You can read some works from my students related to adverbs. You should know that in theory and in practice, adverbs can be differently used especially in medias, like The Jakarta Post.

Adelia Kartikasari(1602000010) & Qarina Ash Shifa(1602000011)-DKP-A-English for Economics-Monday-07.30-09.30-R.3402-Mr. Septo-16 October 2017
Source: Jakarta a possible alternative for 2018 IMF-World Bank meeting–News Desk–The Jakarta Post – Jakarta | Thu, September 28, 2017 | 10:40 pm

Qarina Ash Shifa(1602000011)/Aditya Alfarizki(1602000014)/Mila Sabela(1602000004)/Gadis Putri Pratiwi(1602000002)-DKP-A-English for Economics-Monday-07.30-09.30-R.3402-Mr. Septo-6 November 2017



I will do my homework tomorrow.
Shania is going to deliver your post tonight.
Bobby will practice after we got what he want.
Our family will move to Bogor next month.
Cinta will take a class for cooking soon.
We will visit our nephew in Seoul if we have the ticket to Korea.
Before you sleep, I will make your bed.
When you finish filling the form, I will process the data.
I will phone you as soon as your cat is found.
This little girl will wait on the bench until his mother return to take her back.
Akbar will perform with his band on the day after tomorrow.


Kinan were going to delete all of your photos on her mobile phone yesterday.
Their boss would not give them their bonus last week.
I knew you would prepare all the things for the meeting after you finish this task.
If you did not steal the car you wouldn’t in the prison.
Tania wish you would come to her house before the rains fell.
Dania was going to come to your concert when you slapped her that night.
I knew Dani would exercise continously until he got the perfect shape of his body.
Lia was going to give two beautiful scarfs to her friend the day before she left.

Adelia Kartikasari(1602000010) & Qarina Ash Shifa(1602000011)-DKP-A-English for Economics-Monday-07.30-09.30-R.3402-Mr. Septo-16 October 2017
Source: Jakarta a possible alternative for 2018 IMF-World Bank meeting–News Desk–The Jakarta Post – Jakarta | Thu, September 28, 2017 | 10:40 pm

