinesthetic, lecturer must prepare a presentation style that accommodates three types of learners. As an orator, lecturer needs to be enthusiastic while talking. But at the same time lecturers the opportunity for discussion and receive feedback from students.
    The second is based on the characters, a good lecturer must have good character one example is discipline. Discipline became one attitude that should be applied daily in learning on college. Go to class on time, dress neatly, delivering materials in accordance with a predetermined schedule that is one discipline that we must get used to. The second is the right time. Timely here in the form of provision in each lecture comes within a learning contract that has been agreed at the beginning of college. However, most of the lecturers of this type is not favored by many students because although many are described for student learning will make it difficult to accept the material identified. The third is enthusiastic and caring about a students. A good lecturer was able to grow a bond with the students so that they can understand and shook their feelings and emotions. Empathize when they fail and come to feel happiness when they succeed. Lecturers can also change or help students who are in trouble.
    The third is based on give an enjoyable lecture, a good lecturer should be able to make the classroom atmosphere becomes tense or bored. One way is to learn outside the classroom, this way students will be passion in following the course. Then, a good lecturer must also be able to create a classroom atmosphere becomes active. What is meant is the existence of discussions, questions and answers with the lecturer or work group. With this atmosphere in class, students are not bored in class so that they can follow the lessons well. The latter is also the lecturer must have a sense of humor because humor can remove barriers and break the ice is firm and serious about being an exciting atmosphere. Ability turned lectures provide examples of cases that can invite laughter will facilitate students to remember and understand the material. Humorous lecturer would usually popular among students.
    The conclusion is that a good lecturer should be able to plan really study thus provides a good lecture, always on time and is open to students. In addition, they must have a character that can make students into the spirit of the time to follow the lessons. Characters in the mean is a discipline, an example of lecturers who lack discipline when going to class late. Delayed usually ten to twenty minutes. Lecturers such as this will be followed by the student. Because the professors know students as late then mahasiswapun late. In addition, the lecturer also they should be able to explain properly the material or interspersed with humor so that the classroom atmosphere becomes tense.

  11. Debora says:


    A good lecturer shows kindness to students, colleagues, those around her/him. Being a positive person, is not an easy task. Being a positive teacher is even harder when we’re always met with problems with very limited solutions. However, staying positive when it’s tough can have such a tremendous positive impact on the students and everyone around us. Looking on the bright side always seems to help make things better.
    A good lecturer has a very good personality; there is no second thought about it. Students always get attracted to teachers with good personality which leads to better communication, understanding, and ultimately good results. Everyone can have a good, decent, likable, and presentable personality. A good lecturer can have is to be friendly and congenial with students. It is a plus if his students can share their problems with him, without being afraid or hesitant.
    There are many characteristics that make for a good lecturer. These may be as varied as the lecturers themselves. One of the very important characteristics of a good teacher is his communication skills. He/she should be a very good speaker. This characteristic will provide benefits in several ways. Apart from being a good communicator, a good lecturer should also have the characteristic of being an even better listener. Remember, a good listener will always have many friends and fans. Because people do not want to hear every time, they need people who can listen to them as well. And when a good teacher develops this patient quality in himself, he starts to become a great teacher.
    Students look to lecturers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued. You should encourage open communication and free thinking with your students to make them feel important. Be enthusiastic. Recognize them for their contributions. If your classroom is a friendly place where students feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to learn. A “good job” or “nice work” can go a long way.
    Some other things students feel are important in the classroom environment are a smile, the use of loud, clear speech, clear explanations, fun activities, etc. They also appreciate good visual aides that keep their attention. One of the most important things they think a teacher should keep in mind is a sensitivity to students mistakes. They feel good when a teacher takes time to help students overcome their mistakes through patient, clear instruction.

    • Ignatius says:

      Your writing is inspiring. You need a good conclusion to close your writing. Improve your grammar also. Thanks.



    When I entered lecturers second half, I just want to be good students and began to train myself to study hard. And look for the point where I had trouble I can do every task lecture given to students with good lecturers. According to my definition of lecturers who either are high quality lecturers, graduates S2 best, and should encourage students to achieve excellence, and simultaneously the student must also be transformed into a whole person, have respect for others, and always to be a professional. Thus, it is not a good attitude if a teacher just stood in front of the class, delivering teaching materials are ‘dry’, without ever inserting a matter of ethics and morals. The father is a lecturer Have a sense of humor (sense of humor) and can effectively slip humor in every lecture. Provide questions to the students one by one to make sure we understand the class content of the material delivered and keep practicing.

    Good in the explaining the materials: Skills describes an aspect which is very important for lecturers as teachers because most conversations learning has a major influence on the understanding of students is in the form of an explanation. lecturers deliver well-planned information presented in the order from which an activity explains. Provide an explanation is a very important aspect of the lecturer in his interactions with students in the classroom. Submission is straightforward and clear, if there are given examples of very detailed questions.

