Kata-kata dalam Ujian Thesis
Ibrahim Ilyasu: Keep it simple, but rehearse very well. Three to four times . Focus on the objective of the research, methodology, significance, its contribution, why is your research unique, what are your findings, conclusion, which is an executive summary and finally recommendation for further research. Here is a sample of how i did my own defence in 17 minutes even though I was given 20 minutes.
Contoh Presentasi Viva 17 menit. Klik
Safia Safia: Keep it simple. Begin with bit of summary of what your thesis all about. Then briefly explain your methodologies. Focus more on your results and highlight your contributions. Sometimes 10 slides are enough. Use diagrams and tables to keep your information short. During Viva, try to read the examiners body language. If they look bored, they probably already know your stuffs because they have read your thesis. So speed up and jump to the most important part which is the gap ( research contributions). As long you sounds like you understand the process of your research work, they will be ok. Don’t worry if you miss out certain issues during the presentation because if they want to know about it, they will ask during Q&A (just answer them with confidence). The key is to show that you are the key master to your research and you have all info in your fingertips. All the best!
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