Sejarah Steganografi

Steganography: ilmu dan seni menyembunyikan (embedded) informasi dengan cara menyisipkan pesan rahasia di dalam pesan lain .

Steganografi digital: steganografi pada data digital dengan menggunakan komputer digital

Steganografi dengan media kepala budak (dikisahkan oleh Herodatus, penguasa Yunani pada tahun 440 BC di dalam buku: Histories of Herodatus). Kepala budak dibotaki, ditulisi pesan, rambut budak dibiarkan tumbuh, budak dikirim. Di tempat penerima kepala budak digunduli agar pesan bsia dibaca. Penggunaan tinta tak-tampak (invisible ink). Tinta dibuat dari campuran sari buah, susu, dan cuka. Tulisan di atas kertas dapat dibaca dengan cara memanaskan kertas tersebut.


Properti Steganografi

  1. Embedded message (hiddentext): pesan yangdisembunyikan. Dapat berupa teks, gambar, audio, video, dll

2. Cover-object (covertext): pesan yang digunakan untuk menyembunyikan embedded message. Dapat berupa teks, gambar, audio, video, dll

  1. Stego-object (stegotext): pesan yang sudah berisi pesan embedded message.
  2. Stego-key: kunci yang digunakan untuk menyisipan pesan dan mengekstraksi pesan dari stegotext.


Steganografi vs Kriptografi


  • Steganografi dapat dianggap pelengkap kriptografi (bukan pengganti).
  • Steganografi: menyembunyikan keberadaan (existence) pesan

Tujuan: untuk menghindari kecurigaan (conspicuous)

  • Kriptografi: menyembunyikan isi (content) pesan

Tujuan: agar pesan tidak dapat dibaca


Kriteria Steganografi yang Bagus

  1. Imperceptible

Keberadaan pesan rahasia tidak dapat dipersepsi.

  1. Fidelity.

Mutu cover-object tidak jauh berubah akibat embedded.

  1. Recovery.

Data yang disembunyikan harus dapat diungkapkan kembali.

Kriteria robustness tidak terlalu penting karena yang utama steganografi bertujuan untuk menghindari kecurigaan (lawan tidak menyadari keberadaan pesan tersembunyi).


Sumber : Rinaldi Munir , Belajar Ilmu Kriptografi, 2008


Myopia metode riset pemasaran

Kalau dulu dikenal istilah marketing myopia, sekarang ada istilah methods myopia. Simak tulisannya:

Pemasaran merupakan disiplin ilmu yang kompleks dan senantiasa berkembang, sehingga berbagai fenomena menarik serta penggunaan metode yang beragam amat bermanfaat dalam pengayaan konsep. Tanpa diragukan lagi, riset pemasaran telah mengalami kemajuan pesat yang awal mulanya berupa riset deskriptif, lalu digunakan berbagai metode riset yang canggih dalam pengembangan teori pemasaran. Para pakar pemasaran dengan penuh semangat dalam rancangan risetnya menggunakan berbagai alat analisis serta data yang melimpah karena perkembangan teknologi informasi tahun 1990an.
Namun sayang, penggunaan metode kuantitatif yang canggih-canggih itu memainkan peran dalam menurunkan penggunaan beragam metode penelitian. Padahal keragaman metode dapat meningkatkan kemajuan disiplin pemasaran dan dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan lebih jauh dibandingkan dengan penggunaan metode kuantitatif semata. Keragaman metode akan memberikan hasil yang lebih kuat, kontribusi yang lebih besar, dan dampak yang lebih hebat.
Barangkali temuan pada penelitian ini dapat merangsang diskusi diantara pakar mengenai bahaya methods myopia (rabun metode) serta manfaat keragaman metode bagi disiplin ilu pemasaran.

Davis, D. F., Golicic, S. L., Boerstler, C. N., Choi, S., & Oh, H. (2013). Does marketing research suffer from methods myopia? Journal of Business Research, 66(9), 1245–1250.


Proses Riset (Crotty, 1998)

Menurut Crotty (1998) dalam setiap proses penelitian ada empat unsur dasar.

  1. Epistemologi
  2. Perspektif teoritis
  3. Metodologi
  4. Metode


Gambar ini dijelaskan oleh tabel berikut.