    Motivate some SS:
    Lecturers were very comfortable and understanding that teach certain subjects. This is what makes some students eager in teaching by the faculty because he felt that was not saturated in the teaching by lecturers.
    Cling to religion. It does not make sense, but in every religion certainly include information or liability to study till the end of life. For people who are religious, they are usually more serious in learning because they do not want to waste it, because it’s an incredible opportunity. Because we are not necessarily in the future they can go to college or learn.
    Creating a healthy competition among friends to motivate their learning, but sometimes this scope is very small and only hanging by a few individuals. but do not doubt the results. Instead of the scope of this small study changes usually begin in drastic increase. Explaining confident word: faculty teach to students with confidence Eye Contact. Before starting the interaction with the students in the form of talks, preferably beginning with the student’s eyes for a moment before the start of the talks, so that they feel more appreciated. Facial expressions. In the interaction with students should be a professor of facial expressions that show feeling full of hospitality and affection.
    Handshake. Practically shook hands strongly influenced by the local culture. Thus, in the interaction between faculty and students could have a non-verbal communication is ruled out.
    Body language. Body language describes the contents of the message delivered by lecturers to students in an interaction. Use body language that honestly describe the contents of the message we convey.

    Characters (firmly): lecturer at the beginning of the commitment that the student attendance is not his presence more than three times not allowed to take English lessons and resolute in, lecturer discipline of the time if there are late may be in love lesson as punishment and in order not to repeat the example like who were late were told to forward first. Even so, the lecturers were very objective. Values that he love, yes, according to how critical and smart student. And how strong the students mentally as well, if you’ve faced the same faculty, usually mental condition is also critical. Characters (Puchtual): lecturer of this type are usually the same dikangenin students, his carriage relaxing in providing the materials and then interspersed with brief humor. We as lecturers so bad in receiving course material no one feels pressured. But do not be lulled by this type, may be kidding anyway but there are times when people seriously.

    CONCLUTION: some key concepts Relating to concluding a lecture in a good manner include
    (A) the importance of re-visiting the lecture objectives and demonstrating how the material presented addressed each of the lecture objectives;
    (B) providing an indication of how the material in this lecture will flow on to learning in a future lecture (if this lecture is part of a series); and
    (C) leaving ample time for questions and

    • Ignatius says:

      Silvi, your writing is good, but this is not a good and right way in terms of the EPP. Your ideas are more related to other’s people ideas. They are not yours. Try to improve your writing. Thanks

  14. SEKAR MAHARANI says:

    SEKAR MAHARANI 1601000023
    Good lecturer in my opinion it is hard to express in words, sometime students rerely talk about good lechturer. But now i am going to talk about good lecturer. According to good lecturer when him/her teach is not boring as learning methods varied, than he/she can maximize the process of learning and than good lecturer can develop the skill of student when learning and the last lecturer as the motivation.
    I will telling the first about the method of variations. First, Teaching and learning methods are diverse, its mean professors can create a fun learning environment for students to use a variety of methods and not just focus on one method or use only one method. Ideally, teachers should learn a variety of delivery methodologies curriculum materials, but also keep in mind that the various alternatives have advantages and disadvantages of each economically as well as sistem
    Second, Maximizing the learning process, meaning is lecturer should provide the opportunity for our students to float a sense of confidence in them, and some effective methods for that is to provide assistance to them in developing the capacity of individuals, as well as monitor and examine their work during the learning process. Students develop key skills. Give assignments as a means to test the capabilities of the main student . When making assignments to the students, each activity and exercise that you create should be able to produce certain key skills criteria. For example, a lecturer can include elements that encourage students to have the skills to work in teams in these tasks. However, lecturers should be careful not to put too many elements of skill and make tasks that are too heavy for students, or it difficult for lecturers in assessment

    Third, Helping students how to learn, meaning Remind the students to never stop learning how to learn. Lecturers encourage students to share experiences about how to learn with someone more senior. You need to ask about what they have learned recently. Ask how they learn it. Ask what they can learn from themselves when studying it. After that ask them how to learn which is the most important and most interest to them.

    The conclution is good lecturer it’s not title but only the opinion of the student. Good lecturer which is also be rated by how to teach, it could also be the varied of teaching, may be it provides an pportunity weel thaugh and how to helping studends learn. All this back to opinion of the personal student.however lecturer we apreciate and respect because they’ve taught our science that is useful. Thank you.

