JCR & Citation Index

Apa kegunaan Journal Citation Reports?
- Publishers/Editors
- Compare your journals directly against peers and competitors.
- Understand the citation profile of the documents in your journals.
- Track your publications’ performance by building a custom journal list.
- Librarians
- Find quantitative data to justify your collection development decisions.
- Evaluate your collections with custom journal lists.
- Track your faculty/institution’s contributions to journal performance.
- Data Scientists
- Dive deeper into the JCR data with our downloadable cited and citing data tables, as well as the full data and metrics files, to understand how disciplines interconnect in the citation network.
- Researchers
- Evaluate journals for your submissions.
- Focus on publishing trends like Open Access
- Determine your articles’ contributions to journal performance.
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Apa itu sitasi/kutipan?
- A citation is a reference to other published materials
- A citation index is a database that captures all references of items, allowing the user to easily establish which later documents cite which earlier documents
- What this means to you:
- Using the citation index, you can easily find older and newer RELATED papers.
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