2nd International Conference for Emerging Market 2015

Praise to Allah the Almighty God for all the grace and guidance that has been given to us all, so Proceeding of the International Conference for Emerging Markets (ICEM) Perbanas Institute 2015, on 22-23 January 2015 at the Grand Inna Kuta, can be realized. The Proceeding contains a number of research results of Banking and Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Strategic Management, and Information Technology that have submitted by many researchers, lecturers as well as practitioners in the relevant fields from various countries.
On this occasion the committee would like to express their grattitude to:
1.The Rector of Perbanas Institute, Prof. Dr ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, who has facilitated all the activities of the ICEM Perbanas Institute 2015.
2.The Steering Committee and the Organizing Committee of ICEM Perbanas Institute 2015, who have contributed the their time, effort, and thoughts for the success of this activity.
3.STIKOM Bali and the organizers appointed who have helped this event so that it can be held properly.
4.The authors and the presenters who contributed and shared their excellent ideas.
5.And also to all sponsors that support this event.
Hopefully this Proceeding can give benefit for all of us, in particular, for the development of the science of Banking and Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Strategic Management, and Information Technology.
In the end, the committee would like to apologize if there is inconvenience related to the event. Suggestions and constructive criticism are expected for the perfection of the conferences and proceedings in the future.
Jakarta, January 22, 2015
Mardiana Purwaningsih, ST, M.Kom
Organizing Committee Chairwoman
Mardiana Sukardi
I have several middle names, including: shopping and travelling 😀
congratulations …… .. We are waiting for the next event
sure Ms. Riska, we challenge to do next ICEM in other country, right? Hope u can submit ur article again…, thx u, best regards from OC teams 🙂
2th or 2nd?
thx for correction pak Adi and mba Riska 😀