HOW TO USE A DICTIONARY By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo

HOW TO USE A DICTIONARY By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo

If you want to use a dictionary, you should know some ideas. For example:

  1. A dictionary will give the idea how to spell a word and its special plural form.
  2. It gives the idea, whether or not the word is capitalized or abbreviated.
  3. A dictionary will show you how to break the word into syllables.
  4. You can also know how to pronounce the word.
  5. A dictionary will give you the part of speech of a word.
  6. It also shows different meanings that the word has, as well as synonyms (same meaning) and antonyms (opposite meaning).
  7. In a dictionary, you can see a sentence or expression with the word used correctly.
  8. There are some meanings of important prefixes and suffixes.
  9. In a dictionary, you can find special uses of the word.
  10. Moreover, in some dictionaries, you can read the history of the word.
  11. You see also other words that are derived from the main word.


In special sections in some dictionaries you can also find:

  1. Foreign words and phrases;
  2. Abbreviations;
  3. Addresses of colleges or government offices; and
  4. The population of cities and countries.


If you implement the following ideas, you will save your time when you use a dictionary:

  1. Know and use proper alphabetical order;
  2. Use guide words to save time; and
  3. Check all abbreviations and symbols in the special sections


If at first you do not  succeed in finding the word, don’t give up. You might need to check several possible spellings before finding the word. You can substitute the meaning you find for the word in the sentence. Be sure you select the most appropriate meaning, not merely the first one you come to.

Moreover, you should try saying the word aloud after you look at the pronunciation key.

The idea of this paper was taken from The University of Alabama-Center for Academic Success

ADA TULISAN BAGUS – YUK MARI BERBAGI Oleh Ignatius Septo Pramesworo Semangat-Semangat-Semangat


Oleh Ignatius Septo Pramesworo



Semangat Indonesia Bersih teman-teman dan saudaraku, hari ini saya mendapatkan tulisan yang menurut saya bagus untuk dibaca. Tulisan ini dikirimkan melalui email dari Dr. Gatot Sutapa pada 8 Februari pukul 18:43 adalah ringkasan tulisan Robert J. Dickey yang mengajar di Kyongju University, Korea.


Tulisan ini mengenai Metode Penelitian untuk dosen dan guru terutama mereka yang berkecimpung di mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Teks ini memiliki sejumlah keunggulan dibandingkan buku lain yang lebih populer mengenai “penelitian”, dan teks ini dapat menjadi titik awal yang sangat berguna bagi mereka yang mempertimbangkan terlibat dalam sebuah proyek penelitian.


Ayo mari membaca. Semangat-semangat-Semangat


The demand for research


The past few years have seen an explosion in the number of demands placed on teachers of English. Standards of qualification and continuing professional development, involvement in materials development, and expectations of published research are pulling teachers in directions the “simple classroom teacher” may have never expected. This just to hold on to a job, let alone to climb the professional ladder!
Few teachers have been prepared to undertake research other than what might be required for their graduate school programs

While there are organized programs and professional societies to facilitate the education & training aspects of professional qualification, and an experienced teacher may be able to delve into their own “bag of tricks” in materials development, research support is harder to find.
Research methodology


Few teachers have been prepared to undertake research other than what might be required for their graduate school programs. Often these research projects have little applicability to the activities and interests of practicing teachers. Where to start? Which to do: applied research, action research, classroom (based) research, teacher research, experimental (clinical) research? Why? There is no consensus.
Jo and Steven McDonough provide a clear roadmap of options in their little publicized reference Research Methods for English Language Teachers. This text has a number of advantages over many of the more popular “teacher research” books, and is a very useful starting point for those considering engaging in a research project.
Action research?


Recent years have seen the growth in popularity of “action research” for English language teachers, yet there is considerable disagreement on the definition and essential elements within that form. The McDonoughs do not appear to prefer action research over other forms, but provide guidance and advice on the various choices a teacher must make. This is an important distinction from Anne Burns’ (1999) Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers, which is an excellent guide to conducting one form of action research.

