Creative Employee Behavior (Part II)
Creativity itself is a human perception, which is followed by action. Both the perception and the action are something new. In this definition, creativity is related to something that has not been thought or...
Creativity itself is a human perception, which is followed by action. Both the perception and the action are something new. In this definition, creativity is related to something that has not been thought or...
In today’s fast moving world, an organization has to be competitive to survive. The term competitive implies that the organization should be able to balance all factors that are interconnected, including internal and external...
Manusia yang dikenal sebagai Homo Homini Socius memiliki kebutuhan dan keinginan untuk berkumpul serta berinteraksi dengan sesamanya. Dalam tataran formal, aktifitas berkumpul dan berinteraksi ini dapat disebut dengan berorganisasi. Hal ini sejalan dengan buah...
“organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the result they truly desire, where new and expansive pattern of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually...
Sempat senyum-senyum saat lobi kampus tadi melihat beberapa mahasiswa yang berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dicampur-campur Bahasa Indonesia dengan menggunakan logat Cinta Laura sambil memonyong-monyongkan mulutnya. Duh jangankan mahasiswa, dosen2 muda seperti saya dan...