The last of the product life cycle stages is the Decline stage, which as you might expect is often the beginning of the end for a product. When you look at the classic product life...
The last of the product life cycle stages is the Decline stage, which as you might expect is often the beginning of the end for a product. When you look at the classic product life...
lihat pesaing siapa saja lihat tujuan, strategi, swot, dan reaksi pesaing pilih pesaing yang akan diserang atau dihindari strategi memenangkan persaingan bisa berdasarkan biaya, fokus/diferensiasi, layanan terbaik, dekat dengan konsumen (loyal), keunggulan produk/jasa, atau...
The last of the product life cycle stages is the Decline stage, which as you might expect is often the beginning of the end for a product. When you look at the classic product life...
BRAND AMBASSADOR are not a new concept for marketers. Most brands have used one or more types of brand ambassadors in one way or another. What’s different now is the scale of those brand...
Whether your wholesale business has been in operation for years or you’re just beginning to get your products off the ground and onto shelves, you may be in the midst of making the choice...
EXPLOIT THE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE By Theodore Levitt Most alert and thoughtful senior marketing executives are by now familiar with the concept of the product life cycle. Even a handful of uniquely cosmopolitan and...
INTERNAL MARKETING Pentingnya pemasaran internal baik dalam keadaan normal maupun dalam keadaan bahaya. Krisis tidak akan diketahui selama belum terjadi. Ketidakmampuan mengetahui terjadinya krisis merupakan kejadian fatal yang dapat merugikan banyak pihak. Pembiaran krisis...
Salah merespon perubahan Dunia sudah berubah, tetapi masih menikmati kenyamanan Salah melihat peluang Peluang sudah terhampar, tetapi masih melihat peluang di depan mata yang memberikan kepuasan sesaat Salah promosi Kurang waktu untuk mengingatkan masyarakat...
Jika ingin membukan usaha tetapi tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di lapangan langsung terjun maka banyak hal yang dapat merugikan terutama biaya dan tenaga. Banyak informasi cara membuka usaha yang diawali dengan mindset, realistis,...
HOW TO SAVE SINKING SHIP Don’t fail to realize that’s not people problem but management problem Transparency weekly meeting to find 360 degree feed back Monthly performance review Rationalized position Managers choose the...