


Last night I frankly could not sleep. I was confused because tomorrow is the day of the announcement of the students’ scores by online. So as a lecturer of English courses at PERBANAS Institute Jakarta, frankly I’m upset and sad. Out of four classes that I taught last semester, there were 7 students who did not pass in my courses. In that Odd Semester I was teaching a class Diploma in Accounting Taxation – English for Professional Purposes – 3 credits, 1 class in Diploma Finance Banking, that is English for Economics – 2 credits, a class in SI Accounting – 2 credits namely English for Economics, and SI Management, that is English for Professional Purposes – 2 credits. I was confused because I had tried to add the students score fairly. It was hard for me to know that 80% of the students’ English were under the English standard in Perbanas Institute. However, I had to be relieved 70% of them performed their homework. In addition, unfortunately there are still 7 students who do not pass.

There are several reasons that I could identify why the students did not perform well, such as:

  1. The students were absent for more than three times,
  2. The students often did not listen to the lecturer well,
  3. The students never asked if they did not understand,
  4. The students did the homework but they did not understand what they did,
  5. The students often used their cell phones secretly in the classroom (although it was not allowed),
  6. The student seems to give their attention in fact they did not focus on the explanation,
  7. The students did not make use of the consultation time,
  8. The students did not want to review their last lesson.

Finally I decided to give C- or D because I think I had performed tough for this Odd Semester 2016/2017. I surrendered to the circumstances, at last I slept.

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