As the McDonoughs observe, there is a danger of making a research paradigm so “alternative” that it becomes an “either /or” choice. While the context for this quote is that of teachers choosing not to consider the work of non-teacher researchers, this knife cuts both ways: teacher research that lacks the elements of generally accepted research practices may be discounted by those in authority (employers, journals, etc.). Action research is currently so broadly defined that it risks such polarization.

Types of research designs
It is impossible to count how many research designs are discussed in Research Designs for English Language Teachers, because the authors point out that lines are often quite fuzzy, and concepts overlap. Roughly the first 1/3 of the book is an introduction to research concepts, then eight chapters discuss the following areas: observation, diaries, numbers, experiments, asking questions, introspection, and cases. They note that they are “concerned primarily with the kinds of investigations that teachers can undertake as an integral part of their professional lives” (p. 103). They further observe that “it is not at all self-evident that the experiment method … is at all relevant” (p. 156).
Choices for this topic


In books of this nature, there is a balancing act to be performed. Graduate school courses may focus on statistical and research methods, and coursebooks are created to fill this need. We might call these “methods books.” Other books may serve more as an overview and inspiration to research. There are, of course, books that straddle this divide, to one side or the other.
Donald Freeman’s Doing Teacher Research is clearly an overview book, and quite nicely done in its way. Quite reader-friendly, and it provides numerous reader-study aids. It offers few tools for research, but is more of a “call to arms” for teachers to engage in research studies of whatever type. His book, like the McDonoughs’, does not incorporate “reflective teaching” as a research design. The McDonoughs’ chapter on introspective methods is oriented largely to recovering the thoughts of the learners.
Michael Wallace’s Action Research for Language Teachers provides far more detail in the “how to” aspects of conducting research, a step by step guide. I’ve noted elsewhere (2001) that it could be a “useful companion to a more traditional treatise in a Master’s course” and that “the detail in Wallace can be discouraging to a ‘cover to cover’ reader.” It’s an excellent desktop reference, and compliments this book rather than replacing it.
None of the books discussed here replace a good research methods course, and all novices in research should seek more experienced peers for suggestions and insights prior to delving deeply into a research project. Many of us are far from graduate school courses, however, and we must study as and when we can. As a general introduction to the issues of teacher research, Jo and Steven McDonough’s Research Methods for English Language Teachers is clearly a comprehensive and complete book designed for the practicing teacher of English.


Burns, A. (1999). Collaborative action research for English language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Dickey, R. (2001). Perspectives on Action Research. The PAC Journal, 1(1).
Freeman, D. (1998). Doing teacher research. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Wallace, M. (1998). Action research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


What is a Blog? History, Functions and How to Make a Blog By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo

What is a Blog? History, Functions and How to Make a Blog

By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo

What is a Blog? Blog is a Web application form. Basically Blog is a part of the web site which can be accessed online whose main function contains writings and drawings (contained in the post) on any web page.

Blogs are typically managed by a single user (others by several authors) made in accordance with the topics and goals of the user’s blog.

What is a function of a Blog?

Blog functions essentially as a media publication for channelling ideas or diary through writings that the fit in the post.

In the present development, the blog can be used to make money through ads that are installed on the blog. To be able to make money, certainly must have a blog visitor / visitor.

The History of Blog

Media Blog was first popularized by, owned by the company Pyra Labs promulgated in August 1999.

Because of this popularity, Pyra Labs was eventually acquired by Google in late 2002. Since then, there are many applications that is Open Source which is applied to the development of the author of the blog.

How to create a Blog

Here, there are some websites that you can use to start creating a Blog. Good luck. If you have problems, you can go to PTI Bureau in Unit V, 5th Floor.

  1. Start a Blog with WordPress

  1. From scratch, in 20 minutes, step-by-step.

  1. How to Start a Blog: 7 Simple Steps

Learn how to create a blog (step-by-step, with images) in 30 minutes.



BY Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


Occasionally someone said writing and its process were difficult. I, however, try, try, and try again to write, and the results, may be, are plain paper according to some people, but I have written some.

So let’s suppose to do good things for our own good, then we do not need to think of other people’s words. Yes, we should be able to look inside ourselves what we should do. One of the best things is Writing. We can share our feeling and expression through writing.

