Adanya Perbedaan dalam Menyikapi haramnya Bay al inah
Definisi Bay Al Inah Secara Teknis
The selling of an asset with a mark up price on deferred payment, by the “nawaitu” or intention to sell the certain assetes which is the same one of the asset to the debtor with lower cash price, which is meant to settle Opinion of his debt.
Penjualan aset dengan mark up harga pada pembayaran yang ditangguhkan, dengan maksud untuk menjual aset yang sama kepada debitur dengan harga tunai yang lebih rendah, yang dimaksudkan untuk menyelesaikan utangnya.
Sekedar ilustrasi sebagai berikut :
Mula – mula Pihak Bank misalkan menjual sepeda montor dengan cicilan seharga Rp.10 juta(dicicil per bulan Rp.1juta dalam waktu 10 bulan) ke si A (Adul), kemudian oleh si Adul motor yang sama dijual lagi ke Bank seharga Rp. 8 juta, maka Adul dapat Rp 8juta cash tetapi Adul mesti bayar cicilan per bulan Rp 1 juta dalam tempo misalkan 10 bulan. Sebagai konsekuensi dari transaksi pertama A memang harus membayar cicilan tersebut perbulan Rp 1juta dalam tempo 10X 1bulan. Dalam hal ini Rp 8 juta sudah ada di tangan A, karena sebetulnya A tidak butuh motor tetapi A butuh duit. Jadi dengan duit cash Rp 8juta A ternyata harus mencicil Rp 1juta dalam tempoh 10 bulan.
Perbedaan dari Sudut Pandang Alim Ulama
The Opinion of Muslim scholars: Their opinion of that such a sale is permissible, because based on analogy, the contract is just like to other sale and purchase contracts i.e. that transfer of ownership of the underlaying assets is taken place. The majority of scholars view that such of akad of that kind of sale is forbidden. They are The Scholars of Al Imam Hanafi Fiqih Mazhab, Imam Maliki Fiqih Mazhab, Imam Ahmad ibnu Hanbal Fiqih Mazhab, and some Shafi’is. According to the opinion of such scholars just like Imam Shafi’i,Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Abu Yusuf, and Imam Abu Thurmudzi are scholars of the view that this contract of sale is not contrary to Shariah principles.
Condition of Bay’ Al-’Inah
Dewan Peansihat Shariah dari Bank Negara Malaysia resolved that bay’ al-inah is still necessary in Malaysian context. However market players are required to strengthen and enhance all of their operational processes and documentations to comply with the features of bay’ al-inah permitted.
Bay’ al-inah is permissible if those such conditions are followed:
The Akad of the transaction of bay’ al-’inah has to strictly follow the mechanism which is accepted by the Shafie school The transacted item must not a ribawi item. The buyer must receive (take possession) the good before selling it back to the original seller.
Opinion of Scholars (Pandangan Alim Ulama terhadap Bay Al-‘inah).
Scholars are divided into two group:
- Those that prohibit, Majority of the scholar including Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali prohibit al-’inah transaction The same result adopted by the Shariah council of AAOIFI and majority of Shariah Advisory Council in Malaysia and Brunei
- Those that permit Includes Imam Shafie and supported by Ibn Hazm and application Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia
Justification of Those That Prohibit
It is hilah to riba definition
The underlying issue on bay’ al-inah is the difference between the muqtada al-’aqd and the actual motive of the contracting parties, whether to have a real contract of sale or as hilah for liquidity or monetary purposes. The polemic in the issue of permissibility of bay’ al-inah is the status of hilah. As far as hilah is deemed as demeaning the religion, bay’ al-inah will not be acceptable. However, if hilah is regarded as a mode to solve problems (makhraj) that is much needed by the people, bay’ al-inah transaction may be acceptable.
Justification of Those That Permit
Shafii approved bay’ al-’inah as financing mode. A sale which is followed by a subsequent sale but without any intention to have al-’inah arrangement. Al-’Inah that involves two contracts of sale in which the price of each contract (either cash or deferred) is similar to the other. Al-’Inah which is concluded on an asset with a gap of time between the two contracts, the purchase and sale contracts. Al-’Inah which is concluded on an asset which has changed in certain aspect.
Bay’ al-inah has been used to construct numerous financing product offered by the bank in Malaysia: Personnel financing Working Capital Financing: Istisna’ between 2 parties, BBA financing products, Islamic credit card, Sukuk Murabahah, Islamic Overdraft, Murabahah Trade Financing.
