There are some steps to compose a composition:

  1. My group has to decide a topic.
  2. We try to find a title.
  3. We make a composition.
  4. We submit the composition to Mr. Septo.
  5. Mr. Septo will check the composition.
  6. We must ask Mr. Septo’s time for having a consultation. Or
  7. Mr. Septo then returns the composition.
  8. The students have to revise it by reading the checked paper.
  9. The process of submission and check the composition can be 3 times or more.
  10. The students upload to YouTube. Try to find the ways to upload your conversation Youtube.

Mindset by Carol Dweck – Revised Summary I — Mindset: Psikologi Baru dari Kesuksesan — Bagaimana Kita Dapat Belajar untuk Memenuhi Potensi Kita? — oleh IGNATIUS SEPTO PRAMESWORO

Mindset by Carol Dweck – Revised Summary I

Mindset: Psikologi Baru dari Kesuksesan

Bagaimana Kita Dapat Belajar untuk Memenuhi Potensi Kita?




Parenting – Bisnis – Sekolah – Hubungan yang ditulis oleh Carol Dweck S., Ph.D. (© 2008 Ballantine Books Trade Paperback Edition. New York, NY) akan membantu kita belajar bagaimana kepercayaan/keyakinan yang sederhana tentang diri kita akan dan selalu memandu sebagian besar hidup kita.


Banyak dari apa yang kita pikirkan tentang kepribadian kita tumbuh dari pola pikir kita sendiri. Selain itu banyak dari hal-hal yang dapat kita cegah dan hindari memenuhi potensi diri kita dan tumbuh berkembang dari hal tersebut.


Di setap diri kita manusia ada potensi sejati yang tidak kita ketahui dan yang tidak dapat diketahui. Hidup kita hanyalah titik awal untuk mengembangkan diri. Jika kita yakin kualitas dasar kita yang diukir di atas batu (mindset tetap) maka kita dapat membuktikan diri kita lebih dan lebih baik.


Dweck mengacu pada dua puluh tahun penelitiannya yang menunjukkan bahwa pandangan setiap manusia yang diadopsi dalam diri mereka sendiri sangat mempengaruhi cara kita menjalani hidup pribadi kita.


The Author – The Book

Carol Dweck S., Ph.D., adalah salah satu peneliti terkemuka dunia di bidang motivasi dan adalah Dweck adalah seorang Profesor Psikologi Lewis dan Virginia Eaton di Universitas Stanford. Penelitiannya telah difokuskan pada mengapa orang sukses dan bagaimana untuk mendorong kesuksesan. Dia telah mengajar dan menjadi profesor di Universitas Columbia dan Universitas Harvard, serta telah mengajar di seluruh dunia, dan telah terpilih untuk American Academy of Arts dan Sciences.


Buku ilmiahnya berjudul Self-Teori: Peran Mereka di Motivasi, Kepribadian, dan Pembangunan merupakan Book of the Year yang dipilih oleh Federasi Pendidikan Dunia. Karyanya telah ditampilkan dalam publikasi seperti The New Yorker, Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, dan The Boston Globe, dan dia telah muncul di Today dan 20/20.


Introduction – Pendahuluan

Pesan utama dalam buku Carol Dweck ini adalah Mindset (Pola Pikir): Psikologi Baru dari Kesuksesan – “pandangan kita dalam mengadopsi diri kita sangat mempengaruhi cara kita menjalani hidup kita”.


Dweck dan rekan-rekan penelitiannya ‘telah menemukan keyakinan yang sangat sederhana tentang diri kita sendiri yang memandu dan meresapi hampir setiap bagian dari kehidupan kita’.


Keyakinan ini membatasi potensi kita atau memungkinkan keberhasilan kita. Hal ini juga sering menandai perbedaan antara keunggulan dan keadaan biasa-biasa saja. Hal ini juga mempengaruhi antara lain kesadaran diri kita, harga diri kita, kreativitas kita, kemampuan kita untuk menghadapi tantangan, ketahanan kita untuk kemunduran, tingkat depresi kita, dan kecenderungan kita untuk menjadi stereotip. Apa yang seharusnya menjadi lebih kuat, apakah keyakinan, namun hal ini tidak sesederhana kelihatannya?