At this time, the month of January 2017 is one of the months when the campaign for the election of Governor of DKI Jakarta is held. I tried to write something that I think is interesting. I do not see my writing could be condemning or marginalizing certain potential governor mates, but I see my writing could be useful topic for myself to introspect. Indeed, this topic is relevant. I hope my ideas and example will be considered wisely and they could be feedback, not a thread.

Every person is created by God Almighty uniquely. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Each person has many negative sides and many positive aspects. Everyone has good characters and bad characters. He or she has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, everyone mysteriously has a conscience that always leads him or her to right paths, good ways, and right choices, which are based on his or her own deep hearts. Moreover, all these directions will lead him or her to become better and better in his or her life. It is the purpose of God Almighty to create religion for human being so that human being can be closer to God and his or her neighbors in a balanced way.

The idea of “Hypocrisy” itself is the nature of a person in which the person appears or presents himself or herself well to others and hide things that are bad.

The hypocrisy is so hated by God. Allah does not love those who are hypocrites. There are many Indonesian proverbs that signify this trait, for example: “a two-headed snake”, “duplicity” and “double face”. There are lots of ideas that illustrate hypocrisy that is so hated by everyone. A hypocrite character can be very dangerous because of its versatility to hide the truth. A hypocrite person has a very clever act and a sweet face, even he or she can be hostile to others especially to somebody that he or she wants to hurt.

There is a story about a best friend of mine who I think it is interesting to tell. My best friend meets me monthly but he often tells his heart to me. At this time in his company he holds a considerable important post. He has a qualified knowledge and experience background both in religion and in his scientific field.

Several times my best friend tells me that he likes to do injustice to his friends and subordinates. I do not know why!! He knows that his actions or his character is wrong. Most of people told him that they did not like with what he has done to them. Additionally his close friends and subordinates have suggested him not to do so. He however did it anyway. In front of people – his friends or subordinates, he often mentioned something good and nice. He told me about good things or what a good person has to conduct. While telling, he always smiled. His face showed that there was no problem during the conversation. Or there was no argument happened during the conversation and he may be disagrees with other people’s opinion.

In vice versa, every time we met, my best friend for sure is almost always talking about his injustices. He told it in different attitudes, sometimes he is sad, sometimes he seems to get angry, or even sometimes he is as satisfied. I was sad to hear it when every time he met me. Frankly I was initially shocked because injustice is categorically forbidden and prohibited within each religious teachings. My best friend is also aware that his injustice action is bad practice. He also told me that he always repented but he did it anyway. Once again I am confused.

Finally I tried and tried to read a few things one of which is hypocrisy. My best friend has absolutely performed hypocrisy. How would you feel if you are betrayed by someone else? Surely you will be in sadness, disappointment, indignation, anger mixed into one. Moreover, we are especially betrayed by our own friends. Therefore, we need to know the characteristics of hypocrites.

We can tell that someone has the hypocritical character of the signs that were taken or given by such person, namely:

  • if the person is hypocritical to speak, he or she would speak lies,
  • If the hypocrites promised, then such promises often he or she will break his or her promises, and
  • if we rely on the hypocrites, he or she would flip.

We can see the hypocrisy from its results. The nature of the hypocritical thing is expressed either to himself/herself or to others. Hypocrites bring negative consequences that are very dangerous, both for the perpetrator and for others. Among the negative consequences are as follows.

  1. Hypocritical behaviour is very harmful to others, both morally and materially.
  2. A person who acts hypocritically has hurt himself /herself. He/she will no longer be trusted because of his/her habit to lie, cheat and break a promise.
  3. Hypocritical behaviour can undermine social order for an individual mistrust to other individuals.
  4. God and any religion teachings do not like hypocritical behaviour.

As we remember the dangers and hypocritical nature, it is appropriate if we try to avoid this trait in everyday life.


Promotion is something that cannot be separated in the business. With the promotion, the products that we sell will become more popular in the eyes of potential consumers. Therefore, consumers can read and know our products through advertisements and brochures. Ads and brochures in various places make consumers recognize the products that we offer. But keep in mind, the promotion is not everything in a business, so we have to place the promotion funds as needed. In business, we will find other needs that we must fund. One way of doing promotion is to upload the products that we offer in social media.