Namun Crotty tidak memasukkan ontology, dengan alasan:

“Ontological issues and epistemological issues tend to emerge together (….) to talk of the construction of meaning is to talk of the construction of meaningful reality (…) because of this confluence, writers in the research literature have trouble keeping ontology and epistemology apart conceptually” (p. 11).

Sementara Porta & Keating (2008) menjelaskan keterkaitan antara unsur-unsur dalam proses penelitian sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut.




Crotty, M. (1998). The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and perspective in the research process. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Porta, D. della, & Keating, M. (2008). Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. (D. della Porta & M. Keating, Eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


                                        Asymmetric Information = A I

Beberapa pengertian A I :
a. Suatu kondisi dimana ada satu pihak memiliki informasi yang lebih baik dari pada pihak yang lain. Dalam konteks perusahaan, manajer memiliki informasi yang lebih baik tentang kondisi perusahaan dibandingkan dengan investor yang tidak terlibat dalam manajemen.

b. Dalam bidang ekonomi, asimetri informasi terjadi jika salah satu pihak dari suatu transaksi memiliki informasi lebih banyak atau lebih baik dibandingkan pihak lainnya. Umumnya pihak penjual yang memiliki informasi lebih banyak tentang produk dibandingkan pembeli, meski kondisi sebaliknya mungkin juga terjadi.

c. Kondisi di mana ada ketidakseimbangan perolehan informasi antara pihak manajemen sebagai penyedia informasi (prepaper) dengan pihak pemegang saham dan stakeholder pada umumnya sebagai pengguna informasi (user).

d. Suatu keadaan dimana manajer memiliki akses informasi atas prospek perusahaan yang tidak dimiliki oleh pihak luar perusahaan dan jika kedua kelompok (agen dan prinsipal) tersebut adalah orang-orang yang berupaya memaksimalkan utilitasnya, maka terdapat alasan yang kuat untuk meyakini bahwa agen tidak akan selalu bertindak yang terbaik untuk kepentingan prinsipal. Prinsipal dapat membatasinya dengan menetapkan insentif yang tepat bagi agen dan melakukan monitor yang didesain untuk membatasi aktivitas agen yang menyimpang.

Tipe Informasi Asimetris menurut Scott (2000) :

a. Adverse Selection
Adverse selection adalah jenis asimetri informasi dalam mana satu pihak atau lebih yang melangsungkan atau akan melangsungkan suatu transaksi usaha, atau transaksi usaha potensial memiliki informasi lebih atas pihak-pihak lain. Adverse selection terjadi karena beberapa orang seperti manajer perusahaan dan para pihak dalam (insiders) lainnya lebih mengetahui kondisi kini dan prospek ke depan suatu perusahaan daripada para investor luar.

Para manajer serta orang-orang dalam lainnya biasanya mengetahui lebih banyak tentang keadaan dan prospek perusahaan dibandingkan investor pihak luar. Dan fakta yang mungkin dapat mempengaruhi keputusan yang akan diambil oleh pemegang saham tersebut tidak disampaikan informasinya kepada pemegang saham.

b. Moral Hazard
Moral hazard adalah jenis asimetri informasi dalam mana satu pihak yang melangsungkan atau akan melangsungkan suatu transaksi usaha atau transaksi usaha potensial dapat mengamati tindakan-tindakan mereka dalam penyelesaian transaksi-transaksi mereka sedangkan pihak-pihak lainnya tidak. Moral hazard dapat terjadi karena adanya pemisahan pemilikan dengan pengendalian yang merupakan karakteristik kebanyakan perusahaan besar.

Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manajer tidak seluruhnya diketahui oleh pemegang saham maupun pemberi pinjaman. Sehingga manajer dapat melakukan tindakan di luar pengetahuan pemegang saham yang melanggar kontrak dan sebenarnya secara etika atau norma mungkin tidak layak dilakukan.

Contoh Asymmetric Information :
– Kredit usaha rakyat yang diberikan secara mudah dengan bunga murah cendrung akan menimbulkan morald hazard dari peminjam.
– Penurunan kepedulian seseorang terhadap kesehatan sebab mereka berasumsi bahwa kesehatannya sudah terjamin dengan asuransi apabila sakit sehingga pihak asuransi membuat kontra/aturan/perjanjian bahwa dalam klaim asuransi ada biaya yang menjadi tanggungan bersama. Sehingga kontrak dapat mengantisipasi munculnya morald hazard.