  15. Ikhsan Nurfitriadi says:


    A Good Lecturer

    I do collage in PERBANAS INSTITUTE, but I think not all the lecturer be a good lecturer. They have own way to giving a lesson. I know they do their best to giving lesson, but not every students can accept their lesson. What do the collage student expect from their lecturer? Of course the lecturer who capable of giving lesson that can be understood easily by their students. So, they must really understand or mastering the lesson. Is it the only thing that make students better? It is not, there are a lot of things they have to do. It was so difficult to be a good lecturer. In my opinion, here are few things to be a good lecturer.
    First of all the lecturer is capable to interact well with the students during lecturer. The lecturer has to speak loudly and clearly, so the students can hear when the lecturer explain the material or lesson. This could be an important thing of teaching. Second, lecturer has to teach in a relaxed athmosphere, comfortable condition and they have to create a conducive condition, so the students can easily understand the material or lesson. And If they interest to the lesson they have questions to know about the material or lessons more. On the contrary if the lecturer giving the lessons or material with strained condition, unconducive or uncomfortable condition, the students could be difficult to accept the material or lesson.
    The third, the lecturer must be time discipline, don’t let the lecturer came late and finished teaching before time to study completed, because every second of that time is very valuable for students to gain knowledge of their lecturer, therefore, lecturer should really take the time to teach well so the students can take advantage of valuable time to gain knowledge of lecturer. The fourth, the lecturer must be able to recognize the students characteristics. It is a bit difficult to do. Because the students are taught a lecturer is much at all, but it is also very important has the good lecturer do. So the lecturer will know how to teaching as what would be readily accepted by his students. The lecturer would be more easily convey the material or lesson to the students.
    The fifth, one of the crucial elements to be a good lecturer is the lecturer can be motivated all the students to more interested in learning material or lesson that will be taught by lecturer. The lecturer to be fully confident about the content, structure and delivery of material or lesson before the lecturer begin, so organization is a key part of successful lecturing. lecturer content has been revolutionized with the rising age of technology. With visual aids, lecturer material or lesson can be broken up with visual stimulation such as educational videos, which are particularly effective in conveying information in a powerful manner, keynote or power point. I think the fifth is the most important thing to be a good lecturer
    To be a good lecturer must be see the feedback and try to evaluation every material or lesson has been taught. Proactively seek opportunities for feedback at the end of sessions. This is one of the greatest ways to learn and improve for the future. The students were finally forced to understand the material or lesson given by lecturer. That is where the lecturer can see the extent of the material or lesson received by the students. If students get good grades more than students who get bad grades, the lecturer can be said the good lecturer. Students who are interested in the material or lesson that is taught by lecturer will usually get a good value. I hope that I am included in the students who can receive the material or lesson so well and getting a good value.

  16. Anggita Maria Duentisela says:



    A Good Lecturer should really take students to the objectives to be achieved and have a broad view and authoritative an a good lecturer is who always on time and with open to receive feedback from students and responded by developing his skills. A good lecturer is good not put labels on the ability of all students, because students abilities are different, there are quick to understand the material, there is also hard to understand the material. A good Lecturer also who can rewarding students and prepare a lecture in earnest. A good lecturer have a sense of humor and can efficiently insert humor in each lesson and become give an enjoyable lecturer and creative in teaching so that it can motivate some students and have good characters.

    A good lecturer have a sense of humor and can efficiently insert humor in each lesson and become give an enjoyable lecturer. It can eliminate obstacles and break the ice is tense and serious. The ability to turn on the lecture by giving examples of cases that can invite laughter will make is easier for students to remember and understand the material. The lecturer of a humorous person will usually popular among students. Can make the class active as students become more active in a question and answer together lecturers in order for student not just be quiet when the lecture stars and lecturer invites students to learn outside the class as take study together with somewhere to go and can also lecturers and students go to a place to eat and talk back the material that has been discussed in college or to disccus the material that students forgot or don’t remember.

    A good lecturer creative in teaching so that it can motivate some students a lecturers can motivate students trought the method of teaching creative and inspirational. Use a unique approach so that the courses be a fun and students can find new ideas a lecturer can change the lives of students in a way that helps them realize the potential, have or increase the talent, skills and abilities. Being able to create an atmosphere or learning environment that supportive, foster turst and it’s not using the approach a threat the can cause discomfort or fear at the heart of the students as like suddenly give you a question to students who can make students refuse to answer and it makes kids to be scared to death in collage attendance. Help students to be more confident more daring speech on in class to more daring move for presentation and ger the results of a good presentation.

    A good lecturer have some characters that could be seen and used as an example by students as dicipline in the sense of right on time to teach and finished studying and discipline for students is have to obey and respect the rules that has been agreed between a lecturer with student. Being a lecturer who distinct, if students not obeying the rules doesn’t go to college on the lessons the same for three days then the lecturer has the right to apply strictly to the students like out of the student class out and do not follow the class. A good lecturer also have applying a firm attitude as sould be able to make a variety of alternative solutions when teaching because not all students love the way of learning that only describes the material but also with the practice. A lecturer the firm also can make the class into an orderly manner and the comfort of learning established.

