Kurikulum yang bersifat teknikal, praktikal dan kritikal
Three Forms of Knowledge and Their Views of Education Hussien, Suhailah. “Towards the Islamisation of Critical Pedagogy: A Malaysian Case Study.” The University of Sheffield, 2006.
Three Forms of Knowledge and Their Views of Education Hussien, Suhailah. “Towards the Islamisation of Critical Pedagogy: A Malaysian Case Study.” The University of Sheffield, 2006.
Abstract Contemporary Islamic management scholars have agreed that values are embedded in quality management. Their agreement is grounded on the famous prophetic tradition encouraging diligence in work, uttered more than 1400 years ago, which...
Write That PhD Ibrahim Ilyasu: Keep it simple, but rehearse very well. Three to four times . Focus on the objective of the research, methodology, significance, its contribution, why is your research unique, what...
The purpose of this editorial is to provide guidance to EJM authors about the structure and presentation of manuscripts that are likely to be insightful and that will probably provide contributions to knowledge. I...
How to Develop an Effective Questionnaires? Developing Effective Questionnaires
Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan oleh “top three” jurnal manajemen umum dan strategik (Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal and Administrative Science Quarterly) periode 2007-2012, untuk artikel empiris. Komposisi metodologi riset Mixed, Kualitatif, dan Kuantitatif,...
Perihal administrasi yang harus dilakukan dosen untuk meningkatkan karirnya Amirullah
Video Ustadz Adi Hidayat, Lc., M.A. Link video file Sumber: Shanty Okta
BERAPA RINGGIT KENA SAYA SEDIAKAN APABILA TESIS SAYA HAMPIR SIAP DAN PERLU KHIDMAT LUAR UNTUK MEMANTAPKANNYA? Post saya tempoh hari mendapat banyak maklum balas dan ada yang bertanya soalan di atas. Saya berikan jawapan...