Gambar AI

Subyek, Responden, Informan dan Partisipan

Subyek biasanya digunakan dalam riset eksperimental atau kuasi-eksperimental, individu ditempatkan pada suatu keadaan tertentu dan bereaksi terhadap adanya intervensi. Ini merupakan istilah yang pasif, diasosiasikan sebagai “real” science.

Responden adalah istilah yang sering digunakan dalam ilmu sosial dalam survey, individu diminta menjawab pertanyaan terstruktur dan semi terstruktur. Biasanya responden menyampaikan kepada peneliti jawaban sesuai dengan pertanyaannya; tidak lebih dan tidak kurang.

Informan adalah istilah yang diturunkan dari antropologi, dan istilah ini digunakan karena peneliti dianggap naif dan harus diberi penjelasan atau arahan tentang apa yang terjadi, tentang aturan budaya, dan sebagainya. Budaya sebagai fenomena yang kompleks harus ditafsirkan dan informan adalah orang yang terpilih sebagai penghubung antara antropolog dengan kelompok budaya yang dipelajari.

Partisipan menunjukkan bahwa peran yang paling ktif adalah pada individu yang diteliti. Istilah ini biasa digunakan dalam riset kualitatif. Hubungan antara partisipan dengan peneliti dapat bersifat setara atau tidak setara (misalnya dokter dengan pasien).

(Morse, 1991)


Dalam riset survey, partisipan sering merujuk pada responden/interviewee.

Responden/interviewee menyampaikan informasi tentang diri mereka (seperti opini, preferensi, nilai-nilai, gagasan2, perilaku, pengalaman) dengan menjawab survey atau wawancara.

Untuk penelitian eksperimen, istilah yang tepat untuk partisipan adalah subyek. Subyek biasanya dipelajari dalam rangka mendapatkan data untuk penelitian.

Kemudian istilah informan digunakan untuk partisipan dalam penelitian tentang fenomena sosial, dan mereka  diminta menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai pegetahuan dan pengalaman mereka.

Responden  dan informan penting untuk dibedakan karena responden berbicara mengenai diri mereka, namun, tak semua responden dapat menjadi informan yang baik.

(Salkind, 2010)


Istilah-istilah yang digunakan dalam melakukan wawancara adalah subyek, responden, informan, interviewee dan partisipan, yang urutannya menunjukkan pergerakan dari pasif hingga aktif.

Subyek adalah wawancara yang terstruktur dengan pertanyaan tertutup, sejalan dengan harapan pewawancara agar tak ada bias dalam riset dan data. Data obyektif yang ingin diperoleh, dan subyektivitas benar-benar diminimalisir.

(Edwards & Holland, 2013)


Subyek, responden, informan dan partisipan merujuk pada manusia atau individu yang setuju menjadi bagian dari riset. Istilah-istilah tersebut mencerminkan perbedaan cara berpartisipasi serta perbedaan hubungan antara individu dengan peneliti.

Dalam riset eksperimental individu merujuk pada subyek yang peranannya pasif dan peneliti berusaha menjaga hubungan yang bersifat obyektif.

Dalam riset survey individu dipandang sebagai responden krena mereka diminta merespon pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertentu.

Dalam penelitian naturalistik individu disebut informan, istilah yang mencerminkan peran aktif mereka membagi informasi kepada peneliti mengenai budaya dan konteks dimana informan berada.

Partisipan merujuk pada individu-individu yang menjalin hubungan kerjasama dengan peneliti, berkontribusi dalam pengambilan keputusan pada riset, serta menyampaikan kepada peniliti mengenai hal-hal yang mereka ketahui atau alami. Hal ini biasanya digunakan pada riset aksi.

(DePoy & Gitlin, 2015)



DePoy, E., & Gitlin, L. N. (2015). Introduction to research: Understanding and applying multiple strategies. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Edwards, R., & Holland, J. (2013). What is qualitative interviewing. In G. Crow (Ed.), “What is?” Research Methods series. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Morse, J. M. (1991). Subjects, Respondents, Informants, and Participants? Qualitative Health Research, 1(4), 403–406.

Salkind, N. J. (2010). Encyclopedia of research design. Sage Publications.