    The attitude of lecturer in educating has an impact on the development of the soul of the students, so that attitude in accordance with the demands of the professional as an educator in charge. With wisdom, a lecturer will be easier to educate and guide students in accordance with her wishes, and with lecturer attitude wise to make a lecturer’s personal use. A good lectureris lecturer who can motivate his students to be children who are more positive. According to Prof. LeBlanc, a tutor (lecturer) must be able to encourage studentd achieving excellence, and in the same students also must be transformed into a personal one, have respect for others, and has always been a professional. In teaching, a lecturer to insert humor that give rise, which will be worth it to ice – breaking the class.

    • YOHLANDA says:

      A lecturer is a fine lecturer not only teach science to a student the number of students, but also to educate their .To educate, not had to teach in the field of ethics or the other. Teaching in any area, actually every lecturers, can reinforce education for the students, namely teaching with a heart .Be lecturers should not only wants to be the one is being heard a word he said, but also should be willing to listen to the difficulties encountered by the number of students . The fundamental principle of this is what gets completely ignored, so that if we were willing to talk to honest, in this case who stands in front of a class of mostly workers pengaja is not a college professor. The lecturer is a leader, that way of thinking, the mental attitude and prilakunya that is reflected in the daily in front and outside of class, become role models for children who are under fosterage. A college professor are just an worth a is supposed to copy his behavior. Lucky there are a lot of lecturer for example, however there are a lot of standing teaching. Glory the heart of a lecturer reflected in the life of sehari-hari, not just a symbol or the motto other.

  17. Muhammad Ghufran says:


    There are three of good lecturer. The advantages are discipline lecturer, good lecturer will easy to understand the lesson, and good lecturer has responsibility.

    First , one of the advantages good lecturer are students must wearing shirt in the class because uniform are your identity, sometimes people judge you by your uniform if your uniform neat people will interest with you but if your uniform mess people will disappear from you. If we are in work environment our boss will assess performance. Not only that, good lecturer will teach us to be on time come to the class because participating will probably boost your grade, most lecturer will factor your class participation into your final assessment. You must turn off your phone in the class, because if you turn on your phone it will disturb other student and make them lost concentration and upset to you

    Second, students will interest come to the class because they easy to understand the lesson. Good lecturer teach students patiently if students do not understand the lesson the lecturer will explain again until students understand so, they will quickly understand. If the students easy to understand the lesson they will be active in the class, because participation provides the students feedback. When lecturer ask question or otherwise seek students input over a topic, they are letting students know something about the importance of certain ideas and information. Participation also gives students the opportunity to practice using the language of the discipline because participation gives students chance to practice using a different vocabulary. If students active in the class they will solved the lesson goodly, if they have any lesson they will solved the lesson with their partner because good lecturer teach us to cooperate in solving the problem

    Third, good lecturer has responsibility like if we do not pass this course the lecturer will lead us to be better and give you some advice, so you will past with a good score on next course. Not only that, lecturer who has responsibility will understand students feeling it will make student comfortable come to the class and trying to like the courses send it will make opponents between students and lecturer. So, lecturer succeed teach students to like the course and students also understand the course goodly. And the last one good lecturer teach us not only good in lessons but we should smart in students organizations because many advantages if we join students organizations such as you will learn more about yourself joining a students organization presents many opportunities to learn more about yourself, your goals, and your strengths. You can learn from how other students handle certain situations and test your current knowledge. You can also find out what you’re good at, whether that’s multitasking, staying organized, generating ideas, or serving others. This self-awareness will be beneficial in your future career. And You’ll learn how to work with a team Knowing how to work well with a team is an essential skill for any career. Being in a student organization teaches you how to do this by putting you in situations where you are required to take advice from others, as well as give your own.

    Finally, good lecturer has many advantages including discipline lecturer, students will easy to understand the lesson, and Good lecturer has responsibility. The advantages of good lecturer will make a good relationship between students and lecturer

  18. ryan adrianto says:


    A lecturer is responsible for ensuring their students understand what he taught, and not escape the responsibility. Students always get a good teacher with a personality that leads to better communication, understanding, and the end result was good. Everyone can have a good personality, decent, pleasant, and tidy. A good professor can have is to be friendly and fun with the students. It is a plus if the students can share their problems with him, without fear or hesitation.
    the good professor must have good character one example is discipline. Discipline became one attitude that should be applied every day to college. Go to class on time, dress neatly, delivering materials in accordance with a predetermined schedule which is one of the disciplines that we must get used to.
    The second is the right time. Timely here in the form of provision in each lecture comes in a learning contract that had been agreed at the beginning of college. However, most of the lecturers of this type is not favored by many students because although many are described for student learning will make it difficult to accept the material identified. The third is enthusiastic and caring about students. A good professor is able to grow a bond with the students so that they can understand and shook their feelings and emotions. Empathize when they fail and come to feel happiness when they succeed. Lecturers can also change or help students who are in trouble.
    Characteristics of good lecturers always have a personality discipline will also be taught to students. A good professor is usually taught how to discipline the right way as not to speak when the professors explain, not cheating, sitting upright and more. A good professor is also always on time.
    Thus, the interaction process not only requires students to understand but to give a sense of responsibility for students to understand the material received. As a student, faculty should be not only to convey the material but also provide teaching character and it makes interactive student.