The government is preparing Jakarta as an alternative place to host the IMF-World Bank meeting in 2018 in response to the unstable condition of Bali’s Mount Agung.
“We’re preparing contingency plans. Volcanic activities could disrupt the arrival of tourists during the event,” said Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan in Jakarta on Wednesday as reported by
The contingency plan includes the possible relocation of the meeting venues from Nusa Dua, Bali, to another city, Luhut said, adding that the government had not discussed the details of the plan. “It is too early to talk about it,” he said
The IMF-World Bank 2018 annual meeting is scheduled to be held next year from Oct. 8 to 14 in Bali.
Between 15,000 and 17,000 people from 189 countries are expected to participate in the annual event, including country officials, international observers, academics, journalists and NGO representatives.
The government expects the event to attract more tourism to Bali.
Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said his ministry will prepare several tourist packages and promote them on the travel website TripAdvisor.
As of Tuesday, more than 80,000 people living near Mount Agung have been evacuated. Rising magma and increased tremors have fueled fears of an imminent eruption. (bbn)
Setntence 1
The government is preparing Jakarta.
Jakarta is being prepared by the government.
Tenses: present continuous tense.
Adverb of time: recently
Jakarta is recently being prepared by the government.
Sentence 2
“We’re preparing contingency plans. Volcanic activities could disrupt the arrival of tourists during the event,” said Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan in Jakarta on Wednesday as reported by
 Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said that they’re preparing contingency plans. Volcanic activities could disrupt the arrival of tourists during the event in Jakarta on Wednesday.
We’re preparing contingency plans. Volcanic activities could disrupt the arrival of tourists during the event was said by Luhut Binsar Panjaitan in Jakarta on Wednesday.
Tenses: Simple Past Tense
Adverb of place: in Jakarta
Adverb of time: on Wednesday.
Sentence 3
The government expects The IMF-World Bank 2018 to attract more tourism to Bali.
The event is expected to attract more tourism to Bali by the government.
Tenses: simple present tense
Adverb of frequency: always
The IMF-World Bank 2018 is always expected to attract more tourism to Bali by the government.
Sentence 4
Between 15,000 and 17,000 people from 189 countries are expected to participate in the annual event, including country officials, international observers, academics, journalists and NGO representatives.
 The countries that invited will participate in the annual event.
The annual event will be participated by the countries that invited.
Tense: Present Future tense
Adverb of place: in the annual event
Adverb of frequency: usually
The annual event usually will be participated by the countries that invited.
Sentence 5
Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said his ministry will prepare several tourist packages and promote them on the travel website TripAdvisor.
 Minister Arief Yahya said his ministry will prepare several tourist packages and promote them on the travel website TripAdvisor.
Tenses: simple past tenses
Adverb of time: on Semptember 24, 2017
Minister Arief Yahya said his ministry will prepare several tourist packages and promote them on the travel website TripAdvisor on Semptember 24, 2017.
Sentence 6
Rising magma and increased tremors have fueled fears of an imminent eruption.
Tenses: present perfect tense
Adverb of time: last year
Rising magma and increased tremors have fueled fears of an imminent eruption last year.
Sentence 7
As of Tuesday, more than 80,000 people living near Mount Agung have been evacuated.
 As of Tuesday, more than 80,000 people living near Mount Agung have been evacuated by the local government.
Adverb of time: as of Tuesday.
Sentence on white board
• The boilers have been desiged by the World Bank and the Environment & Forestry Ministry.
Tense: present perfect tense
Adverb of time: this evening.
The boilers have been desiged by the World Bank and the Environment & Forestry Ministry this evening.
• The members will be informed about Jamkrida’s product.
Tenses: present future tense
Adverb of time: on December.
The members will be informed about Jamkrida’s product on December
• The plane is designed by Indonesia’s third president.
Tenses: Simple past tense
Adverb of time: five years ago
The plane is designed by Indonesia’s third president five years ago.
• The divestment agreement with PT. Freeport Indonesia was announced by Anderson on August 29.
Tenses: simple past tenses
Adverb of time: on Auguts 29.
• The joint team was established by Institution.
Tenses: simple past tenses
Adverb of time: last year
The joint team was established by Institution last year.
• US $ 7.2 billion was reached by the export value of textile and their related products in the first half of 2017
Tenses: simple past tenses
Adverb of time: in the first half of 2017
• The first ever rupiah was aimed by PT Bank Mandiri.
Tenses: simple past tense
Adverb of time: in the begining of 2017
The first ever rupiah was aimed by PT Bank Mandiri in the begining of 2017.
• The company was burdened by numerous government electricity project.
Tenses: simple past tense
Adverb of time: on January 2010
The company was burdened by numerous government electricity project on January 2010.
• The central government is being demanded by North Sulawesi government.
Tenses: present continuous tenses.
Adverb of time: recently
The central government is recently being demanded by North Sulawesi government.


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Berdasarkan informasi di bawah ini, kebanyakan jurnal terindeks Scopus memerlukan waktu minimum tiga bulan untuk menerbitkan artikel. Ada yang mengatakan paling cepat 3 atau 4 minggu.…/a-list-of-journals-and…
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Menelusuri Android Smartphone bagian 8

Pada bagian 8 ini dibahas mengenai penelusuran smartphone jika terlupa atau hilang dengan melihat pada bagian pertama, dimana pembahasan mengenai Ring dan Locate sudah selesai dibahas pada bgian sebelumnya. Terdapat beberapa pilihan lain yang bisa dilakukan selain Ring dan Locate yang terdiri dari :

  1. Lock your phone
  2. Try calling your phone
  3. Sign out on your phone
  4. Reach out to your carrier
  5. Consider erasing your device

Pilihan keempat adalah Consider erasing yout device. Pada pilihan ini kita diminta untuk mempertimbangkan penghapusan data yang ada pada perangkat yang hilang. Menghapus data pada perangkat yang kita miliki akan mencegah orang lain untuk melihat atau menggunakan isi perangkat kita dengan cara yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