Jus Wortel Apel Minuman Sehat Saat Diet

Bahan-bahan :

  • Wortel 5 buah
  • Apel hijau atau merah 1 buah
  • Mentimun 1/2 buah (ukuran sedang)
  • Buah bit 1/2 buah
  • Seledri 1 batang

Cara Membuat Jus Wortel Apel :

  1. Cuci semua bahan sampai bersih, kemudian potong kecil-kecil.
  2. Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam blender. Tambahkan es batu jika suka, proses sampai halus.
  3. Tuang ke dalam gelas saji, siap untuk diminum.

Kombinasi antara wortel dan buah apel sangat baik dikonsumsi oleh tubuh. Sehingga resep jus untuk diet dari buah dan sayuran yang satu ini bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan minuman saat menjalankan diet agar tubuh langsing dan mendapatkan berat badan ideal. Selain dapat menurunkan berat badan, jus wortel mix apel ini juga dapat membantu memelihara kesehatan mata.



BY Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


Occasionally someone said writing and its process were difficult. I, however, try, try, and try again to write, and the results, may be, are plain paper according to some people, but I have written some.

So let’s suppose to do good things for our own good, then we do not need to think of other people’s words. Yes, we should be able to look inside ourselves what we should do. One of the best things is Writing. We can share our feeling and expression through writing.

At this time, the month of January 2017 is one of the months when the campaign for the election of Governor of DKI Jakarta is held. I tried to write something that I think is interesting. I do not see my writing could be condemning or marginalizing certain potential governor mates, but I see my writing could be useful topic for myself to introspect. Indeed, this topic is relevant. I hope my ideas and example will be considered wisely and they could be feedback, not a thread.

Every person is created by God Almighty uniquely. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Each person has many negative sides and many positive aspects. Everyone has good characters and bad characters. He or she has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, everyone mysteriously has a conscience that always leads him or her to right paths, good ways, and right choices, which are based on his or her own deep hearts. Moreover, all these directions will lead him or her to become better and better in his or her life. It is the purpose of God Almighty to create religion for human being so that human being can be closer to God and his or her neighbors in a balanced way.

The idea of “Hypocrisy” itself is the nature of a person in which the person appears or presents himself or herself well to others and hide things that are bad.

The hypocrisy is so hated by God. Allah does not love those who are hypocrites. There are many Indonesian proverbs that signify this trait, for example: “a two-headed snake”, “duplicity” and “double face”. There are lots of ideas that illustrate hypocrisy that is so hated by everyone. A hypocrite character can be very dangerous because of its versatility to hide the truth. A hypocrite person has a very clever act and a sweet face, even he or she can be hostile to others especially to somebody that he or she wants to hurt.

There is a story about a best friend of mine who I think it is interesting to tell. My best friend meets me monthly but he often tells his heart to me. At this time in his company he holds a considerable important post. He has a qualified knowledge and experience background both in religion and in his scientific field.

Several times my best friend tells me that he likes to do injustice to his friends and subordinates. I do not know why!! He knows that his actions or his character is wrong. Most of people told him that they did not like with what he has done to them. Additionally his close friends and subordinates have suggested him not to do so. He however did it anyway. In front of people – his friends or subordinates, he often mentioned something good and nice. He told me about good things or what a good person has to conduct. While telling, he always smiled. His face showed that there was no problem during the conversation. Or there was no argument happened during the conversation and he may be disagrees with other people’s opinion.

In vice versa, every time we met, my best friend for sure is almost always talking about his injustices. He told it in different attitudes, sometimes he is sad, sometimes he seems to get angry, or even sometimes he is as satisfied. I was sad to hear it when every time he met me. Frankly I was initially shocked because injustice is categorically forbidden and prohibited within each religious teachings. My best friend is also aware that his injustice action is bad practice. He also told me that he always repented but he did it anyway. Once again I am confused.

Finally I tried and tried to read a few things one of which is hypocrisy. My best friend has absolutely performed hypocrisy. How would you feel if you are betrayed by someone else? Surely you will be in sadness, disappointment, indignation, anger mixed into one. Moreover, we are especially betrayed by our own friends. Therefore, we need to know the characteristics of hypocrites.

We can tell that someone has the hypocritical character of the signs that were taken or given by such person, namely:

  • if the person is hypocritical to speak, he or she would speak lies,
  • If the hypocrites promised, then such promises often he or she will break his or her promises, and
  • if we rely on the hypocrites, he or she would flip.

