On Friday, January 29, 2016, from 08.00 to 11:30 some English lecturers went to SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. This trip has a goal to to fulfill one of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which has to be taken by each leacturer in each semester. The lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute performed community service in the form of implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao District, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. The objectives of mentoring the grammar clinic and performing TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti are to organize the provision of material in a simple grammar and to perform TOEFL-Like.
Community service activities related to the contribution of the knowledge possessed by the lecturers are to give enlightenment to the community, especially for students of SMK Taruna Sakti in reviewing and practice grammar relating to the construction problem of TOEFL-Like, so that they can find out and know about the types of TOEFL and TOEFL-Like.
Description of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
Symbol of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta is one of vocational schools conveniently located near in Purwakarta, West Java. It is intensely engaged in the field of vocational secondary education and has a mental-spiritual coaching and skills development program in accordance with the needs of the business / industrial world which are in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.
SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta at this time, led by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd – Principal – has the vision forward and supported by qualified teaching staff. One of the great efforts of SMK Taruna Sakti is producing an instructor of engineering of business and industry, even among existing proven certifications, for example: BNSP / LSP-TO PT by Hyundai Motor Indonesia.
Being a formal educational institution that generates youth employment candidates who are reliable and independent and have IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
1. Provide education which is in accordance with Engineering Curriculum Education Unit.
2. Provide education with IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
3. Provide education with the aid of multimedia.
4. Develop the ability to have English proficiency.
5. To supervise the quality of schools.
6. Engage industrial engineering with several agencies.
7. Implement the work program industry with some industrial establishments in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.
Facilities and infrastructure:
1. Have its own building
2. Have practice space and adequate equipment
3. Have sport field
Implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for Students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
This training aims to help the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in its efforts to improve the mastery of English for their students. In addition, this event also aims to provide opportunities for the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta for training in a simple language that is designed and oriented towards the mastery of English to take the TOEFL-Like.
Planning, preparation, and execution of this activity lasted for approximately two weeks, from Tuesday, January 12, 2016 to Friday, January 29, 2016. The time required is related to the allocation of time taken by the Perbanas Institute including English Language Laboratory Unit (ULBI) Perbanas Institute led by Miss Adelina, SS., M. Hum and lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute for
1. planning and preparing teaching materials and providing TOEFL-Like materials;
2. approaching the Principal of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta, Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd;
3. setting up the necessary equipment in order to perform TOEFL-Like, such as: printing TOEFL-Like materials, preparing a tape recorder, and cassette TOEFL-Like;
4. having meetings among lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute to organize Grammar Clinic teaching materials; and
5. coordinating with the department in Perbanas Institute to organize transport from Jakarta to Purwakarta and in vice versa.
In addition, Perbanas Institute lecturers have to adjust the timing of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like with the time provided by the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in giving coaching and mentoring activities so it is expected to not interfere with teaching and learning process (PBM) in the school. Participants of Grammar Clinic coaching and TOEFL-Like mentoring amounted to 119 (one hundred and nineteen) consisting of students from different departments. They are Broadcasting Engineering, Mechanical Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Engineering, and Accounting. For the purposes of Grammar Clinic coaching & TOEFL-Like mentoring, the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are divided into 5 different classrooms.
On Friday, January 29, 2016, from 08.00 to 11:30 some English lecturers went to SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. This trip has a goal to to fulfill one of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which has to be taken by each leacturer in each semester. The lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute performed community service in the form of implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti, Sadang Highway, Babakancikao District, Mulyamekar District, Purwakarta 41118. The objectives of mentoring the grammar clinic and performing TOEFL-Like for students of SMK Taruna Sakti are to organize the provision of material in a simple grammar and to perform TOEFL-Like.
Community service activities related to the contribution of the knowledge possessed by the lecturers are to give enlightenment to the community, especially for students of SMK Taruna Sakti in reviewing and practice grammar relating to the construction problem of TOEFL-Like, so that they can find out and know about the types of TOEFL and TOEFL-Like.
Description of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
Symbol of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta is one of vocational schools conveniently located near in Purwakarta, West Java. It is intensely engaged in the field of vocational secondary education and has a mental-spiritual coaching and skills development program in accordance with the needs of the business / industrial world which are in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.
SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta at this time, led by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd – Principal – has the vision forward and supported by qualified teaching staff. One of the great efforts of SMK Taruna Sakti is producing an instructor of engineering of business and industry, even among existing proven certifications, for example: BNSP / LSP-TO PT by Hyundai Motor Indonesia.
Being a formal educational institution that generates youth employment candidates who are reliable and independent and have IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
1. Provide education which is in accordance with Engineering Curriculum Education Unit.
2. Provide education with IMTAQ and Science & Technology insight.
3. Provide education with the aid of multimedia.
4. Develop the ability to have English proficiency.
5. To supervise the quality of schools.
6. Engage industrial engineering with several agencies.
7. Implement the work program industry with some industrial establishments in the regions of Purwakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Jakarta.
Facilities and infrastructure:
1. Have its own building
2. Have practice space and adequate equipment
3. Have sport field
Implementation of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like for Students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta
This training aims to help the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in its efforts to improve the mastery of English for their students. In addition, this event also aims to provide opportunities for the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta for training in a simple language that is designed and oriented towards the mastery of English to take the TOEFL-Like.