Perlu diperhatikan juga, jika menghapus data pada perangkat kita, maka akan ada beberapa hal yang harus diketahui, yaitu :

  • Google mungkin tidak dapat menghapus semua yang ada di dalam kartu memori kita, karena berbagai alasan
  • Google tidak dapat lagi mencari lokasi, membunyikan nada sambung, atau mengunci perangkat yang gilang.
  • Kita akan kehilangan secara permanen akses terhadap informasi yang ada di dalam perangkat yang belum tersimpan atau di backup di Google. Jika perangkat dalam kondisi tidak aktif, maka proses penghapusan akan dilakukan ketika perangkat tersebut aktif. Jika perangkat tidak pernah aktif lagi, maka proses penghapusa tidak akan pernah bisa dilakukan.

Untuk pembahasan berikutnya akan diuraikan pada tulisan yang berjudul “Menelusuri Android Smartphone bagian 9” .

Menelusuri Android Smartphone bagian 7

Pada bagian 7 ini dibahas mengenai penelusuran smartphone jika terlupa atau hilang dengan melihat pada bagian pertama, dimana pembahasan mengenai Ring dan Locate sudah selesai dibahas pada bgian sebelumnya. Terdapat beberapa pilihan lain yang bisa dilakukan selain Ring dan Locate yang terdiri dari :

  1. Lock your phone
  2. Try calling your phone
  3. Sign out on your phone
  4. Reach out to your carrier
  5. Consider erasing your device

Pilihan keempat adalah reach out to your carrier. Pada pilihan ini kita diharuskan untuk segera menghubungi operator yang kita gunakan.

Jika smartphone memang hilang, maka sesegera mungkin menghubungi operator untuk menonaktifkan sim card yang hilang dan menggantikannya dengan sim card yang baru dengan nomor yang sama. Dengan demikian, jika nomor lama yang hilang diaktifkan, maka tidak akan dapat dipergunakan kembali.

Proses tersebut perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari berbagai hal buruk yang bisa dilakukan oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang menemukan atau sengaja mengambil smartphone yang kita miliki.

Untuk pembahasan berikutnya akan diuraikan pada tulisan yang berjudul “Menelusuri Android Smartphone bagian 8” .

Quality in Qualitative Research


Rigor, trustworthiness, internal, external, validity, reliability, credibility, transferability, coherence, replicability, dependability, authenticity, plausibility, confirmability, triangulation, consistency, neutrality, objectivity, applicability, fittingness, auditability, consistency, replicability.


To establish the “trustworthiness” of findings from studies using qualitative methods, Lincoln and Guba (1985) propose that we assess the research in terms of its:

  • Credibility. The “truth” of the findings, as viewed through the eyes of those being observed or interviewed and within the context in which the research is carried out.
  • Transferability. The extent to which findings can be transferred to other settings. In order for findings to be transferable, the contexts must be similar. Therefore, it is the role of the researcher to identify key aspects of the context from which the findings emerge and the extent to which they may be applicable to other contexts.
  • Dependability. The extent to which the research would produce similar or consistent findings if carried out as described, including taking into account any factors that may have affected the research results.
  • Confirmability. Researchers need to provide evidence that corroborates the findings. Such evidence should come directly from subjects and research context, rather than the researcher’s biases, motivations, or perspectives.

(Devers, 1999)


(Creswell & Miller, 2000)


Reliability and Validity in Quantitative Research

Reliability means consistency or the degree to which a research instrument measures a given variable consistently every time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects. It is important to note that reliability applies to data not to measurement instruments. From different perspectives or approaches, researchers can evaluate the extent to which their instruments provide reliable data.

Validity refers to the accuracy of research data. A researcher’s data can be said to be valid if the results of the study measurement process are accurate. That is, a measurement instrument is valid to the degree that it measures what it is supposed to measure.