  19. Bintang Rocesar says:

    E4B-SM-A-WEDNESDAY-1030-Bintang Rocesar1512000007-ESSAY- GOOD LECTURER
    Good Lecturer

    Good afternoon, I’m Bintang Rocesar I’m student collage of perbanas institute jakarta. So today we will discuss about a good lecturer. What is a good lecturer and what the characteristics the good lecturer. So let’s we discuss about good lecturer.
    First of all, we must know what the lecturer? The lecturer is pemberi kuliah / penceramah in Indonesian and what the meaning of good? The good is baik in Indonesian so good lecturer is someone who give a knowledge at collage but a good lecturer have a characteristics. What the characteristics from a good lecturer? The characteristics of good lecturer is great teacher. The meanning of great teacher is respects students. In a great teacher’s classroom, each person’s ideas and opinions are valued. Students feel safe to express their feelings and learn to respect and listen to others. This teacher creates a welcoming learning environment for all students.
    And the second is a good lecturer creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. The meaning of a good lecturer creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom is good lecturer can make a situationin the class like a family. So the student is not fell alone cause in this classroom is like a family. However in the class student it’s have competition.
    The third, a good lecturer sets high expectations for all students. So if the lectuer set high expetatation to the student. Student will study hard, hope to keep expetation. Example, the lecturer plant if come to the on time sometimes the student can be a good people.
    So that’s characteristics of good lecturer. But it have a many characteristcs but i just tell 3. thank you for your attention. And thankyou for a reading.

  20. Yuke Pramesuari says:

    E4B-SM-A-WEDNESDAY-1030-Yuke Pramesuari-1512000007-ESSAY- GOOD LECTURER
    Good Lecturer
    At University level, I hope that students will provide their own motivation and their own discipline, and bring their own, already developed cognitive abilities to bear on the subject matter. Nevertheless, the lecturers still has a crucial and demanding role to play in the process of student learning, by creating a context in which the students’ desire and ability to learn can work most effectively.
    The task of the teacher in higher education has many dimensions: it involves the provision of a broad context of knowledge within which students can locate and understand the content of their more specific studies; it involves the creation of a learning environment in which students are encouraged to think carefully and critically and express their thoughts, and in which they wish to confront and resolve difficulties rather than gloss over them, it involves constantly monitoring and reflecting on the processes of teaching and student understanding and seeking to improve them. Most difficult of all perhaps, it involves helping students to achieve their own aims, and adopt the notion that underlies higher education: that students’ learning requires from them commitment, work, responsibility for their own learning, and a willingness to take risks, and that this process has its rewards, not the least of which is that learning can be fun. Other than that become a good lecturers must have characteristics such as Teaching skills and practices, Attitude towards students, Personal qualities.
    The good lecturers were well prepared, structured their lecture content effectively, and communicated the structure to students. They clearly defined the subject objectives and emphasised important points. They spoke clearly and at an appropriate speed and allowed adequate time for students to both take notes and listen, indicating when note-taking was and was not required. They often provided handouts to assist students to take notes without furious copying. They used questions and activities to engage students’ thinking and interest.
    The good lecturer is a lecturer that way of teaching is not boring when in class, know how to make students feel at home in class and comfortable in class so that students forget when the time is up, and also lecturers who have good sense of humor too many enjoy doing and enjoy by students, sometimes there are some lecturer who make students become bored in the classroom but not infrequently also a lot of lecturer who make students feel at home in class, and be learning something is fun .Skills interact with students become dizzy in teaching in the faculty, the good lecturer always make the students interact so there will be feedback between students and lecturer.
    Highly rated lecturers genuinely wanted students to learn, understand and develop critical thinking abilities, as well as master content or learn skills. They demonstrated an empathy with student thinking, anticipating misconceptions and allowing students to develop understanding in a variety of ways. They observed students in class for signs that they were failing to keep up, were bored, or were not understanding, and were flexible in responding to student needs. They encouraged student feedback on their teaching, and often sought informal feedback during classes.

  21. Hizkia Altira Prasetyo says:

    EPP-SMA-WED-1030-Hizkia Altira Prasetyo-1412000124-ESSAY-GOODLECTURER

    Lecturer is educators who give education or learning in the form of science based on the background to study before .A lecturer not only provide learning in the form of material but also learning to build the character or personality students because science and also the personality of good to be balanced for example in the ethical , manners , friendly , responsible and etc.

