Last night I frankly could not sleep. I was confused because tomorrow is the day of the announcement of the students’ scores by online. So as a lecturer of English courses at PERBANAS Institute Jakarta, frankly I’m upset and sad. Out of four classes that I taught last semester, there were 7 students who did not pass in my courses. In that Odd Semester I was teaching a class Diploma in Accounting Taxation – English for Professional Purposes – 3 credits, 1 class in Diploma Finance Banking, that is English for Economics – 2 credits, a class in SI Accounting – 2 credits namely English for Economics, and SI Management, that is English for Professional Purposes – 2 credits. I was confused because I had tried to add the students score fairly. It was hard for me to know that 80% of the students’ English were under the English standard in Perbanas Institute. However, I had to be relieved 70% of them performed their homework. In addition, unfortunately there are still 7 students who do not pass.
There are several reasons that I could identify why the students did not perform well, such as:
- The students were absent for more than three times,
- The students often did not listen to the lecturer well,
- The students never asked if they did not understand,
- The students did the homework but they did not understand what they did,
- The students often used their cell phones secretly in the classroom (although it was not allowed),
- The student seems to give their attention in fact they did not focus on the explanation,
- The students did not make use of the consultation time,
- The students did not want to review their last lesson.
Finally I decided to give C- or D because I think I had performed tough for this Odd Semester 2016/2017. I surrendered to the circumstances, at last I slept.
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