• Pines dan Aronson (dalam Enzman & Schaufeli, 1998) mendefinisikan burnout sebagai bagian dari kelelahan fisik, emosional dan mental sebagai akibat dari keterlibatan diri dalam jangka waktu yang panjang terhadap situasi.
• Cherniss (1987) mengatakan bahwa burnout adalah penarikan diri (secara psikologis) dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan sebagai reaksi atas stress dan ketidakpuasan (terhadap situasi kerja) yang berlebihan dan berkepanjangan yang penuh dengan tuntutan emosional.

Berdasarkan definisi diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa burnout adalah suatu reaksi penarikan diri secara psikologis dari pekerjaan dimana seorang pekerja menjadi tidak menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, sebagai akibat dari tuntutan emosional atau stress kerja yang dialaminya.

Teori Burnout Inventori

Christina Maslach yang dikenal dengan teori Burnout Inventori, menentukan tiga faktor dalam mengukur ‘burnout’ terhadap individu.

Faktor-faktor tersebut :
Segi keletihan emosi (emotion exhaustion)
Gangguan keperibadian sendiri (depersonalization)
Pencapaian pribadi (personal accomplishment)

Di samping itu, Maslach dan Pines percaya bahwa kriteria kerja/job description/tugas dalam sebuah organisasi adalah faktor penyebab utama lahirnya burnout.

Segi Keletihan Emosi (Emotion Exhaustion)
yaitu perasaan lelah karena terkurasnya energi yang dimiliki sebagai akibat dari banyaknya tuntutan kerja yang besar.

Gangguan Keperibadian Sendiri (Depersonalization)
yaitu perkembangan negatif, tidak memiliki perasaan, dan sikap sinis terhadap penerima pelayanan.

Pencapaian Pribadi (Personal Accomplishment)
yaitu kecenderungan untuk memberi evaluasi negatif terhadap diri sendiri, terutama berkaitan dengan pekerjaan.

• Korban burnout merasa terjepit, kehabisan tenaga dan kosong. Dia merasa kecewa, sinis, mudah tersinggung dan tegang. Kepada orang lain dia terlihat marah atau depresi dan menarik diri. Setiap masalah kecil dapat menyulut reaksi kemarahan atau kehinaan.
• Korban burnout merasa bahwa kehidupan dan pekerjaannya telah kehilangan arti. Apa yang dahulunya menggairahkan dan menantang sekarang menjadi membosankan.
• Banyak orang yang menjadi korban burnout menjadi pengawas jam yang kronis, dan “santai”. Menghindari tanggung jawab atau orang yang sering mangkir atau mereka pergi kerja dengan cara seperti robot.

• Mencari dukungan social; baik dari rekan sekerja maupun dari supervisor. Umumnya wanita lebih terbantu dengan dukungan social dalam mengatasi.

• Pendekatan ini lebih bersifat individual. Program ini biasanya menggunakan teknik-teknik seperti relaksasi, restrukturisasi kognitif untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan maupun program fitness.


In writing a good essay, I must understand English language for writing. By comprehending the language I am able to organize and connect particular evidence prepared. These evidences will be in the supporting paragraphs of my essay. This means I should start my essay with an introductory paragraph and it will be closed successfully with a comprehensive concluding paragraph. The process of writing an essay involves three ways. They are the methods of organizing an essay. Moreover, I should have an ability to write my essay using transitional expressions and other connecting words. I also have to understand right vocabularies and grammar that are going to be used. By having implemented these three ways, I expect I could write my essay better.