We can see the hypocrisy from its results. The nature of the hypocritical thing is expressed either to himself/herself or to others. Hypocrites bring negative consequences that are very dangerous, both for the perpetrator and for others. Among the negative consequences are as follows.

  1. Hypocritical behaviour is very harmful to others, both morally and materially.
  2. A person who acts hypocritically has hurt himself /herself. He/she will no longer be trusted because of his/her habit to lie, cheat and break a promise.
  3. Hypocritical behaviour can undermine social order for an individual mistrust to other individuals.
  4. God and any religion teachings do not like hypocritical behaviour.

As we remember the dangers and hypocritical nature, it is appropriate if we try to avoid this trait in everyday life.

Hirarki Riset

Riset pada berbagai strata: S1, S2 & S3

Knox, K. (2004). A Researcher ’ s Dilemma – Philosophical and Methodological Pluralism. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 2(2), 119–128.


Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia
Kuliah Umum
Hari Ulang Tahun ke-47 Harian Media Indonesia
Jakarta, 19 Januari 2017


Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia
Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia
Kuliah Umum
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Banda Aceh, 5 Januari 2017

Brand amabassador

BRAND AMBASSADOR are not a new concept for marketers. Most brands have used one or more types of brand ambassadors in one way or another. What’s different now is the scale of those brand ambassadors with the advent of social media. Through social media, brands have been getting the benefit of positive contributions from their fans and followers without even having a formal brand ambassador program. So, one may ask, why should I have a brand ambassador program? If you don’t have a brand ambassador portal or program in place, you’re missing out on becoming a marketing hero amongst your organization. If you’re building a brand ambassador program, you should consider the following 10 questions.

Key reasons why you need a structured brand ambassador program:

  • Align social results with business goals from influential community leaders and users within your brand’s social community
  • Lunch campaigns and drive product launches quickly with predictable results
  • Develop closer relationship with your brand ambassadors that can be the taste makers for your target customers
  • Get higher quality content from ambassadors for your campaigns with permission to use in your marketing
  • Ask ambassadors to perform specific tasks such as upload content or share a message and connect those tasks with your business process
  • Measure effectiveness of actions by ambassadors on your business and reward/recognize the high-performing ambassadors

Let’s take a closer look at the different aspects of brand ambassador programs and discuss the 10 questions you need to answer to create a successful brand ambassador program.

1. What are the goals of your brand ambassador program?

A brand ambassador can help you reach both awareness and revenue goals for your brand. Base your program goals around quantity and quality of brand ambassadors. From a quantity perspective, the goals can be based on location (city, region, and country). Influence, commitment, contribution and quality of contribution would form the basis for a quality goal.

2. Who is your brand ambassador?

This is a basic question in a general sense, but can be tricky from a specific brand point of view. At a very high-level, a brand ambassador can be anyone who is willing to root for your brand. But, a brand must be able to answer the question of who their ideal brand ambassador is, the person that will influence your target audience the most. Customer segmentation and social engagement with your brand may influence the persona of the brand ambassador. In order to develop your brand ambassadors’ persona, consider qualitative aspects such as broader social influence, social engagement with your brand on social networks and quality and frequency of content creation along with traditional demographic aspects such as age, gender, location, race/ethnic origin and income group.

3. Should you have different types of ambassadors?

Brands have been using celebrity endorsements as a key marketing strategy for a long time. Social media creates authentic endorsements from customers and fans without any contractual obligations. Having different types of ambassadors such as sponsored talent (athletes, musicians, dancers, etc), influencers (such as bloggers and media personnel), customers, and fans allows you to scale and message your different types of ambassadors in a proper manner. In addition, different tiers of your program allows you to have different agreement with varying degrees of gives and gets.

4. How do you recruit your ambassadors?

There are many ways to find social influencers and recruit them as brand ambassadors. Ambassadors can be targeted based on a list of your existing customers, your social audience, and influencers. Or recruit potential ambassadors using social ads and/or promotions such as contests and sweepstakes. Use surveys, current social engagement with your brand’s social accounts, sentiment expressed on social networks regarding your brand, and the quality and quantity of the content to qualify potential ambassadors.  For bigger brands, finding the right set of ambassadors from millions of potential ambassadors is the key challenge. To determine which subset of ambassadors should be invited to take a survey to further qualify, brands can use social analytics tools. Once you identify the subset to be invited for the next step, you can use emails, social communication such as Twitter and Instagram Direct messages to invite them.