    First, Good lecturer is could deliver material lecture with in accordance with the plan lecture and having objectives and targets material from each meeting study, so lecturers can provide lecture with a way of explaining material matter study by controlling the material and convey by clear to his students so that it can be understand that stated by professor to, it is also lecturers can use the facilities lcd projector to help make clear matter college.

    The Second, the good lucturer has wanted to know whether the students understood it or not by giving the question and also a matter of practice to look for students understand to the materials delivered his lecture. In addition, lecturers can invite discussion or provide a case study related to the lecture material in pass past done in a group.

    Third , lecturers needs to provide example good manners in teaching for example arrive on time , like any other women said both , discipline and also hard against students , because give learner of ethics is also important to to build character students in the class in addition also educate mental students , so life students will be better , because they understand behave well indispensable to undergo daily necessities .

    In conclusion , lecturers play an important role in educating or to build character his students for a lecturer responsible on that job as educators on campus , because with the lecturer whether it is can help teaching students knowledge knowledge and also personality good .

  22. Muhammad Adam Raihan says:


    A good lecturer is very important in education. A good lecturer should be able to convey the knowledge to his students well. If a lecturer teaches with sincerity, then the delivery of teaching would be more fun so that the material presented can be easily understood by the students.

    Educational background is important weeks to become a good lecturer. If someone has any experience in school education abroad then it becomes a value that can be proud of and be able to motivate the students to be more active in learning.

    As a role model lecturer must also have discipline. Giving an example of discipline to pupils must be done so that the students can also obey the rules given lecturer. If the lecturer is not a good attitude exemplifies the student will be easier to not obey the rules.

    Students who get good lecturer will be easier to accept the material presented. It can provide a good impact on the students academic value. Students who get good lecturer will get a higher score than students who did not get a good lecturer.

    A good lecturer is required. Because each student is entitled to a good education and teachers in order to later be able to get useful science and beneficial for them. That is the reason why good lecturer essential for student success.

  23. Gina Berlian Maharani says:


    A good lecturer is who teaches students perfectly and instructively. A good lecturer makes his lessons attractive and easy to his students. Tries to pull out the hidden treasures from the students. Has some special qualities very smart, attentive, punctual, and responsible.

    For personality discipline, lecturer always came into the classroom bring a positive attitude that set us all going. Prepare a presentation materials before going the class. The personality contributed to the success of the teaching and lesson.

    A good lecturer many have a skills. He can sharing knowledge and experience to the students. A good lecturer have a attitude assertive but never aggressive and abusive.

    Creative lecturer can motivate the students to success the future. Be a positive role model for the students. A good lecturer ready to help the students with their needs.

    A good lecturer is who building good relationship with the students. A good lecturer is who can put the students on the road to achievement successfully.

  24. Dewi Safitri says:


    A good lecturer Able to cultivate ties (inner) with students so they can understand and explore their feelings and emotions. Ability to communicate in accordance with the level of students. Empathize when they fail or down and come to feel happiness when they succeed. Able to think positive. Always show a friendly face and still able to smile even in difficult situations. Always see everything in terms of fun. Looking for things that are positive in every negative situation can think philosophically.
    Can realize that the thing constant in life is change, Know where that is a tradition that should be preserved and which require new ways, new ideas, new systems and new approaches. Not thinking rigid, always open and willing to listen to other people’s ideas.
    Lecturer was a window where young people see a picture of the future, because it’s become a good example or role model. Lecturers can motivate their students through creative teaching methods and inspirational, Use a unique approach to college to be a pleasant and students can find new ideas. Humor can remove barriers and dilute the atmosphere tense and serious. Turned lecture capability by giving examples of cases that could invite laughter will facilitate students to remember and understand the material. Humorous lecturer usually popular among students. Students there are bertipevisual, auditory and kinaesthetic, lecturers should therefore prepare a presentation style that accommodates the three types of learners. Body language lecturers are key communicators and use positively all the time. As an orator, lecturer needs to be enthusiastic when speaking. But at the same time lecturers an opportunity for discussion and receive feedback from students. Sometimes professors have to deal with students who behave negatively. Be aware that such a student has a root cause, perhaps a bad life experiences that happened in the past. Lecturers should be able to act calm and able to control emotions when faced with students who act and behave negatively.
    Good lecturers are lecturers who can change or help students with problems. We know that everyone is equally important, equally valuable. Everyone has a place in this world. Everyone is entitled to be treated equally.
    Therefore lecturers should be able to appreciate the co-workers and students. If we cherish others, so they will respect us. the good professor can change the lives of young people by helping them realize their potential, help in order to grow, to help find the talent, skills and abilities. Be excited in everything we do. Educating young people is the duty of a teacher is the primary calling. Mission carried lecturers are making something different (made youngsters who originally nobodies human being useful to society). Never stop learning. Do not be afraid or ashamed to learn the other lecturers or even from students.