THE LAST PROCESS OF MAKING AN ESSAY By Drs. Ignatius Septo Pramesworo, M. Ed. TESOL

I understand that the process of writing an essay needs practices. As stated in my previous writing, writing an essay requires three elements. The first one is the organization on how I make my own essay. The second element is related to my English language. Eventually, the last element is the process of making my essay. When I write an essay usually I found my thesis. After that I make my spider web. Making a spider gives me a clear clarification of the ideas: main ideas and supporting ideas. By having spider web, I am able to have an opportunity to put my mind into what I am going to write. I can identify my bubbles, such as: definition, preparation, and examples. Based on the spider, I could make an outline, either topic outline or sentence outline. I usually choose an outline that I consider fit and suitable with my essay. By using the outline, I know the content of my introduction or introductory paragraph, body of paragraphs, and closing paragraph. It seems now I am ready to write and I should know I have to connect all the ideas and use transitional signals that are important in my writing. The latter has a purpose to smooth my essay. Lastly, I should manage and check the vocabularies and grammar used so my sentences will be error-free and efficient. The essay will be comprehensive and has only one thesis statement.


In writing a good essay, I must understand English language for writing. By comprehending the language I am able to organize and connect particular evidence prepared. These evidences will be in the supporting paragraphs of my essay. This means I should start my essay with an introductory paragraph and it will be closed successfully with a comprehensive concluding paragraph. The process of writing an essay involves three ways. They are the methods of organizing an essay. Moreover, I should have an ability to write my essay using transitional expressions and other connecting words. I also have to understand right vocabularies and grammar that are going to be used. By having implemented these three ways, I expect I could write my essay better.


When I am going to write an essay, I should perform two important elements. They are, the first, I should establish my point or thesis. The second element is I should prepare some supporting ideas that assist my main point. These supporting ideas should be provided by specific evidence. After that I continue my preparation by considering two other basic elements that underline my writing. I could say they are my third and fourth elements. The third element is I must organize and relate the specific evidence. The fourth element is I have to write using clear and error-free sentences. So an essay can be stated good if I can convey my thesis in a clear and perfect way. Moreover, I should be able to connect my own thesis with all specific and particular explanations, details or reasons that I have prepared.

HOW CAN I WRITE A BETTER ESSAY? By Drs. Ignatius Septo Pramesworo, M. Ed. TESOL

Writing an essay can be either easy or complicated. It will depend on a lot of condition. If I have prepared everything related to my essay then I can say I am ready to write a good essay. However, if I am still thinking my essay supporting details, my examples or even my ideas for my essay, I should then be careful. I will think that writing an essay in English language can be difficult. When I write an English essay, I have to consider three elements. The first one is the organization on how I make my own essay. The second element is related to my English language. For example, I have to consider the vocabularies and grammar that are going to be used. Finally, the last element is the process of making my essay. Now, I will discuss my elements one by one.


Some of the students are not happy with their study. They think that their life the most difficult one compared others. They think their family members do not like them.  They also consider the worst students. In fact it is not. Some students who come to me at last find themselves by knowing about themselves. Yes it is hard to know about us if our heart is always not calm. Yes you cannot calm yourself. Many things in this world, many people in this environment can interfere with us. Especially when we are in unstable condition in facing our own life. So what do we have to do?

Yes we should give our heart to our Lord. How do we do that? Besides praying and living in God’s ways, we can do meditation. Why meditate?

Meditation provides you with a peace condition. I think in the early stages meditation process is a tool for us. Meditation can help us to reduce stress, improve physical health, relieve chronic pain, makes us sleep better, and feel happier and more peaceful. If we’ve had better and know how to meditate then meditation is a path toward the unknown. I think that at one point of meditation can help us greatly to reveal the mystery of our own life. Who are we as a disciple of God, a child, or a student in a university? Some students stated after they have done the process of meditation they could focus their study and concentrate well. They even are calmer than before. They can face their life in a happy nice smile.

When we start meditating, we will see how wild our mind. Thinking about the past or the future will be crammed with where we are in the present. Sometimes it hurts our memory and can occur repeatedly. So, if we start to meditate, do not blame ourselves about our wild thoughts. This is a natural condition. In time, we will learn to meditate calmly with a barrage of our mind, and we will find some clarity and peace. Good luck and have a calm of life.


Why did I choose Manchester as my goal to learn my master degree in the United Kingdom? In this occasion I will tell you a little bit about Manchester.

