Bagaimana Membuat Systematic Literature Review


Systematic reviews aim to address these problems by identifying, critically evaluating and integrating the findings of all relevant, high-quality individual studies addressing one or more research questions.

A good systematic review might achieve most or all of the following (Baumeister & Leary, 1997; Bem, 1995; Cooper, 2003):

  1. Establish to what extent existing research has progressed towards clarifying a particular problem;
  2. Identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature, and explore reasons for these (e.g. by proposing a new conceptualisation or theory which accounts for the inconsistency);
  3. Formulate general statements or an overarching conceptualization (make a point, rather than summarizing all the points everyone else has made; Sternberg, 1991);
  4. Comment on, evaluate, extend, or develop theory;
  5. In doing these things, provide implications for practice and policy;
  6. Describe directions for future research.

Dr Andy Siddaway. What is a systematic literature review and how do I do one?

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