By means of promoting products through online or social media, our products will be better known. Sale through online currently is intensively conducted by many companies. This online promotion can be done by individuals selling products, the company itself, or companies paying someone to do the promotion. Promotion through these online can be relatively inexpensive. Besides that, sale through online is very easy to operate.


There are several things that can be done if we are going to do online promotion:

  1. We create a website about the product,
  2. Menu navigation welcomes visitors to get our product because then consumers would be to visit our product web will be much greater,
  3. We may be able to ask the webmaster to increase consumer traffic to our site.




Last night I frankly could not sleep. I was confused because tomorrow is the day of the announcement of the students’ scores by online. So as a lecturer of English courses at PERBANAS Institute Jakarta, frankly I’m upset and sad. Out of four classes that I taught last semester, there were 7 students who did not pass in my courses. In that Odd Semester I was teaching a class Diploma in Accounting Taxation – English for Professional Purposes – 3 credits, 1 class in Diploma Finance Banking, that is English for Economics – 2 credits, a class in SI Accounting – 2 credits namely English for Economics, and SI Management, that is English for Professional Purposes – 2 credits. I was confused because I had tried to add the students score fairly. It was hard for me to know that 80% of the students’ English were under the English standard in Perbanas Institute. However, I had to be relieved 70% of them performed their homework. In addition, unfortunately there are still 7 students who do not pass.

There are several reasons that I could identify why the students did not perform well, such as:

  1. The students were absent for more than three times,
  2. The students often did not listen to the lecturer well,
  3. The students never asked if they did not understand,
  4. The students did the homework but they did not understand what they did,
  5. The students often used their cell phones secretly in the classroom (although it was not allowed),
  6. The student seems to give their attention in fact they did not focus on the explanation,
  7. The students did not make use of the consultation time,
  8. The students did not want to review their last lesson.

Finally I decided to give C- or D because I think I had performed tough for this Odd Semester 2016/2017. I surrendered to the circumstances, at last I slept.

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME FOR YOU TO WRITE? By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


Some people have been forcing themselves to have time for writing. I think if a person is used to have his own schedule for his activity he will then know his rhythm day by day. It is amazing, isn’t it? I think we should have our own time to write. It will be good if it can be a habit for us. We will be forced by ourselves to write. Yap, motivation is needed when we have to face something that we want to do or to get. Although it is something that you like, and especially the one that you do not like.


Good times for writing for me are in the hours, for example:

  • When I do not have a class to teach in the morning,
  • When I finish my class in the evening,
  • When I am in the weekend, and
  • When I wake up and, finish take a bath, and have my breakfast.

Ya, my time for writing is still for now and then, I have not specific time for writing.


However, I think all my writing activity can increase my energy and my motivation. I can share my emotion and problems through writing. Sometimes when I write my creativity comes continuously. I never think that my writing time is time consuming, because it really helps me,


Writing is like praying for me. If I do not pray in my day, I feel that there is something empty in me. I can even write in my late time, after all my daily activity is completed. May be while my neighbors are asleep I try to keep on writing.


Good luck. God bless us always.

WHAT DO I HAVE TO PERFORM WHEN I WRITE? By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


When I start writing simple thing, I must push myself that I write something unimportant. However, it seems unimportant but it may be difficult because when you write your mind goes around the world. No, your mind or my mind can go everywhere. Therefore I should focus on one thing. It is better because it helps me. I can be helped because my idea can be explained orderly.


Many people think, just because they’ve read a lot of writing-they sure write they can write an easy. May be this idea can be right for some people but for others this idea cannot be applied. The problem of writing is on you. If you have the idea and you do want to write. Let’s get a piece of paper, a laptop, or a computer to write. If you do not do that, your idea can go away and you will forget. Yah, the motivation and effort for writing are needed fully if you want to be a writer, at least memo writer.


As stated in my previous writings, there are many points to consider in starting a creative writing. The structure of the writing, the “spirit”, the groove, and the grammar are a set of components that cannot simply be obtained without the practice. You can read a lot of books, writing, or other reliable sources, but if you do not practice, your writing will not become better.