Manchester is a super modern metropolis city. It is also famous for its football clubs. Although I did not really like football at first but after a year I could feel and was influenced by the euphoria as well as the sadness of the football fans. Who does not know two British elite football clubs from this city? Manchester United and Manchester City are two famous football clubs of the English Premier League. There are also some small British football clubs from this city, like Rochdale, Wigan Athletic, Oldham Athletic, Bury, and Bolton Wanderers.

Besides its fame of football clubs, there are several reasons why I chose Manchester? There are at least five reasons why I chose Manchester: firstly, Manchester is a metropolis city. It can be illustrated as a sketch of a modern city. If I look at its scenery and people’s life, Manchester has a combination of old and modern architecture. The lifestyle of people who live in Manchester is a mixture between the metropolis. Manchester looks like a melting pot of cultures, because the students who study there not only come from Manchester itself but also from other cities in UK. Moreover, there are distinctive ethnics from different countries come either for studying or for working. Therefore, I could find various restaurants from different countries in Manchester. I may eat foods originated from Thailand, Indonesia, India, Turkey, China, and others. It is not difficult to find chilly sauce (sambal), rice, dumpling (lumpia), meatball (bakso), etc. I used to cook Indonesian foods while I studied there because I loved inviting my friends to stay in my room or to just have a chat.

My second reason is Manchester referred to as a football city. As I told you before in the introduction Manchester has some excellent and well-known football clubs. Who does not know Manchester United or Manchester City of the English Premier League? Their homes are in Manchester, the Old Trafford Stadium and Etihad Stadium. The layout of Etihad Stadium is in Manchester City, while Old Trafford Stadium is outside the city of Manchester. I had to take a bus to reach Old Trafford Stadium. These two football clubs are among the richest clubs among others all over the world. They do the transfers of skillful and outstanding footballers from all over the world. When I was there I had been a spectator once. It was a match called derby, the game was between Manchester City and Manchester United.

The third reason is the city of Manchester is cheap. Cost of living in Manchester may be said to be much cheaper compared to the cities in southern England. For the size of a student, I could find a lot of places where I can buy second hand goods. This idea and activity I did because I thought I would use these second hand items in a short tempo. I should save my money for buying books. I did not like asking Perbanas Institute because I know the money I spent for my study was my students’ money and the money was not form Yayasan Perbanas or even the Perbanas Institute principals. Therefore, buying cheaper but useful goods would be better. They would be used, may be, a year at least. There are some places for buying those second hand goods, which are in Indonesia are known as flea markets. In Manchester, such flea markets are called car-board sale markets. The goods sold are still in good condition. I bought small heater, crystals, old stamps, shoes, etc.

My fourth reason is that Manchester is a city that is easily accessible. Manchester has a convenient transportation access. Manchester can be visited and reached from various places in the UK and abroad. Manchester International Airport is a bridging tool between UK and other European countries. This further facility adds to the appeal of Manchester as a city of learning objectives. When I was in Manchester, the university and international society often held some outings. They prepared for foreign students every Saturday a bus or two for excursions to visit some cities in the UK, mostly the England cities, such as Bolton, Liverpool, Bolton, Didsburry, Chester, Lancaster, Salford, Preston, Carlisle, Bolton, and Brighton. Manchester is able easily to be accessed by public transportation. There are trains from London that are operated since in the morning till late at night.

The fifth or the last reason is Manchester can be termed as the Student City. Have you ever been to Jogja? Do you know the similarity between Jogjakarta and Manchester? Jogjakarta is a student city in Indonesia; Manchester is a city of students in the UK. Nearly one hundred thousand students from various parts of the world exist in Manchester. There are at least four universities and several colleges in Manchester. The oldest university is Queen Victoria Mnchester University. It is located in the heart of Manchester. This is my university. The architecture of the buildings are mostly gothic types. I read in magazines that Vidi Alviano studied also in this university. Some other universities add the function of Manchester as a city mainstay for learning purposes.

Those are my reasons why I chose Manchester for my learning destination. They are Manchester is a metropolis city. My second reason is Manchester referred to as a football city. Furthermore, the third reason is the city of Manchester is cheap. My fourth reason is that Manchester is a city that is easily accessible. The last reason is Manchester can be termed as the Student City. I could share some interesting stories about my journey during my study in Manchester.