  25. Yohlanda Desi Napitupulu says:

    EPP-SMA-WED-1030-Yohlanda Desi Napitupulu-1512000081-ESSAY-GOODLECTURER

    Lecturer is the work of teaching in college .In definition lecturer widely , lecturers is education professional and scientist with the main task a provide , develop and disseminate science , technology and art through education , research and devotion to the community . Lecturers is teachers college students in this world college , campus , university or in high school and tingkat-tingkat education equivalent .

    Be lecturers is not merely work and get money on the outcome of fruits of his labor.That is not, for lecturers having high responsibility selau enforcement civilization.Therefore, so that education in the land is not misguided, moreover wrong stakeholders need of education broader about profession lecturers.Education is not other to introduce how much the responsibility of a lecturer.He shall multitalenta because in system teaching in class is not only is necessary to give science like a cup of water and the water will be relocated to glass empty.More than that, the water should be more and glassware must be greater.

    To realize education professional , of course a lecturer also must have character professional , namely:
    1 .Lecturers have a talent , calls the soul , interest and idealism .
    In order to realize a college education quality , lecturers are required to have a talent , soul call , and idealism .Talent are innate ability with the talent a lecturer can control the science which he has persevering quickly .Even , for a lecturer having talent , he will be able to guess the future knowledge and develop to prepare the possibility of what will happen .
    2 .Have the commitment better education through attitude .
    Mean of a balance education this world and the hereafter is the education that the can bring equity rah their level of understanding in religious better .So , the science of common support the science of religion , this is also the science of religion support the science common , it has integration that will bring character and attitude noble .
    3 .Have academic qualifications and the background academic
    The purpose of deliver ideals a student of course cannot be done that easy reverse palms .Because of that is required style briefing different with a previous education .Although the insight broad , a lecturer are required to always update to the knowledge all this persevering .This is to to shed some light and insight that class always live with new insight .
    4 .Responsible .
    A lecturer also must be responsible for what is delivered .The mandate is a thing to do lecturers as a duty to guide kids to be insane quality .This mandate can related in form responsibility to the development of any student to personal duties as lecturers ( academics ) who served in the community .
    5.Are under the law lecturers including civil servants.Therefore, anything done lecturers also continued reference statutes that was decided the government.It does not mean to lecturers dipakasa in government regulation, but all run joint decree to realize quality education.

    The terms of be lecturer.
    In general , the terms of lecturers can be classified into 4 requirement of whom;
    1 .The administrative requirements for these requirements were focused for citizenship namely indonesia , pretending to good and of course to submit a request to become a lecturer .
    2 .Technical requirements .
    The criteria to become lecturers do not easy .He also has to had knowledge about the field of at others .Therefore , when it becomes your professor to be qualified a formal .One of the requirements the formal education is to be do lecturer .
    3 .Psychic requirements .
    Be the lecturer is being a good role model .Therefore , be lecturers required health psychic .This is very important for related to various issues at them healthy spiritual , patient , adults in act , can guide students , friendly , polite and of course have leadership spirit .
    4.Physical requirements.
    Lecturers also must have good physical.Among the requirement lecturer not permitted to of having contagious disease.It is vitally important for maintain the climate class conducive.Besides not have a contagious disease, a lecturer also do not have deformity of body that can be disturb the way of teaching and learning activities.But when lecturers to have a disability the body but still could teach perfectly no problem.

    Will very helpful if lecturers it was born already has charisma , of the nature of wise , warmth , glitter , and enthusiastic so that it can be make students interested and spirits around in learning .The science which is not will just fade away .Will hold in the if lecturers had all criteria of any things he does .The better teachers the more good resources be created .

  26. Adita Irianti says:

    Lecturer is a person who has an important role in the life of a student lecture. Not only transmitter of knowledge, but also a determinant of graduation for each student. In the now era, the students are free to express their opinion about the performance of lecturers taught. Every student has a benchmark of their own about what and how lecturers they like or what they want. Assessment of students to professors generally can be seen from three factors, that is how to teach, assignments, and grading.
    The first point, how to teach a lecturer became one of the points assessment of students to lecturers. Most of the students assess senior lecturer or rich experience is easly to understood rather than a new lecturers teach from 1 to 5 years (young lecturer), though not all. Students will assess from how lecturers delivered material and master classes with well, as an example of responding to questions from the students.
    The second point on which the student assessment is the task of the lecture. Most of the lecturers are not liked by the students for this one reason. Expenses difficult task and many lectures given by a professor can make these lecturers have an additional title as “Lecturer killer” of the students. Basically, the students understand why a faculty member of a college assignment that much. It is nothing for the student to really learn and understand the lecture material. But for students, lecturers who gave a lot of tasks are lecturers who have no tolerance. Students are not only burdened by the subjects, but also hope lecturer tolerance by not giving a lot of tasks for which the students charge are also some other subjects.
    The third point, values are things that most make students sensitive. There are some professors who easily provide a value to students, often lecturers like this to be a favorite among students on campus. Especially when with a good of teaching. Conversely, there is also a lecturer of the difficulty in giving value to the students. Lecturer like this is lecturers who want students working on the best assignment if a student wants a lecturer gives a good value. Of course, lecturer like this is to be a lecturer who has a little bad value in the students eyes.
    In conclution, each student has their own opinion and their way to express they dream about professors. But, every opinion must be disclosed in a good way with ethical and prioritizing ethics and morals. Each lecturer have also their own way of teaching. But, all lecturer have the same goals, that is for students attend the college earnest and understand every material that has been delivered. Lecturers should also able to be a good role that gives the values of ethics and morals, instill good character and to develop potential students in addition academic at uphold.