As a writer myself, I should be able to actively turn on my soul, thoughts, feelings, following the imagination and sensitivity in a variety of circumstances. Not only that, a writer must also have extensive knowledge and viewpoints. Yes, in the first time I should start to practice my skills by writing from the outset. Anything. I start from simple things. The topic can be in written form as simple as diaries, notes, blogs, poems, and so forth. Do it and make it a habit to write every day, though no more than ten minutes.


Sometimes I let my inspiration and imagination run wild. This is what makes a writer still “alive”. I think if I am short of ideas, I can look for inspiration by reading, going out, traveling, following community events, concerts, art exhibitions, anything! Do not forget I like eating. My ideas are related to the culinary places that I have ever visited. Yah I like eating. Do you want to treat me.


I have an experience that can be useful. When we have problems to formulate our ideas, we can outsmart by carrying pocket notes. Take note of it wherever we go. Make a note in there, everything that I think is interesting.

What’s that creative writing? How do I get started? By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo

What’s that creative writing? How do I get started?

By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


They have already been out in the world of authorship certainly familiar with this term. Not just giving information, creative writing process itself is intended to reveal the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the author in a way that is unique, imaginative, poetic even. Therefore, creative writing is more suitable for use in fiction short stories, novels, poetry, and nonfiction writing such a biography.


In the process, creative writing often become the scourge of many people. Writing for some people, as an scientific activity, is difficult, really. Moreover, but, if it is peformed in a leisure time, it should be coupled with creativity. However, when living, creative writing is a fun job. There is always a satisfaction that will come, when a finished article, and especially, if it is certainly appreciated by others. Then how to start a creative writing?


Exercise and Exercise


It seems that writing is a trivial activity but it is difficult when it is done. Many people think, just because they’ve read a lot of writing-they sure write just easy. If we read Denny Siregar’s writing, we are going to be amazed how and what article he writes.


We also must understand, there are many points to consider in starting a creative writing. The structure of the writing, “spirit” and a groove, The grammar is another point.  Grammar is a set of components that can not simply be obtained without the practice. You can read a lot of books, or a lot of writings from other reliable sources. But if you do not practice, your writing will not become better.


The author himself should be able to actively turn on the soul, thoughts, feelings, following the imagination and sensitivity in a variety of circumstances. Not only that, the writer must also have extensive knowledge, expereince and viewpoints. However, we should not discourage ourselves. Keep on writing. Begin to practice your skills by writing from the outset. Anything. Can be in written form as simple as diaries, comments, notes, blogs, poems, and so forth. Do it and make it a habit to write every day, though no more than ten minutes.


I have tried my own. I have been writing for tripadvisor club. You could see and understand how and why I write this idea. Can you imagine? I just write one paragraph and they (readers) or even the management of the restaurants will also give the comments. I am full of spirits because I KNOW that my writings are read and appreciated. Let’s write.


God bless us always.



By Ignatius Septo Pramesworo


As written in my previous articles related to not be afraid to write, you could read my simple articles. I say they are simple because they are only a less than 100 word paragraph. The main point of writing simple paragraph is you must do, you must practice, and you must exercise. I do not care about my writings. I do not care whether the sentences have typo mistakes, grammar and vocabulary problems. Or I do not think my problems related to the content. As I mentioned, I write when I want to write, and I finally I could push myself to write. Let’s write.


The ideas below are my simple creative and simple writings. I create , write and send my writings to tripadvisor. According to® is the world’s largest travel site**, enabling travelers to unleash the potential of every trip. TripAdvisor offers advice from millions of travelers and a wide variety of travel choices and planning features with seamless links to booking tools that check hundreds of websites to find the best hotel prices. TripAdvisor branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, reaching 390 million average monthly unique visitors*, and reached 435 million reviews and opinions covering 6.8 million accommodations, restaurants and attractions. The sites operate in 49 markets worldwide. TripAdvisor: Know better. Book better. Go better.