Planning, preparation, and execution of this activity lasted for approximately two weeks, from Tuesday, January 12, 2016 to Friday, January 29, 2016. The time required is related to the allocation of time taken by the Perbanas Institute including English Language Laboratory Unit (ULBI) Perbanas Institute led by Miss Adelina, SS., M. Hum and lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute for
1. planning and preparing teaching materials and providing TOEFL-Like materials;
2. approaching the Principal of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta, Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd;
3. setting up the necessary equipment in order to perform TOEFL-Like, such as: printing TOEFL-Like materials, preparing a tape recorder, and cassette TOEFL-Like;
4. having meetings among lecturers of English PERBANAS Institute to organize Grammar Clinic teaching materials; and
5. coordinating with the department in Perbanas Institute to organize transport from Jakarta to Purwakarta and in vice versa.
In addition, Perbanas Institute lecturers have to adjust the timing of Grammar Clinic & Assistance TOEFL-Like with the time provided by the SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta in giving coaching and mentoring activities so it is expected to not interfere with teaching and learning process (PBM) in the school. Participants of Grammar Clinic coaching and TOEFL-Like mentoring amounted to 119 (one hundred and nineteen) consisting of students from different departments. They are Broadcasting Engineering, Mechanical Light Vehicle Engineering, Motorcycle Engineering, and Accounting. For the purposes of Grammar Clinic coaching & TOEFL-Like mentoring, the students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are divided into 5 different classrooms.
Overall activity takes place smoothly thanks to good cooperation between the school and the ULBI team and English lecturers of Perbanas Institute. SMK Taruna Sakti Party Purwakarta commanded by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd has an active role in providing support to a variety of forms. Similarly, participants who enthusiastically followed the coaching process and TOEFL-Like from the beginning to the end. The success of this program can also be seen on the achievement of pre-defined indicators of success.
In an effort to improve the quality of human resources in education, mastery of foreign languages, particularly English, is a very important thing. This is based on various considerations. By imposing a vision that one of them is to put forward the procurement of ability to speak English, a school has committed to enter into a realm of management that is no longer based on the standards and demands of local quality and require human resources who are able to understand the ins and outs of the information required in the domain so that it can support their performance in realizing the commitment of the institution. Therefore, the efforts to improve English proficiency for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are evidence of the seriousness of a school to realize the commitments already proclaimed in the school’s vision.
Coaching Grammar Clinic and mentoring TOEFL-Like is an effort that can be done to improve the mastery of English for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta. The training materials provided include basic skills that are useful to support the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing is simple. Steps to be taken by SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta to improve the ability of English for students can be continued by organizing extracurricular programs, consultations and discussions with the relevant parties at the school. This can be followed by an ongoing collaboration with lecturers of English, led by Ms. Adelina, SS., M. Hum. from ULBI PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. Eventually, the school will get more benefits from next collaborations. Instead, the Perbanas Institute lecturers Jakarta can also fulfill their role in applying knowledge through community service.
Given the magnitude of the benefits that can be derived from PKM activity like this, English lecturers PERBANAS Institute Jakarta consider schools (SMA and SMK) can perform similar activities, or with a variety of forms and methods, by involving P3M PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta should maintain cooperation with the ULBI Perbanas Institute Jakarta that has been nurtured well so far. P3M and ULBI should also maintain and increase its commitment in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, particularly the Community Service (PKM).
Overall activity takes place smoothly thanks to good cooperation between the school and the ULBI team and English lecturers of Perbanas Institute. SMK Taruna Sakti Party Purwakarta commanded by Mr. Eko Bagus Kurniawan, S. Pd has an active role in providing support to a variety of forms. Similarly, participants who enthusiastically followed the coaching process and TOEFL-Like from the beginning to the end. The success of this program can also be seen on the achievement of pre-defined indicators of success.
In an effort to improve the quality of human resources in education, mastery of foreign languages, particularly English, is a very important thing. This is based on various considerations. By imposing a vision that one of them is to put forward the procurement of ability to speak English, a school has committed to enter into a realm of management that is no longer based on the standards and demands of local quality and require human resources who are able to understand the ins and outs of the information required in the domain so that it can support their performance in realizing the commitment of the institution. Therefore, the efforts to improve English proficiency for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta are evidence of the seriousness of a school to realize the commitments already proclaimed in the school’s vision.
Coaching Grammar Clinic and mentoring TOEFL-Like is an effort that can be done to improve the mastery of English for students of SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta. The training materials provided include basic skills that are useful to support the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing is simple. Steps to be taken by SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta to improve the ability of English for students can be continued by organizing extracurricular programs, consultations and discussions with the relevant parties at the school. This can be followed by an ongoing collaboration with lecturers of English, led by Ms. Adelina, SS., M. Hum. from ULBI PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. Eventually, the school will get more benefits from next collaborations. Instead, the Perbanas Institute lecturers Jakarta can also fulfill their role in applying knowledge through community service.
Given the magnitude of the benefits that can be derived from PKM activity like this, English lecturers PERBANAS Institute Jakarta consider schools (SMA and SMK) can perform similar activities, or with a variety of forms and methods, by involving P3M PERBANAS Institute Jakarta. SMK Taruna Sakti Purwakarta should maintain cooperation with the ULBI Perbanas Institute Jakarta that has been nurtured well so far. P3M and ULBI should also maintain and increase its commitment in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, particularly the Community Service (PKM).
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