    Being a professional lecturer is the dream of every faculty. Why? Because it will improve human dignity. Lecturer is a researcher and educator. He worked at the college are often referred to as a scientific, where it is found and evolving science. Some say that the lecturers are researchers who teach. He is researching and developing science and he also teach or educate prospective practitioners and scientists who will develop the knowledge and applying research results to solve the problems of society.
    The first, good teaching will certainly be very helping students achieve learning a good review. the quality of teaching and academic standards certainly needs to review Always be evaluated and improved Due to Higher Education is an honorable activities. Good teaching is a thing that is difficult and complex, very individual and is associated with the material. basically, evaluation of lecturers used for the review to identify the contribution of lecturers hearts achieving goals and assess Needs Program will lecturer hearts Guidance and Training Sector Specific teaching.
    The second is based on criteria for good lecturer for students of course be measured from the ability to perform key functions of teaching. Therefore, to be a good professor is no other way than to improve skills give lectures. Planning a Class An important step to do is to recognize student background. By understanding the intellectual capacity of students, faculty can deliver lecture material in accordance with the comprehension and acceptance of students, so that the course material is not too hard and not too easy for students.
    The third Every effort is actually a professor lecturing want to grow or enhance certain patterns of behavior within the students, while also fostering a habit, so the skilled student participants answered the challenge / survival situation humanely. In other words when the professor lectured has the aim to split the ability to think and act abilities of the students, so that they are able to face any circumstance observe the situation, assess the situation and determine the attitude and actions in every state. Therefore, every faculty shall train themselves to create a sense of confidence when performing in front of the class to give a lecture, for professors who are beside ourselves at the display time while giving a lecture, the students quickly grasp these signs, eventually students will test them or criticize so can result in a classroom situation becomes disorderly. Faced with such attitudes and situations that lecturers should be honest to yourself and ability.
    The conclusion to be a good lecture that needs to process, can not be instant. The capital required is the determination or the strong desire to be better; perseverance and passion to continue to develop the science; and the most important is the passion or love of the profession. So if at first profession professor or educator that has become ideals or call in a calling that whatever the challenge will not be an obstacle, but rather the spirit to face for the sake of self and professional development.

  28. yuni sarah says:

    EPP – D3TA – Tuesday – 13.15 – YUNI SARAH- 1601000003 – ESSAI – GOODLECTURER.
    a good lecturer is able Convey information in a way that is clear and can be understood by students. Linking information given lecturer to students. Being able to find connections between the theory, principles and concepts that have given lecturer. lecturer creates its communication with two-way is not only an active lecturer, but students can give their opinions and ask the teachers about the lessons they have not yet understood. Of communication, that’s exactly the kind od created a good communication between faculty and students as well as students know the purpose of studying with clear that encouraging students to learn.
    lecturers always think positive. Always show a friendly face and still able to smile even in difficult situations. Always look at everything from a fun side. Looking for things that are positive in every negative situation. can think philosophically. because through positive thinking and heart were always glad a medicine faculty in the face of so many diverse students. Exuding a positive attitude towards life in general Developing a unique style of his own humanit
    Lecturers can motivate their students through creative teaching methods and inspirational. uses a unique approach to college to be a pleasant and students can find ideas baru.Menyajikan lecture in ways that attract and engage students. lecturers teach sincerely and learn to Make it into an enjoyable experience for the students. lecturers would try harder to make the students do whatever is necessary to learn
    Humor can remove barriers and dilute the atmosphere tense and serious. Ability turn on the lecture by giving examples of cases that can invite laughter will facilitate students to remember and understand the material. Humorous lecturer would usually popular among students. Using humor to help maintain students’ attention in order not to lose focus.
    Sometimes professors have to face the students who behave negatively. Be aware that such students have their root causes, probably a bad life experiences that happened in the past. Lecturers should be able to act calm and able to control emotions when faced with students who act and behave negatively. Good lecturers are lecturers who can change or help students with problems. the tranquility of a teacher can be seen when the lecturer had to face the students of different characters. lecturers is also a need for tranquility in Receiving criticism and suggestions as a sign of positive change Always looking for ways to teach new and better.

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