TripAdvisor, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRIP), through its subsidiaries, manages and operates websites under 24 other travel media brands:,,,,,, (including,,, and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and

*Source: TripAdvisor log files, average monthly unique visitors, Q3 2016

**Source: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, worldwide, July 2016

Septo, terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk menulis ulasan


Jutaan ulasan untuk membantu Anda

merencanakan dan memesan perjalanan impian

Terima kasih atas kontribusi terbaru Anda, Septo Pramesworo! Kami akan memberi tahu Anda setelah kontribusi tersebut dipublikasikan.

Come read what you wrote on TripAdvisor
Congratulations! Your review has just been published and travelers are already taking advantage of your insight. Have a look.
Surprise Surprise
Yesterday on Monday I was So Surprised with the idea of Satoo
Satoo has a crazy Monday. We got discount for eating at Satoo
Hopefully as the customer of Satoo I ws quite disappointed, Satoo never showed and published this excellent idea to its fanatic customers. Please Satoo, be friendlier and be more closer with your own customer. Inform us your attractive offer to us. Your beloved customers.

  • Mengunjungi pada April 2016

Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota TripAdvisor, bukan dari TripAdvisor LLC.

Lihat semua ulasan Anda

SLJDMM, General Manager di Satoo, merespons ulasan ini, Oktober 5, 2016

Dear Septo P,

Thank you your continuous support.
SATOO Crazy Monday is indeed one of our most popular program and we have previously communicate it through our social media.
Your feedback is valuable to us. Please be assured that your feedback has been shared with our Communications team for improvement in the future.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to follow our social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and also LINE messenger @shangrilaid to be updated with our latest programs.
We look forward to welcoming you back to SATOO in the future.

With Best Regards,

Juergen Doerr
General Manager

Laporkan tanggapan sebagai tidak patut

Tanggapan ini adalah opini subjektif dari perwakilan manajemen, bukan dari TripAdvisor LLC.

“Ta Wan Gandaria City Mall needs improvement in services”

Diulas 1 minggu yang lalu

I really love Ta Wan. At least I bring my family there twice in a month, whereas with my friend I eat there also once in a month. Ta Wan has been spread out all over my “places” and it usually connects with my life. Ha3x, a little bit lebay ya, but yes. Ta Wan in Gandaria City Mall is near with my sister’s house therefore we always eat there. We are 6 of us usually go there and order minimum 8 different kinds of food. Therefore I know mostly their food. Last Sunday, 11 December we went there unfortunately we ate there at there busy time, and we found the staff needed being helped and became slower. One of the food we ordered was seafood friend rice. It came the last and the condition was cold, so the taste was not so nice when it was hot. Ya, I think Ta Wan in every place, at the busy hour, needs improvement. Good luck Ta Wan.

Mengunjungi pada Desember 2016

Ulasan ini adalah opini subjektif dari anggota TripAdvisor, bukan dari TripAdvisor LLC.


Hai Septo
Berikut informasi terbaru bulanan Anda. Lihat pertambahan kontribusi Anda dan manfaatnya bagi wisatawan lain. Selain itu, dengan TripCollective, Anda dapat mengumpulkan poin untuk meraih tingkat baru sekaligus mendapatkan lencana!
penilaian bermanfaat
Poin total
Pembaca Anda berasal dari
  60% Indonesia  
  6% Malaysia  
  5% Singapura  
  28% negara lain  
Ulasan Anda yang terpopuler
“Jalan jalan ke Surabaya Fle…”
Pasar Loak di Jalan Surabaya
Diulas 26/8/2016



Selamat! Berikut yang baru saja Anda peroleh:

Master Restoran Level 4

Skor total Anda

1.560 poin

Pertahankan prestasi Anda

Hanya perlu 3 ulasan restoran untuk mendapatkan lencana Anda yang berikutnya: Master Restoran Level 5

Tambah Ulasan Baru

Selamat, Septo!
Anda masuk dalam 25% besar
Dengan 2.994 pembaca, Anda adalah salah satu pengulas terpopuler di Jakarta. Terus sampaikan opini Anda. Selain itu, setiap ulasan akan dihitung untuk meraih tingkat berikutnya di TripCollective, yakni program pengakuan kami untuk kontributor.