To judge the quality or (a) credibility and (b) dependability of a qualitative study, the following questions compiled from various studies can be asked (Miles & Huberman, 1994, pp. 278–279):


Credibility (instead of validity) questions:

  • How context-rich and detailed are the basic descriptions?
  • Does the account ‘ring true’, make sense, seem convincing or plausible, enable a ‘vicarious presence’ for the reader?
  • Is the account rendered comprehensive, respecting the configuration and temporal arrangement of elements in the local context?
  • Did triangulation among complementary methods and data sources generally lead to converging conclusions? If not, is there a coherent explanation for this?
  • Are the presented data linked to the categories of prior or emergent theory if used?
  • Are the findings internally coherent and concepts systematically related?
  • Were guiding principles used for confirmation of propositions made explicit?
  • Are areas of uncertainty identified?
  • Was negative case or evidence sought for? Found? What happened then?
  • Have rival explanations been actively considered? What happened to them?
  • Were the conclusions considered to be accurate by the participants involved in the study?
  • If not, is there a coherent explanation for this?


Dependability (instead of reliability) questions:

  • Are research questions clearly defined and the features of the study design congruent with them?
  • Are basic paradigms and analytic constructs clearly specified?
  • Are the researcher’s role and status within the site explicitly described?
  • If multiple field-researchers are involved, do they have comparable data collection protocols?
  • Do multiple observers’ accounts converge, in instances, settings, or times when they might be expected to?
  • Were data connected across the full range of appropriate settings, times, respondents suggested by the research questions?
  • Were coding checks made and did they show adequate agreements?
  • Were data quality checks for bias, deceit, informant knowledgeability etc. made?
  • Do findings show meaningful parallelism across data sources (informants, contexts, and times)?
  • Were any forms of peer or colleague review employed?


To assess the rigour of qualitative research, Lincoln and Guba (1985) resort to the concepts of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability to express the quantitative concepts of internal validity, external validity (generalisability), reliability, and objectivity respectively. Credibility means that the participants involved in the study find the results of the study true or credible.

Transferability is achieved if the findings of a qualitative study are transferable to other similar settings. Thick description of the setting, context, people, actions, and events studied is needed to ensure transferability or external validity in quantitative terms. The study has dependability (reliability) if the process of selecting, justifying and applying research strategies, procedures and methods is clearly explained and its effectiveness evaluated by the researcher and confirmed by an auditor, which is called ‘audit trail’. The study enjoys confirmability when its findings are based on the analysis of the collected data and examined via an auditing process, i.e. the auditor confirms that the study findings are grounded in the data and inferences based on the data are logical and have clarity, high utility or explanatory power.

In short, terms such as credibility, trustworthiness, authenticity, neutrality or confirmability, dependability, applicability or transferability and the like are those that qualitative researchers use most in their discussion of the concepts of reliability and validity

(Yilmaz, 2013)


While some argue for the same criteria as quantitative research (Morse et al., 2002), others argue for different criteria (Sandelowski, 1986; Koch and Harrington, 1998), while still others reject any pre-determined criteria (Hope and Waterman, 2003; Johnson and Waterfield, 2004; Rolfe, 2006).

While it has been argued that each approach requires different criteria (Koch and Harrington, 1998), the commonly accepted criteria that are applied across approaches are summarized Table 4. Transferability is contingent on credibility, which in turn is contingent on dependability and confirmability. Trustworthiness refers to the confidence or trust one can have of a study and its findings (Robson, 2011) and is determined by those assessing a study (c.f. quantitative research that refers to validity which is judged by researcher).

(Petty, Thomson, & Stew, 2012)



Creswell, J. W., & Miller, D. L. (2000). Determining Validity in Qualitative Inquiry. Theory into Practice, 39(3), 124–130.

Devers, K. J. (1999). How Will We Know “Good” Qualitative Research When We See It? Beginning the Dialogue in Health Services Research. HSR: Health Services Research, 34(5), 1153–1188.

Petty, N. J., Thomson, O. P., & Stew, G. (2012). Ready for a paradigm shift? Part 2: Introducing qualitative research methodologies and methods. Manual Therapy, 17(5), 378–384.

Yilmaz, K. (2013). Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Traditions : epistemological , theoretical. European Journal of Education, 48(2), 311–325.




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Yusmazida Mohd Yusoff