5. How do you structure your brand ambassador program?

You can keep your program completely private or public. Creating a private ambassador program makes your ambassadors feel special, ensuring their quality participation. In addition, you can control the quality and consistency of the participation. Ambassadors would love to be able to interact with other influential ambassadors thereby solidifying the bond between the brand and ambassadors and among ambassadors.

6. What should you ask your brand ambassadors to do? And how often?

Brand ambassador requirements should be aligned with your business process and tasks should be easy to complete. Here are some useful tasks:

  • Create content and buzz for a new product launch or for a seasonal campaign – brands can send product to ambassadors to test/wear/experience and write about the product on social networks (blogs, posts, pictures, videos, etc). An example of such content would be posting a selfie wearing a dress, pair of shoes, or eye-catching jewelry with the product hashtag. Another example could be recording a product demo video and uploading it to YouTube.
  • Share brand message on social networks – ask your ambassadors to share a specific message. This is the most basic ambassador requirement.
  • Answer community questions on social networks or via direct messaging – brand ambassadors can be community leaders to answer product questions.
  • Give feedback on marketing messaging for product launch – if a brand is creating multiple messages and advertisements, brand ambassadors can provide feedback on which messaging is the best.
  • Give ideas for new product design – new product ideas and features emerge from ambassador feedback.
  • Write editorial commentary on products – ambassadors can write editorial commentary for your products that can be displayed on product description pages
  • Vote on the new product designs – ambassadors can vote on product designs to pick the best designer/product. A large community is advised.
  • Identify your ambassadors interests to find complementary marketing opportunities.
  • Ask ambassadors to present a real-time product demo via video conferencing.

7. What should be the frequency of ambassador participation in campaigns?

You must determine the right frequency of asks based on your goals and ambassadors to avoid ‘brand fatigue’. In the case of sponsored ambassadors (like athletes), the frequency is well documented within the agreement. In cases of  non-contractual obligations, such as social ambassadors, the frequency should be around 2 campaigns per quarter.

8. What types of incentives should you offer your brand ambassadors?

Based on the type of ambassador (such as sponsored talent, influencer, social user), the incentive will be different. Sponsored talent ambassadors are under contract with their biggest incentive being keeping their sponsorship. The biggest incentive for influencers would be receiving brand recognition. As for fans and followers, recognition and rewards would be their key incentive. Therefore a mix of incentives is required to keep the quality of your ambassador performance high. All ambassadors want to receive recognition, so a good place to start would be featuring a fan photo on your social networks or website. Get creative when planning your incentives, not all ambassadors are motivated by rewards only!

9. What are your key success factors for your brand ambassador program?

  • Have a clear answer for ‘why should your brand have a brand ambassador program and how does it support your business goals?’
  • Answer the question “what’s in it for my ambassadors?”
  • Nurture emotional connection between your brand and the ambassador
  • Focus on the right personas for your brand ambassadors that is reflective of your model customer and influencer
  • Connect the dots between sponsorship programs and brand ambassador programs to use existing investments
  • Add contractual obligations for your sponsored talent to be apart of your brand ambassador program
  • Maintain ongoing communication from your brand to your ambassadors
  • Encourage ambassadors to interact with each other
  • Make the program easy to follow and use
  • Don’t let ambassadors experience ‘brand fatigue’
  • Enable friendly competition among ambassadors
  • Start with a few ambassadors and scale it based on results and need

10. How should I measure the success of the brand ambassador program?

The success metrics will differ for each brand. Take these key metrics into consideration:

Value – Content

  • Number of photos and videos shared by ambassadors

Value – Buzz

  • Ambassador reach across their social networks
  • Shares of the content produced/shared by ambassadors

Value – Traffic

  • Influenced clicks – the number of clicks that came in through content sharing by ambassadors

Value – Conversions and Revenue

  • Number of conversions due to content shared by ambassadors. This is calculated as the number of conversions that were influenced by ambassador produced content such as their personal photos and videos displayed on e-commerce sites or any other conversion pages (such as sign-up pages).