Bagaimana melakukan Systematic Literature Review (SLR)?
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Denyer, D. and Tranfield, D. (2009), “Producing a systematic review”, Ch. 39, in Buchanan, D. and Bryman, A. (Eds), The Sage Handbook of Organizational Research Methods, Sage Publications Ltd, London, pp. 671-89.
Rousseau, D.M., Manning, J. and Denyer, D. (2008), “Evidence in management and organizational science: assembling the field’s full weight of scientific knowledge through syntheses”, The Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 475-515.
Smithey, I. (2012), “The craft of writing theory articles: variety and similarity in AMR”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 37 No. 3, 327-31.
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