Hidayat Sofyan Widjaya
Full Name : Hidajat Sofyan
City/Date of Birth : Jakarta/7 Maret 1959
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Married
Address : Pedurenan Masjid 5 RT/RW: 06/04 Karet Kuningan Setiabudi, Jaksel.
Telp/fax : 021-7434913/ 0215228460, 0215222645
Mobile Phone : 08128228443
Email Address :
Position Company Periode
English Teacher New York English Course March’85 – Nov’86
Lecturer Indonesian University Oct’90 – March 92
Lecturer Perbanas Business School Oct’87 – Now
Executive Secretary Center of Research and Community Development Perbanas School of Economics 1994 - 1997
Manager Center of Research and Community Development Perbanas School of Economics 1997 - 2000
Chief of Committee Al Arief Masjid Building Construction 2002 - 2003
Guest Lecturer CISFED 2011-now
Board of Advisor CISFED 2014-now
Member of Board of Expert The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist 2015-now
Dean Faculty of Economics and Business 2015-now
School/University Faculty Discipline Degree Year
Trisakti Economy Islamic Economics & Finance Doctor (S3) January 2008 –April 2014
Indonesian Pasca Sarjana International Management Master (S2) Oct 1988- Oct1989
Indonesian Economy Management Bachelor(S1) 1978 - 1986
Organization Dates From To Position
Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) 2009 - now Member
Pengajian Rutin Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah Trisakti (MAESTRI) 2011 - now Coordinator
Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid Al arief Perbanas 2003 - now Coordinator
Campus Journal PQR 2008 - 2009 Writer
Center of Research and Community Development Perbanas School of Economics 1994 - 1997 Executive Secretary
Center of Research and Community Development Perbanas School of Economics 1997 - 2000 Manager
Center of Research and Community Development Perbanas School of Economics 2014-2014 Secretary
The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist of Trisakti University 2011-2015 Chief of Board of Sharia
Faculty of Postgraduate Program 2014 - 2015 Dean
PT BPR Citra Artha Sedana 2014 - now Advisor Management
The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist 2015-now Member of Board of Expert
Faculty of Economics and Business 2015-now Dean
Type of Courses Institution Periode Description
Reflection Perbanas School of Economics 2001 Academic Staff Reflection
Seminar Perbanas School of Economics 2002 Professionalism in Global Era
Seminar Perbanas School of Economics 2004 STIE Perbanas Menghadapi Abad 21
Conference and Exhibition Perbanas School of Economics, etc 2006 Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition on Banking Technology
Seminar Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah 2007 National Seminar of Sharia Management
Panel Discussion Perbanas School of Economics 2007 Bankers’ Panel Discussion and Seminar
Training Perbanas School
Of Economics 2008 SEM Training
Seminar Perbanas School
Of Economics 2008 Finacial Crisis of Global Capital Market
Conference Surabaya Perbanas School
Of Economics 4th – 8th November 2008 SEAAIR Conference
Conference International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 2008 International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) International Accounting Conference IV
Gathering Bank of Indonesia 2009 Inter-University Gathering
Pelatihan LPPM Unika Atma Jaya 21 April 2010 Penulisan Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Kick –off the Program UGM and ABFII Perbanas 5-9 April 2010 Program of Strengthening The Finance Sector of Indonesia
Short Course International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 22nd-26th Nov. 2010 Islamic Capital Market, Islamic Banking
Workshop TU Delft, UGM and ABFII Perbanas 16 – 25 June 2010 Mathematical Finance
International seminar Trisakti University, etc. 7th-8th January 2011 Tauhidi Mthodology
International Conference I S T E C, Paris 21st May 2015 Case Study of Indonesian Capaital Market
Karakteristik SDM Syariah
Menuju Perbankan Syariah Berstandar Internasional: Studi Komparatif
The Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Islamic Economics Perspective
Sejumlah Kendala dan Tantangan Fiqih Manajemen Risiko Perbankan Syariah dalam Rangka memenangkan Kompetisi Global
Komposisi dan Struktur Penguasaan Pasar Modal Indonesia
Inter-relationship Between Large Sectors And State-Owned Enterprises, Case Study of Indonesian Stock Market, Period of January 2007-December 2014.
The Effect of Theta Variable Before and After of Screening Process to Every Changes of Price and Volume of Jakarta Composite Index, Application of TSR Method
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