Bagaimana Meningkatkan Sitiran
How to Increase citations
Kutipan yang tinggi penting untuk aplikasi hibah penelitian, untuk promosi, pengindeksan jurnal, insentif, dan lain-lain. Utuk meningkatkan sitiran/sitasi ada 23 cara.
- Publish, Publish, Publish
- Publish a Review Paper
- Contribute to Wikipedia
- Promote your work
- Content is key
- Cite, and You will be Cited
- Publish Where It Counts
- Make it open
- Choose your title carefully
- Carefully choose your keywords
- Use a consistent form of your name on all of your papers
- Use a standardized institutional affiliation and address, using no abbreviations
- Publish with international authors
- Publish papers with a Nobel laureates
- Team-authored articles get cited more
- Use more references
- Publish a longer paper
- Papers with a larger number of “tables, figures, sketches” be likely to receive a higher number of citations
- Avoid to select a question type of title
- Monitor your articles
- Publicize yourself – link your latest published article to your email signature
- Ask others to cite your papers
- Monitor your performance
Sila klik
research communication
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